2002: While residing in Seattle penthouses with Krystle Cole, Skinner impersonates Gordon Skinner, a British physician of a similar name who does AIDS research. May 14-16, 2000: Paris Casino Director of Cage Operations Dave Ellis files Suspicious Activity Report on Gunnar Guinan. designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated If youre interested read below what happened, theres a long thread on the shroomery about her and Brandon proves its genuinely him with photo ID and images of himself. I've been on YouTube since 2007. The MDMA is discarded. July, 2002: During the Skinner's Seattle period at the Metropolitan Towers. Skinner prevaricates about the concealed LSD precursor for months, then finally provides most (but not all) of the LSD precursor to federal agents in Oakland, California on January 22, 2001. early 2001: Skinner is granted immunity by the Kansas City USAO as the informant in United States v. Ryan Overton. January 3, 1985: Skinner begins trading with a $5,000 deposit to FOG. I guess perhaps Skinner maybe got her off the hook with his testimony. March, 2004: Skinner convicted in Nevada for MDMA possession with intent to distribute. Skinner states that he and his stepfather Agent Magrini were both flown to the Merit trial by the government. August, 2000: Gordon Todd Skinner absconds with stereo equipment valued at $150,000, which had been on consignment to Skinner from Audio F/X of Sacramento, California and which Skinner had refused to pay for or return. April, 1998: Skinner appears again in San Francisco and overdoses on alleged 2-CB his 17-year-old Kansas girlfriend, then a freshman at UC Berkeley, and another couple at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. subjected to a deep cut into his penis with a knife or razor blade. 9. Ryan Overton puts Krystle Cole and Shanna Everhart in the Holodome/Fairmont Hotel, and goes to Hurricane Club, where bouncers tell Ryan that DEA agents came to the club looking for Ryan. 1991: In Merit trial, Skinner testifies against Merit, and talks extensively about several other cases in which he cooperated and received benefits. You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. Gervat's father states that the pills were obtained from mail he took from Overton's business. July 31, 2003: DEA again interviews Skinner's accomplice William Hauck. Krystle Cole was a exotic dancer (I have talked with a few in my life and they even said that she was in it for the money and to get high. on the case had me come into his office to discuss the court case. And above all else, I had no idea such evil, like Krystal, even existedIn contrast with the way I feel Krystal was portrayed throughout the court process, I want the court to know that Krystal was a strong willed, intelligent woman with full control of her emotions and psychological abilities. Just as her predecessor/husband, each time she slides through the court system successfully, she will become more brazen and more confident." Skinner signs lease using his father's identity and references (Gordon H. Skinner, a Tulsa chiropractor). Krystle explains her involvement with Gordon Todd Skinner and William Leonard Pickard, the infamous LSD chemists who operated their lab in an underground missile silo in Kansas. In my humble opinion, Krystal's involvement was greatly played down throughout the court proceedings. Quick Facts and Information on Krystle Cole READ ALSO: Jay Fizzle Age, Birthday, Net Worth, Songs, Shot, Hometown, Twitter, Instagram, Wiki, Bio Full copy of motion is requested and received from Skinner's attorney Kevin Adams. 3.kicked in the groin until he blacked out. Fuck you Cole, everyone in the Psychedelic community knows youre a sociopath who should be in prison. A request for immunity for Cole is denied by the prosecutor, who described Cole as not credible (but see Cole's use an a credible government witness in State v. Skinner, 2003). When Krystal's pre-memorized story about her involvement with (Skinner) was regurgitated by (attorney) David Robertson, my stomach dropped and I felt faint: 'She was just a girl who got caught up in (Skinner's) manipulation and mind control' (italicized in the original)." Cole and Green previously had initiated the DEA investigation on Skinner on June 12, 2003. September 3, 2000: Paris Casino computer logs show that files were retrieved on Skinner on this date concerning his February-July, 2000 laundering activity. (This information is concealed from defense and jury in 2003 Kansas LSD trial, with agents testifying there "was no previous investigation of Skinner." Fox Art Print on PAPER or CANVAS. 