A good place for students to begin their research process is the college's library and database archive. The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on climate change. The most likely reason Jimmy Cross burns Martha's letters is that ________. The family has taken in three lodgers who ________. Which sentence seems most true about the nature of Sula and Nel's situation? Which is the better thesis statement? Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: At the same time, she develops a rich irony by juxtaposing heroic expectations with mundane reality. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Hematologic or Immunologic Dysfunction (Exam, Week 5: Depressive Disorders CHP 25, Cognitiv, NURSING CARE OF CLIENTS WITH DISORDERS RELATE. Once leakage of methane (CH4) from natural gas is taken into account, he says, there is "no net effect on our total . It also helped translate McKibbens radical position into new issues like stranded assets and unburnable carbon, the idea that existing fossil fuel resources should remain in the ground. Bright colors figure individuality, often distinguishing those who are marginalized by society. Pay close attention to punctuation. Whereas Nel has to distance herself from her mother to gain her identity, the Peace women must find ways to connect with one another. This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship, Associate Lecturer, Creative Writing and Literature. Rural Wiltshire doesn't offer much in the way of entertainment for children. For decades this humane journalist-activist has been warning that our high-technology, high-consumption ways are harming nature and. Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. --IPCC, "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C," p. 4 To prevent extinctions in the future, it's not enough to curb our carbon emissions. Other mothers who defended their children from Sula's malevolence (or who had defended their positions as mothers from Sula's scorn for the role) now had nothing to rub up against. The publication of this new 10th . In addition to looking at the formal elements in a literary text, writers might also look at (choose all that apply): (1) the philosophies that the work addresses (2) the work's cultural context. McKibben argues forcefully for a "World War III" type of societal and economic mobilization that would involve a massive transformation of our energy economy, with clear winners and losers. (2) The soldiers are often high. But the larger and healthier and more diverse our bird populations are, the greater the chances that many species will survive, even thrive. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Match the character (in the novel: Sula) with the respective role they play in the novel. (2) What are the effects on respiratory illness due to climate change in South Florida? We are able to see how Eva has shaped Hannah and how Hannah, in turn, has shaped Sula. For that reason, she felt no compulsion to verify herself--be consistent within herself. The iconic opening sentence of this novella finds the main character, upon awakening one morning, transformed into ________. . Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? How do the teenage girls dress when they go out together? By being addressed in these financial publications, the carriers of the message shifted from grassroots activists to investors, insurance companies and even the Governor of the Bank of England. Gardner writes, "As a teacher I want my students to read and write; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments" (23). March 1, 2023. Its "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C" explains, "Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8C to 1.2C" (IPCC, 2018, p.4). This means that policies such as cap and trade, energy research subsidies, and reduction of power plant emissions should be implemented. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 29 By doing so, McKibben implies that action must be situated if we are to expect any change in such bleak a situation. Fossil fuel companies created the Global Climate Coalition which lobbied in Washington, was connected to members of government, and created a propaganda campaign to emphasize the lack of scientific certainty about climate change. Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. This is a story about intergenerational trauma because (check all that apply): the children in the second part of the story are abused because of their father's trauma. It is not a fiction that "the sea is reclaiming the [Florida] peninsula and, most urgently, its southern part" (Portes & Armony, 2018, p. 176). PDF article, p. 189 Noted author and 350.org co-founder Bill McKibben was among the first to celebrate word that the president of the European Investment Bank on Wednesday openly declared, "To put it mildly, gas is over"--an admission that squares with what climate experts and economists have been saying for years if not decades.. Dr. Werner Hoyer, president of the EIB--the investment bank publicly owned by the . Assistant Professor at the Fox School of Business, Temple University, Holcim (US) Professor at the Ross School of Business and Education Director at the Graham Sustainability Institute, University of Michigan. The novel does this by putting characters from whom we expect heroic actions in "mundane reality," an everyday reality that reverses "the reader's expectations" that some heroic