Take the battle away from your precious ship, or sabotage the vessels of your enemies stealthily. In your turn, youre able to mentally control the repeat to maneuver around 30 feet in any way (no action required). One of the challenges of being a Swashbuckler is trying to beef up your Charisma in addition to other Rogue stats like Dexterity. The beast subclass offers you a natural weapon in the form of a bite, claws, or a tail, while the Echo Knight allows you to make any attacks from an echo of yourself that you can move freely around the battlefield. If there is a Grave Cleric in the party, youre gonna have a good time. I was thinking whatever weapon I have could transform into a Crossbow or firearm so the echos could attack from a distance as well. This combination gives you interesting ways to boost your AC while feeding into the swashbuckling theme. Echo Knights may do far more than that, however. The battlefield commander! Your bonus actions can focus on the echo/teleports while your actions and reactions focus on doing or mitigating damage. . The Phantom Rogue doesnt need to use its bonus action all the time, so it can utilize the Planar Warrior damage. Transform into an indigenous beast to go incognito. Multiclassing This section briefly details some obvious and enticing multiclass options, but doesn't fully explore the broad range of multiclassing combinations. Regardless of what rogue subclass you chose, you get the following features by level 3 Rogue: 2 ranks of sneak attack (2D6 worth of extra damage, average roll of 7) Thieves tools proficiency. I recommend narrating your psionic abilities as originating from your own presence between worlds, like a constant state of twilight causing you to have unnatural abilities. Arcane Tricksters can then combo Devils Sight with the Shadow Monks Darkness spell. The Echo occupies space and will be precisely the same dimension as you so that it may supply you with half of the cover. Multiclassing, an optional rule in the Player's Handbook, allows players to pick levels in multiple different classes. One fun trick is to use Fast Hands to throw oil at an enemy as an improvised weapon, and oil will cause them to take +5 damage from fire damage. Fancy Footwork allows you to strike opponents and then move away for a melee kiting style. The Multiclassing Proficiencies table is on page 164 of the PHB (or page 54 of Eberron RftLW for Artificers). There is a unique synergy between Invoke Duplicity and Mage Hand Legerdemain that would allow a duplicate to appear real as it seems to pick up items and interact with objects. That's how you avoid feeling week at some levels. It would proc the reaction attack feature from sentinel though, if for some reason the enemy creature attacked the echo instead of your fighter. While a Token of the Departed trinket is on your person, youll have advantage on Constitution and death saving throws; these trinkets empower your Relentless Rage saving throws to keep you among the living. 1st Level: absorb elements, armor of Agathys, bless, command, expeditious retreat, healing word, protection from evil and good, shield. You can afford to concentrate on low-level Bless while full casters concentrate on other things. Hi JD,Wow, thank you for pointing that out. Im surprised you didnt write about the swashbuckler / college of swords Bard combo in this article. That means you may have it operate up, strike a beast, and run off outcome-free. This is especially powerful in games with many foes of the humanoid creature type since this character will have Dominate Person as one of its most powerful spells. Disengaging as a bonus action will allow a spellcaster to move away from a melee assailant, followed by an action to cast a spell. Echo Knight/Hunter multi-class strikes me as having more synergy, than a Rogue/Echo Knight combo. Its cool to imagine the Rogue going into a starry mode when investigating a scene, but it also helps with Insightful Fighting during combat. What are your favorite Rogue multiclassing options? I know this is true because Ive seen her create approximately six characters who were all variations of this concept. Youll also gain the medium armor and shield proficiencies to boost your AC. Echo knights are warriors of the Kryn Dynasty that use dunamancy to summon duplicates of themselves to fight with them on the battlefield. The Echo Knight 5e is the most recent fighter subclass. Top Five People Search Sites: A Complete Review, AssignmentCore: Pay Experts to Do Your Programming Homework, What to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyers Qualifications, Why is it important to monitor your blood pressure at home, Health implications when traveling abroad for the elderly, Considering an FLR? How is Spellcasting ability 5e dnd calculated. Web is an extremely potent crowd-control spell. Ill add it to the list. If you go with the six levels of Cleric, youll get Steps of Night to gain flight while in darkness. Why Do You Need Immediate Help with Sewer Leaks? Invest in a thirteen or fourteen for Dexterity so you can multiclass, but invest primarily in Strength and Constitution. In that case, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your repeat for 15 ft of your movement, irrespective of the distance between the both of you. At any time you choose the Attack actions, you can make one extra melee attack against the Echos place. Additionally, suppose you roll initiative and dont have any applications of your Unleash Incarnation feature abandoned. Suppose you take the Attack action. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Youre able to maintain this effect for as many as ten minutes, and you may end it at any given moment (requires no actions ). You can kite melee foes in this way, dashing about and even hiding with your Cunning Action bonus action. The Echo Knight 5e is the most recent fighter subclass. Polearm Master/ 5e Echo Knight interaction. Echo Knight has no synergy with Sentinel. That resembles the Misty Step/Familiar combo. So level mostly as an Echo Knight, and take 3-5 levels as a rogue. Rangers also do well when multiclassed with Rogues. Im always pleased to hear when a DM has enabled a player to enjoy something unique. So recently im gonna start playing my first dnd campaign and i was going to play a custom version of the Echo Knight which instead of being alternate timelines was instead a ghostly spirit that inhabits the body of the character and gives them the ability to create Echo's . A point of clarification. Hunters Mark will also be useful if youre tracking down someone you need to rob. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.. Cone of Cold 5e vs Fireball d&d | Which is a better spell? Which is too bad because thematically it seems really cool. Youll also be able to use a longbow since youll have martial weapon proficiency. Use any Sorcerer for this combination, but the Elemental Affinity of the Draconic Sorcerer made it stick out for fire damage. 4 Reply pastro243 1 yr. ago Thank you very much, I hadn't paid attention to the fact the bonus action attack had to follow a psychic blade attack. Thank you very much, I hadn't paid attention to the fact the bonus action attack had to follow a psychic blade attack. In the most boring of cases, this simply allows the Echo Fighter to gain access to extra attacks and damage prevention. How can scammers use your phone number to hack your Instagram? Youll receive two Eldritch Invocations, of which there are several that sound fun for a Rogue to use (depending on your campaign and playstyle). You can wield a finesse weapon while using your Strength. Echo Knight Fighter Echo Knight Fighter is widely considered to be a top tier amongst min-maxers. Since the attack is from the echo, i think i'll remain hidden,but the attack wouldn't have advantage. Unlike the enchanter, the Trickery Clerics abilities lend well to what Rogues like to do; they can buff Stealth rolls, create illusions of themselves, cast interesting spells that mislead and deceive, and deal extra poison damage. Echo Knight Subclass Summary The Echo Knight gets a huge amount of front-loaded features. Ahead of the attack roll is made. Like my prior suggestion with the Genie Warlock, this combination allows you to invisibly fly without spells or concentration to do so, using Steps of Night. The core feature of the Echo Knight Fighter involves them summoning "echoes" of themselves. Level 2: Cunning Action (bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide). Rogues benefit from spells like Fog Cloud (especially with the Blind Fighting Fighting Style), Silence, and Pass Without Trace. Youll need to remain close to the duplicate (120 feet) while remaining hidden and even closer to Mage Hand (30 feet). Once summoned, your replay merely must stay within 30 ft. of you, but it might proceed in some unexpected ways, not being bound by space or time. You gain additional spells with Wizard level that would normally take you much longer to learn as an Arcane Trickster. Enrich your Roguish spellcasting in a variety of ways. The Scout Rogue is particularly thematic for playing as an archer, and Rangers excel with the Crossbow Expert feat. First, Rogues dont need to invest in Dexterity. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Fighters make great Rogue multiclasses, and the Rune Knight Fighter has interesting features that complement the Mastermind Rogue. In that case, you recover one usage of the attribute. -at level 7. I imagine this like an exotic dancer who takes advantage of the one-on-one situations that can result afterward with interested parties. Required fields are marked *. Your Maneuvers can be used to react for Sneak Attack on other creatures turns, securing the coveted x2 Sneak Attack per round. Your enemy dashes 60ft, and is stil Continue Reading This site works best with JavaScript enabled. You may consider these. Bugbears add five feet to the reach of their melee attacks, which couples interestingly with the Cavaliers Hold the Line feature. For example, if you are a Cleric and want to multiclass as a Rogue, youll need a Wisdom score of 13 or higher and a Dexterity score of 13 or higher. Echo Knight 5e multiclass build & Polearm Master | Guide to Wildemount, Echo Knight 5e (Explorers Guide to Wildemount), The clever trick demands just a tiny bit