8.tied around the testicles and/or penis with a telephone cord and suspended from a bed. August 7, 2000: Skinner instructs Krystle Cole, Shanna Everhart, and Ryan Overton to drive back to Kansas City. After jury trial in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bacardi Capital was awarded $4,500,000 in damages against Skinner, FINEX, and Skinner's mother Katherine Magrini for financial fraud. July 27, 2003: DEA surveillance of cooperative SOI meeting with Skinner and Skinner's cousin, Michael Sean Chasteen. Life can get bleak, as I find myself feeling like the woman in Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth. 1. his aliases (Merit trans., p. 75, ln 15-24); 2. aliases in Arizona (p. 76, ln 15-16); 3. aliases in Oklahoma (p. 76, ln 18); 4. aliases in New Jersey (p. 76, ln 19-20); 5. the frequency of his travel to New Jersey (p. 85, ln 3-9); 6. his associates in New Jersey (p. 85, ln 17-18); 7. the profits from his criminal activities being used for bond (p. 88, ln 6); 8. the origin of funds for the property being posting for bond (p. 88, ln 7-9); 9. the origins of $50,000 (p. 88, ln 11); 10. his other premises (p. 96, ln 9-10); 11. his ownership of property (p. 96, ln 11-19); 12. his rental of property (p. 96, ln 19); 13. his residence in Tulsa (p. 97, ln 8-10); 14. his alleged residence in London (p. 141, ln 15-17) or the Caribbean (p. 142, ln 5-6); 15. his profession from 1985 through 1988 (p. 142, ln 15-21); 16. the names of his companies (p. 143, ln 10-21); 17. whether his companies were in the United States (p. 143, ln 24-25); 18. whether his companies were not in the United States (p. 144, ln 1-2); 19. the kinds of companies he owned (p. 144, ln 3-4); 20. the names of other companies (p. 144, ln 1-2); 21. where the companies were located (p. 145, ln 3-4); whether they were in Tulsa (p. 144, ln 5-6); 23. names of the Tulsa companies and his partners (p. 147, ln 308); 24. May 24, 1984: In Merit, Skinner states he first met Merit on this date after being called by a friend and "asked to see some people" (trans. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. p. 84). She should be locked away after what that poor kid went through. November, 2001: Ryan Overton arrested for 600 doses of MDMA ("offense concluded in September, 2001"). April 4, 2007: Krystle Cole's Pre-Sentence Investigation Report also cites torture victim Brandon Green as reporting a collapsed lung, damage to the left side of his body, sexual dysfunction, severe memory loss (click here for Report p. 5-8). Picard they originally snitched on was the worlds largest and ethical Psychedelic/LSD manufacturer. Do not support her. Skinner stated he was introduced by Scott Schuber, an earlier acquaintance, while Tom Leding was present (trans. Synopsis I beg the courts to be harsh on Krystal and charge her with the maximum penalty available. Count 1 is the June 1984 call by Merit to Skinner. Listed on Dec 28, 2022. May 5, 2000: DEA report about "Operation Flashback re: LSD lab in missile silo" (DEA-6 Report of Investigation on a third party: obtained by defense after Kansas LSD trial). You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Green is repeatedly injected by Skinner with unknown substances (compare manslaughter of Paul Hulebak, above). license except where otherwise noted. "I was kidnapped in July, 2003, and today in almost February, 2007. August 28, 1993: Skinner testifies as the informant in United States v. E Lavay McKinley, 58 F.3d 147 (10th Cir. The link is here: Neurosoup / Krystle Cole and Brandon Green torture why is Krystle not in jail? After more than two years, the woman was arrested and convicted for an apparent Ponzi scheme. Your email address will not be published. May 16, 2000: Paris Casino Director of Cage Operations Dave Ellis circulates a Memorandum to all cage employees stating that Gordon Todd Skinner, Katherine Magrini, and others are suspected of being "gaming agents" conducting unusual transactions and advising employees to watch them carefully. DEA is notified by Pottawatomie Detective Shawn Rolph [NB: Agents at 2003 LSD trial testified "no action" was taken, the report was "not credible," and Skinner "was never under investigation prior to October, 2000."]. I know thats his main objective. She has the propensity to kill and is arrogant enough to follow through with it. program Former goth stripper Krystle Cole's extraordinary survival story is presented in this 2012 episode of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia, called " Underground LSD Palace ." After living in a fancy. June 8, 1984: Gordon Todd Skinner established as an informant for the FBI Oklahoma City field office. Not to mention her role in the largest LSD bust in history, turns out this is the least of her crimes. Summer, 1997: Skinner begins relationship with 17-year-old Kansas girl residing near missile base. The truth should be known. sites. 1995-1996: The John Worthy case is reversed by New Jersey Supreme Court due to illegal recording of Worthy in New Jersey by Skinner in Oklahoma. The Porsche's title is placed under the spurious "Wamego Land Trust" that Skinner utilizes to conceal his ownership of vehicles and other property. Look at her shroomery ratings: Viewing KrystleColes Ratings Shroomery Message Board. 1991: "Three or four months" before Merit trial, Skinner's stepfather Gary Magrini, an IRS agent then assigned to DEA, retires from IRS at 50 years of age. December, 1989: Gordon Todd Skinner is released from Gloucester County Jail after 11 months in order to cooperate against John Worthy in a New Jersey state case, and against others in an unknown federal case [NB: In the 2003 Kansas trial, Skinner testified that he worked as an informant in Florida from 1989 through 1992, "identifying communications systems for narco-terrorist operations," then changed the years to "'90, '91, '92."]. July, 2002: Charges filed by Pottawatomie County (Kansas) police against Skinner for theft of $150,000 stereo. It kills me to think that Krystal could be released from probation in half the amount of time that I have been suffering. Krystal A. Cole-Skinner encouraged and enjoyed the physical, sexual and emotional torture inflicted against my will, for numerous days. August, 1988: Skinner stated on this date he was in Jamaica with Dutch national. Now that she's free from her captors, Krystal is an artist and writer who shares her experiences in books and online. Gordon Henry Skinner pleads to no contest to punching Castellano on December 11, 2002 and to another count of domestic assault and battery. pp. All of Skinner's allegations are fictitious. She is young, evil and enthusiastic. Cole also testified in State v. Skinner in 2006 that she daily reviewed court transcripts of testimony in the 2003 LSD trial provided by DEA Agent Karl Nichols while residing with Skinner during trial). In this episode from the show's third season, psychedelic researcher READ THE REST, The walls of Mark Mccloud's San Francisco home are covered in LSD blotter art. subjected to bleach being poured over his groin area. Question from Pre-Trial Investigator: Do you believe the Defendant is a serious threat to the community? Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Raymond Burr Bio, Age,Movies,Radio,Television,Brother,Partner,Net Worth. Guess he enjoyed chemistry and experimentation. July 8, 2003: DEA interview of 17-year-old Betty Stetler concerning Skinner's drug distribution to Stetler and others, and Wright's overdose and emergency room admission. Disposition of funds remains unknown. August 25, 2000: Gordon Todd Skinner is sentenced for impersonating a federal agent at Harrah's Mayetta, Kansas casino. "After my body was dumped, (Skinner) and (Cole) returned home and proceeded to contact several of my former friends and associates. The psychedelic torture Krystal endured during captivity is unimaginable. Skinner and his stepfather - an IRS agent assigned to DEA - both travel to Tracon site (the second trip by Skinner, this time as FBI informant). Kendall is removed from the missile base property by Skinner and agents, then agents conduct the walk-through and observe chemicals in plain sight. I would be too scared not to incarcerate Krystal A. Cole-Skinner. April 1, 1985: Gordon Todd Skinner is interviewed by Tulsa World newspaper, fraudulently describing himself as holding a seat on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, acting as a "market-maker" for a brokerage house, and as founder of FINEX, a successful currency trading firm. July 1, 2003: SOI further describes Skinner's MDMA laboratory. 2002: Skinner rents a series of penthouses at the Metropolitan Towers in Seattle for $5,000 each per month. October 12, 2000: "First" preliminary immunity granted by DOJ. My . April 4, 2007: Krystle Coles Pre-Sentence Investigation Report also cites torture victim Brandon Green as reporting a collapsed lung, damage to the left side of his body, sexual dysfunction, severe memory loss (click here for Report p. 5-8). She had told the landlord that her and I (sic) were about to go to California to take care of her dying father. I dont like to condemn people because I have been for things I havent done before but this is pretty blatantly true, I dont see how this guy lying could benefit. 1995: After a reversal and retrial, LaVay McKinley appeals his conviction a second time. Magrini settles her portion of the suit, agreeing to pay $100,000 in damages. September 9, 1997: Skinner provides blotter LSD to babysitter, who reports Skinner to Potawatomie County Sheriff's Office and provides sample. of precursor seized. 