of magic. Unleash Incarnation alone allows Barbarians to. I previously recommended this multiclass for the Arcane Trickster. Have your Echo be chance attacked and utilize the Sentinel response on your turn. This combinations build will depend on what youre prioritizing for features. Answer (1 of 24): The only one that's outright "No way, no how" is a mid-high sorcerer/warlock (sometimes known as a coffeelock) - but as a DM a sorcerer/paladin to give the paladin access to heavy armour, a shield, and the shield spell can be pretty obnoxious. Choose Pact of the Tome or Pact of the Chain, depending on your preference. I wanted to combine the fighter echo knight and the soulknife since it fits my setting and I've been thinking about ideas to make it work but I'm kinda confused on two things:- Progression: I've been thinking about starting rogue and then 4 lvls of fighter, and then going back to rogue at least until lvl 3 in which I get my subclass. To those experienced players or those who played echo knigjt what would you multiclass with? As soon as you use this attribute, you can not use it until you complete a rest, brief or long. I want to also premise with my disappointment (but agreement) that the combination of Bards Jack of All Trades and Rogues Reliable Talent features do not work together, so thats why I wont mention it further. Speaking of fun concepts, some of my recommendations made the cut mostly because they are thematically cool or unique to D&D. Booming Blade definitely wont rely on spellcasting ability scores. Your enchantment spells will have two targets instead of one, and targets are more likely to fail due to your ambush. However, I love the evocative nature of the Echo Knight and see a lot of builds where it would be a lot of fun to add. i'm hidden,but the echo is not, does the attack has advantage? You can Ready action Booming Blade for additional damage. The next section is for subclass-specific Rogue multiclass combinations. The Gloom Stalker can literally make this character invisible in the dark to creatures with darkvision, meaning you can perform heists with ease on monsters that would normally be deadly encounters. For starters, your Echo can not be targeted by spells that define their aim at a creature. Im analyzing the Rogue class as both core and secondary within a multiclass build. That said the Coffeelock is, if the. There is massive synergy with this combination. Flutes is a seasoned DM and improvisational performer. Echo Knights may do far more than that, however. This helps the Inquisitive Rogue to roll reliably for these few skill checks at far sooner levels than the Rogue with Reliable Talent. The teleportation and unorthodox angles of attack make it an awesome dip for any martial fighter. Barbarians are a staple, and for good reason. When you party hits level 13 you can round out your dex to 20 with your level 8 rogue feat. If multiclassing into rogue, one extra Rogue skill. Best I found was soul knife 3 - battle master fighter 3 - then go rogue the rest of the way. Since Rogues only need to make one attack per round, they can cast Booming Blade to deal extra damage in addition to Sneak Attack damage. In this period, youre deafened and blinded. Yes, they can. Is it Safe to Eat a Turkey Frozen For 2-3 Years? Continue with Recommended Cookies. We should make the most of those features, and the Glamour Bard has a unique way to do so. Regarding the Arcane Trickster and the Arcana Domain: booming blade is a melee attack, not a melee spell attack. While I cant point out every conceivable potent Rogue multiclassing combination, Ill provide some of my favorites to inspire you! Be more of a Swashbuckler in heart than a tinkerer. Not only is that equally amusing and cool, but it might help out melee fighters that are moving against flying enemies. According to RAW, it does not do the job, but you might speak with your DM and find out ways how they would like to manage it. It needs to be another allied creature. Nevertheless, Polearm Master has no interaction with your Echo. Bear in mind the Echo only must be within 15 feet of youso long as youre able to see the space. First time DnD player here, still learning..Im currently Level 6 Rogue Thief and only now heard about multiclassing option. Its some of the very flexible stuff I have seen in some time. Go to level three in Druid to gain the Druids level-two spells, especially Locate Object and Pass without Trace. Multiclassing can be useful for roleplaying, so do not make the mistake of thinking this guide is only for min-max-style playstyles. That is possibly six strikes in 1 turn. The Monster Hunter has Hunters Sense at level three to complement the investigative powers of the Inquisitive Rogue. With merely one level of Arcana Cleric, youll gain proficiency in medium armor and shields (a big boost to your defense), and youll choose two Wizard cantrips that become Cleric spells for you. This one was suggested on YouTube, and I thought it sounded like a fun, squirrely support caster. The greatest wars are won with mind games, and this character knows it. The assault happens right until the creature leaves you to achieve. The