2002: Skinner's attorney, Thomas Haney, sues Skinner for $175,000 in overdue legal fees and $200,000 in damages from Haney's injury at missile base in July, 2000. Artist at Krystle Cole Fine Art. 4.forced to drink an unknown substance and was also forced to swallow some form of parasitic eggs. 5.not given any food and very little fluids during his captivity. August 6, 1985: Judgment is entered against Skinner, his mother Katherine Magrini, and FINEX for common law fraud in civil proceedings in federal court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Skinner's involvement in these cases is suppressed by the government in the 2003 LSD trial. Skinner also testifies that he cooperated with "multiple federal agencies" on a case involving "money laundering" and that he was contacted by a "federal law enforcement agency" while in Gloucester County Jail about another unspecified investigation. April 12, 2000: Skinner is indicted for Harrah's incident upon investigation by Secret Service, with AUSA Gregory Hough as prosecutor in Topeka, Kansas (the same prosecutor as in the 2003 LSD trial). July 11, 2003: DEA interview of Laura Ball and Dena Dobbs, who brought in Kristi Roberts to DEA. Yeah you cant help but be suspicious when she talks about Todd and what Todd did to Leonard was unreal. 2001: Civil damages of $150,000 are awarded by a Kansas state court to Audio F/X due to default by Skinner in not responding to suit over Skinner theft of stereo of same value. "Yes, very much so. I had a boyish optimism about life. Spillman (his high school teacher), and Wendy Aiken (his girlfriend). October, 1989: Abello-Silva extradited from Colombia, with substantial pre-trial publicity in the Tulsa World, and "every juror" having heard of the case. The kind that can't be washed off even fresh out of the shower, filmy bitch, nasty, stinky looking, gross. Cole also states Skinner had an MDMA laboratory in "Building 3" of Skinner's mother's small business Gardner Springs, Inc. Green stated he distributed drugs for Skinner. Im not dumb. July, 2001: In a letter to DEA provided to the defense in the 2003 LSD trial, Nevada Gaming Control Board agent Rachel Martines disclosed her possession of letters from DOJ describing Skinner's activity as an informant. Krystal A. Cole-Skinner handed me over to complete evil. (while in jail)(Id. August 9, 2005: Skinner's motion asserting immunity is denied. p. 38) and has been cooperating with a federal agency for "a few months" prior to the Merit trial (Id. Service, a Creative Commons Krystle Cole YouTuber & Animal Artist 10.). I pray earnestly that she gets both." I have no clue how she got off but in my mind she was guilty as sin. p. 111). October 31, 2000: Covert entry warrant served at base, and samples removed from liquids in containers. Video of Seattle proceeding not permitted to be shown to jury in the 2003 LSD trial. July 10, 2003 (approx. September 3, 2000: Rector Porsche of San Francisco, from which Skinner purchased a C-4 Porsche Boxster by defrauding an individual of $80,000 and providing the individual with a counterfeit check, faxes the individual a copy of Skinner's account. Skinner deceives FOG by stating he will cover the margin requirements with a "half-million in Treasury bills and/or post a letter of credit from Barclays Bank." Join Facebook to connect with Krystle Cole and others you may know. Just as her predecessor/husband, each time she slides through the court system successfully, she will become more brazen and more confident. (See Report, p. 10-11, and see January 5, 2011 indictment of Krystal Coles advertisers in State v. Sloan, below.). Yeah it was shit. and folk wonder why united nations still think drugs should still be illegal, and more importantly why most of the general public, who do not take drugs still think drug users are dangerous/bad people, or using drugs makes good people bad people even if this is wholly untrue (in my experience people do do crime / are violent bullies have done things like that since childhood and would do that whether or not they take drugs). March 28, 1985: Skinner, now representing himself as CEO of "FINEX" and principle of Gardner Industries, Inc., tells FOG that he will meet the margin call instead by means of a commission from "Kaiser Steel" or from a "million dollar consulting fee" from "Mr. Warren" or by selling assets in a London Currency exchange. November 4-5, 2000: Defendants in LSD trial enter premises, discard containers, and load empty containers and sealed tubs on truck for disposal. sales Skinner stated to the Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office detectives that Hulebak overdosed on narcotics and was taken immediately to the adjacent Wamego, Kansas emergency facility. Question from Pre-Trial Investigator: What type of punishment, in your opinion, so you feel is necessary for the Defendant to receive? Summer, 1997: Skinner provides an individual with a near-lethal overdose of fentanyl at the missile base. DEA begins cross-file on Skinner (a new investigation). 1992: Skinner places multiple recorded controlled calls to McKinley from the Tulsa FBI office. November 6, 1984: Gordon Todd Skinner opens foreign currency options trading account at Financial Operations Group (FOG) in Philadelphia, by fictitiously convincing FOG that he was an active trader and managed a large inheritance. Phone Number: (646) 327-**** Krystle M Cole, age 29 View Full Report Address:***** Ravenswood Rd, Hampstead, NC. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Yeah she posted there a bit but was not welcome. Theres a massively long article on the trial somehwere that I read and just reading what was said in Court about what happened to Brando is horrific. May 31, 1984: Sam Merit places call to Skinner in Oklahoma "for the purpose of executing his scheme to defraud" (Id. Krystle is 38 years of age as of July 2020 and soon will be celebrating her 39th birthday this coming September. See also herein a Timeline on Krystal Ann Cole, also known as Krystle Ann Cole, K.A. She always said, the two worst things that can happen to her are spending time in jail and./or getting a felony conviction. Within the report, kidnapping and torture victim Brandon Green states (Report, p. 4) that after kidnapping by Skinner and Krystal Cole, he was: 1.injected with unknown chemicals and drugs in his penis, testicles, back, arms and legs. July, 1996: Gordon Todd Skinner acquires a decomissioned former Atlas-E missile base in Wamego, Kansas from Richard Dawson of Wichita, Kansas for $40,000 down, paid by Skinner in Traveler's checks. . Skinner repeatedly visits Kansas. In sick twist of humor, Krystal wore the same prayer robe I helped design to perform seances over my body while I was being tortured. Skinner eventually states, "They contacted me." If you ever see this bitch online know she is evil as fuck, if youve seen the documentary you can find Brandons reply after seeing it, its very Christian based but you get the idea: I just watched Krystle & Hamiltons Vice youtube video Underground LSD Palace for the first time ever and Im freakin speechless!!! Taylor Zakhar Perez Age, Birthday, Parents, Height, Net Worth, Siblings, Girlfriend, Wiki, Lloyd Marcus Wife, Age, Cause of Death, Children, Net Worth, Wiki, Bio 2020. I've been on YouTube since 2007. June 28, 2003: Skinner overdoses teenager Chris Wright of the AmerSuites Hotel in Tulsa. Truly! and like the poor victim said he got more parole time for having some Opiate pills on him when he was at school. When Krystals pre-memorized story about her involvement with (Skinner) was regurgitated by (attorney) David Robertson, my stomach dropped and I felt faint: She was just a girl who got caught up in (Skinners) manipulation and mind control (italicized in the original). (See Report, p. When I reach 25 patrons, I will hold a monthly giveaway for an 8x10" art print! July 18, 1992: Skinner marries Kelly Rothe (Rothe divorced Skinner in 1996). This Gicle Prints item is sold by KrystleColeFineArt. The "day after dinner" Skinner alleged he had another conversation with Merit, then called Tulsa FBI Agent Thomas McLean "because of inconsistencies in the data.". October, 1992: FBI videotapes McKinley in Bahamas, using FBI agent posing as Colombian cartel accountant. Additional comments by torture victim Brandon Green in the Pre-Trial Investigation Report on Krystal Cole: People are creatures of habit. You dont deserve any of what you have right now and you do not represent anything but evil, fuck your shitty psychedelic videos online. Two weeks prior to my kidnapping Krystal had spent a lot of time and energy in the search for an anointed person to create her a pure white prayer robe that was designated for a special occasion. Krystle Cole Wiki: Age, Family, Career. Matters relating to Skinner's criminal activity that Skinner refused to describe to the jury - and occurring during the period he also acted as an informant for federal agencies - include but are not limited to: The Pub Shroomery Message Board, Viewing KrystleColes Ratings Shroomery Message Board. July 8, 2003: Skinner and attorney H.I. Green later crawls to freeway, and attracts highway patrol. Off but in my humble opinion, so you feel is necessary the... With Krystle Cole, K.A shown to jury in the 2003 LSD trial me. )! Wendy Aiken ( his girlfriend ) chemicals in plain sight bleach being poured over his area! Who reports Skinner to Potawatomie County Sheriff 's office and provides sample Todd Skinner established as an for... Per month cooperative SOI meeting with Skinner and attorney H.I torture inflicted against my will, for numerous.... Away after what that poor kid went through experiencing a small sample of what the has... 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Youngest Partner Slaughter And May, Articles K