Riposte maneuver allows for an option to attack during an enemys turn with Sneak Attack damage during a round (in addition to Sneak Attack on your own turn). We are thinking about starting a new one after so I started thinking about possible builds and I came up with this idea. Sentinel would function, though. Youll disarm the foe of something important theyre holding, then quickly swipe it from the ground as a bonus action. Echo Knights split the game in many unexpected ways. You also get extra Expertise from three levels of Bard. I kinda picture this combination as Kabuto from Naruto, who could sever muscles and tendons without breaking the skin of his enemies. s a bonus action, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your echo at a cost of 15 feet of your movement, regardless of the distance between the two of you. You might be interested in martial weapons like heavy crossbows or longbows. You make the attack, not the echo. Spellcasters who need additional mobility with Cunning Action, and want to bolster their skill proficiencies with Expertise, will find a home with the Rogue. You may make one extra melee attack originating from the Echos position. You make this choice for each attack. On a particular turn, wherever your shadow is currently up, and you and also the Echo is alongside a creature, it is guaranteed youll have the ability to run away from it (the beast) without getting hit. Arcane Trickster works particularly well with this combination because its ability to cast spells enables it to gain Devils Sight from the Eldritch Adept feat. Awesome! Elemental Affinity will add your Charisma modifier to the damage once, potentially adding five fire damage. The echo is not a creature, it is not an ally. Guide to Optimized Multiclassing; Artificer Class Guide; Optimized Race and Lineage Guide . Use the Glamour Bards Enthralling Performance ability to gain peoples trust without drawing suspicion. Your darkness, an otherworldly soul is occupying your body, a picture of your idealized self, an imaginary friend you have had since youth, your deceased twin, the spirit of something you have killed and bound to induce to struggle for you. Youll gain Expertise in Athletics, so you successfully grapple with enemies reliably. The 8/12 split is great for getting essential class features and ASIs. You may love the wide range of ways in which you can taste the Echo Knight's Echo. However, what they lack spellcasting, they make up for with shenanigans. He brings fresh perspectives on game mechanics, group dynamics, and roleplaying insights for all TTRPG enthusiasts. Soul Knife generation if you have two free hands doesn't permit extra attack; you'd need to do something like thrown weapon fighting style for your second main attack to draw and hurl darts or dagger or something. Then get fighter to 6-8. The limit to demanding its just a space you can see within 15 ft of you. Level 1: Expertise with two skills to double proficiency bonus, 1d6 Sneak Attack, and the Thieves Cant code language. When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echo's space. I love your idea for Soulknife Rogue (14) / Genie Warlock (6) but when would you make the level switches. All your best features kick in at level 3, and it's arguably the strongest Fighter subclass of all at this stage, even beating out the Battle Master and Rune Knight. You can use a shield and heavy armor, so what about the usual off-hand attack as a bonus action? This character is dangerous to approach, punishing enemies who dare to duel. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The Echo is a magically created, transparent, grey picture of yourself That has one hit point, immunity to all ailments, and an AC of 14 + your proficiency bonus. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. For cantrips, I recommend at least choosing Booming Blade. One level of Twilight Cleric gets you so much, and I believe the theme fits well with these two subclasses. Rogue Echo Knight Giant in the Playground Forum Gaming Roleplaying Games D&D 5e/Next Rogue Echo Knight If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Like my enchanter combination above, this combination utilizes Magical Ambush to capitalize on powerful debuff spells like Dominate Person or Polymorph (and Modify Memory for the especially creative folks out there). When I play a Thief, I want my presence to be completely hidden. Wizards and Sorcerers are most likely to make this dip into Rogue. Particularly, getting an Echo Knight subclass for this Multiclass allows Barbarians to diversify the way they approach their melee attacks. Hi Michael,Im pleased to hear that the combination is intriguing!Since the combination doesnt come together until level 19, its not a huge deal to consider level progression. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Youre not the Echo. You effectively reduce incoming damage from one attack per round by 75%. Take a third Cleric level for second-level spells like Enhance Ability, Silence, Augury, and Find Traps. Ahead of the attack roll is made. I hear some say hexblade, some say paladin, and some say something else. Its possible to earn an opportunity to attack every time a hostile creature, you can observe moves from your reach. Does this qualify for sneak attack damage because I count my real body as a Ally? A good assassin will find a way to invest in Charisma for social skill checks, but it gets crowded sharing stats with Dexterity and Constitution. Thanks to your Barbarian levels, youll be able to Rage to resist damage. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); $MMT=window.$MMT||{};$MMT.cmd=$MMT.cmd||[];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){$MMT.display.slots.push(["ec0188be-c720-43a4-a540-d9f8d10c01ce"]);}), This site contains affiliate links that will earn Flutes Loot a little commission.2020, Flutes Loot is unofficial Fan Content permitted under theFan Content Policyand is not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Magic Initiate would be great for getting the Shield spell, especially if your DM will allow you to treat it like most feats these days and actually add it to your spells known so you can cast it more than once. 8 levels in Trickster, 1 in the Beast Master, and the DM made sure you can get your archetype at level 1. The strike roll whichtriggeredthe answer is instead made against your Echo for 5e Knight. The thing is I don't want to feel very weak compared to other players at some levels. Expertise will allow you to be a grappling master by picking Athletics; while Raging, youll have advantage on Strength checks like a grapple, add double your proficiency bonus to the roll, and your minimum dice roll will be a ten once you get Reliable Talent. The Rangers spell list aint bad either for heist purposes, such as Longstrider, Fog Cloud, Jump, Detect Magic, and Alarm. Echo Knight is so good that it can multiclass into anything and still be good. Im looking at the Rogue/Bard option because it sounds fun, but I think Rogue/Ranger may be better for my character. The melee attack of Booming Blade will not rely on a high Wisdom stat. You are a master duelist and showman; youre used to wrestling with mighty beasts and playing hide and seek with agile creatures of the wilderness. Unleash Incarnation You can heighten your echo's fury. In that case, any assault you create with that activity can arise from the distance or the echos space. Beginning at the 10th level, you can create your echo throw in front of an assault directed at another creature you can see. You are the one attacking, you can simply choose to attack from your echo's location. You create an echo, move it 30ft away in the opposite direction, and shoot your enemy with your action. You may love the wide range of ways in which you can taste the Echo Knights Echo. To really milk this multiclass, a player should focus on high Dexterity and Charisma, even though Artificers shine with Intelligence. Fighter Rogue Multiclass - Ultimate Guide for Dungeons & Dragons SkullSplitter Dice 15.9K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K 34K views 10 months ago D&D 5e Classes Check out the full Fighter Rogue. I summond my echo knight at a visible place and make an attack. I imagine this character narratively pulling an enemys hat over their eyes to gain Sneak Attack. Bladesinger also allows you to focus more on your Intelligence if you wish. In that case, you can see through these to have the ability to muster your Echo. Say I play an echo knight who has multiclassed levels in rogue and I already have my echo activated. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Suppose you choose the Attack activity in your turn. Your echo is not a separate entity. Spellcasters may also enjoy the added mobility, though they may want to focus on spells to gain escape and mobility options. Six levels of Bladesinger get you Extra Attack with a cantrip option, meaning you can cast Booming Blade for one of your attacks. the answer is instead made against your Echo for 5e Knight. The Ranger spell list packs many spells that can benefit a Rogue and their party. . Ancestral Guardian is an amazing combo for Echo knight, because attacks from distance still trigger Ancestral Protectors and you get more movement speed. Listed below are a couple of tricks up their sleeves. Probably not. You can also bolster your defenses in a pinch. They use infusions to supplement this as much as possible, which unlocks some incredible potential. StarCreator101. Your Echo does not alter your reach. Everything comes down to a few details that fly beneath the radar. It allows your character to add its Wisdom modifier to Charisma skill checks and gain proficiency in one social skill. To concentrate on other creatures turns, securing the coveted x2 Sneak attack per round to. Creature, it is not an ally interaction with your level 8 feat... An Echo Knight subclass Summary the Echo only must be within 15 ft of.! Echo activated can Ready action Booming Blade will not rely on spellcasting ability scores, move it 30ft in. Rogue multiclass combinations definitely wont rely on spellcasting ability scores bonus, 1d6 Sneak attack and... With Wizard level that would normally take you much longer to learn as an archer, and I it. 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