event that will save the characters will occur (49). Socialist policies are against our democratic values (4) Ad-hominem: The president says global warming is not occurring, but how can we believe him when he eats McDonald's burgers for lunch every day? Our evidence suggests this shift enabled previously marginal policy ideas such as a carbon tax and carbon budget to gain greater traction in the debate. The negative radical flank effect creates a backlash from opposing groups. What sentence most accurately summarizes the claim that McKibben makes about the role of the fossil fuel industry in preventing government and civil action to curb climate change? The responses of birds to acute climatic stress are not well studied, but birds have been adapting to such stresses for tens of millions of years, and they're surprising us all the timeemperor penguins relocating their breeding grounds as the Antarctic ice melts, tundra swans leaving the water and learning to glean grains from agricultural fields. In summary, McKibben argues that the inhabitable planet is shrinking because (select all that apply): new species are taking over the places where humans used to live consistently higher temperatures will likely make certain areas uninhabitable desertification will reduce the amount of harvestable land coastlines are being lost to sea level rise Which is the better thesis statement? --Joel E. Cohen, "Population and Climate Change," 2010, database PDF What is the most accurate statement about this story's meaning? (Choose all that apply): (1) Why might the author have presented a character such as this? . They are suspicious of each other; the boss is reproachful. Selected Answer: Fals e End of preview. brings him rotting food, such as moldy cheese and decayed vegetables. She also has addressed historical issues such as nineteenth-century slavery. The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. Why is Connie alone in the house when Arnold Friend visits her? Which is the better thesis? McKibben writes that private companies connected to fossil fuel interests have lobbied to slow down uses of solar energy. Thus, the battle cry of divestment became a call for prudent attention to financial risk. Genres of literature include (check all that apply): Philosophical issues explored in texts include ideas of free will, the formation of human identity, the nature of sin, or questions of ethic. This was a far more extreme position than was previously taken by activists in the climate change debate. Pay attention to punctuation. He might as well sit forever on his riverbank and stare out of the window at the moon. Showing a graph to make a particular point is sufficient for making a logical appeal. Because it is poorly regulated, big game hunting is responsible for the decline of endangered species and congress should ban the importation of big game trophies into the United States. Inquiry-based research can be time-consuming because it requires a survey of a wide variety of evidence and answers to the research question. Exhibiting a phenomenon in the social sciences called the radical flank effect, McKibben and 350.org have dramatically altered the climate change debate in the United States. How many miles has Javi walked to get to the painter's house? --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. Examining the cultural context of a work can involve examining gender roles, race relations, class boundaries, and the historical time period. When Sula dons a green ribbon, however, Ajax reads this as a sign of her burgeoning dependence on him. While the couples in "Pillow Talk" and "Everything Is Green" come from obviously different socioeconomic and educational backgrounds, the fundamental similarities in the personalities of the characters and in their attitudes toward conflict indicate the relationships are unsalvageable. "Despite its title, Sula actually has three protagonists: Shadrack, Sula/Nel, and the community of black people who live in the Bottom. The text focuses on two approaches to argument: Aristotelean and Toulmin. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a United Nations body which has been in existence since 1988 and which is tasked with evaluating the science connected to climate change. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Rochelle, Helene's prostitute mother, wears a canary yellow dress. shorts, ballerina slippers, and charm bracelets. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). The United States should be investigating ways of minimizing the use of fossil fuels instead of focusing on building a pipelines, such as the Keystone pipeline and the Dakota Access pipeline that will produce greenhouse gases, harm residents along the pipeline's route and fail to bring in the number of jobs the projects promise to create. De-extinction is a moral responsibility since it will revitalize struggling ecosystems and developing new genetic tools to help endangered species. University of Michigan provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation US. Which strategies can writers use to support an idea in the body paragraphs? Birds, as the descendants of dinosaurs, have evolved and been on the planet longer than humans, and as Franzen (2018) reminded his readers "their indifference to us ought to serve as a chastening reminder that we're not the measure of all things" (p. 40). Pay close attention to punctuation. Before his death, Kafka instructed his friend Max Brod to ________. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? This means that oil drilling has a positive effect on wildlife (2) Non-sequitur: Scientists say that global warming is a problem, but I'm holding a snowball in my hand; clearly, there is no global warming (3) Straw-man: Environmental initiatives are socialist policies. The emotionally stunting effect of this treatment is plain . To prevent extinctions in the future, it's not enough to curb our carbon emissions. These deaths, as Nel's thoughts about the grave markers suggest, are linked to wider scenes of death, to war and to the longing for peace, and, significantly, to freedom through the formal structure of the novel." As a teacher, I want my students to read, write and think well; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments. Several metamorphoses occur in the story; in other words, several characters change. For what good is it to build a multibillion-dollar rapid transit system when a few decades from now it may be underwater? The endless debates and delays with regard to Miami's traffic gridlock may be related, at least unconsciously on the part of authorities, to the anticipation of what is coming. Another aspect of human survivability on the planet is connected to access to water. --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. But, it is important to note that this works in some circumstances and not others. While Sula was not sure what Shadrack meant by "always," for Shadrack it meant permanence, a way to comfort her against the certainty of death. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. As such, the radical flank effects social change indirectly by creating opportunities for more moderate groups and issues to become more influential. Nel and Sula become friends precisely because they are so similar. McKibben extols the virtues of interplanetary colonization: Now that we know the Earth cannot support human life for much longer, we can always count on moving the species to another planet. However, despite this self-confidence, their futures are likely to be very different because of their attitudes toward the events that occur, their reactions to their discoveries, and the influences of the female figures around them. The CRAAP test allows us to determine the credibility and value of sources. They are always among us but never of us. The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers that are to make an argument about whether W.H. Example: Most sports have rules of conduct. Pay close attention to punctuation and wording in the quotation. . The new charwoman (cleaning lady) is ________. that his mother had thrown his sister off the wagon when the wolves approached. The term Kafkaesque refers to (check all that apply): (1) nightmarishly complicated and frustrating experiences (2) ghoulish, horror-like situations. "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. "Because restricting greenhouse gas emissions would slow economic growth and increase unemployment and because the United States should not be held to higher environmental standards than its economic competitors, it is up to the private sector to address the challenges of climate change.". The story of Nel and Sula is inscribed within the other, equally sorrowful stories of the Bottom. . We also have to keep a whole lot of wild birds alive right now. Determining the credibility and use value of sources is important. McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. Namely, where others argued for industry-wide controls on carbon without demonizing any particular industry, McKibbens radical flank portrayed the fossil-fuel industry as a public enemy and called for its extermination. Furthermore, he urges that "we" (ALL humans) are the deciding chip in said bond. How do we know the main character's father is exploiting him? (Change the second sentence to a prepositional phrase that begins with for.). he feels guilty about Ted Lavender's death. (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). to which fairy tale? The conflict in the story peaks when ________. As a teacher, I want my students to read, write and think well; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments. McKibben's argument is that human beings have endured wars, famines, terrorism, tyrants and, in the same way, they will endure climate change. Maggie and Mama put the everyday objects of their lives to use. However, scholarship in the 2010s showed that, while climate events do affect climate-induced migration, they are not the only factor: sea-level rise, higher temperatures, and disruption of water cycles, known collectively as "climate processes," are perhaps more significant push factors than climate events. (b) What causes the change in the men's relationship? . When Gregor comes out of his room, Gregor's father________. Body paragraphs in an essay must be unified, which means that ________. For example, he says that (check all that apply): "crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away 5 out of 5 points Selected Answers: Answers: "ice melting in the coasts leaves towns, cities, and villages without protection from ocean . --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? The book focuses on two friends, Sula and Nel, but both have been shaped, and continue to be shaped, by their experiences with their families, particularly their mothers. This is where eating locally comes in . (1) the philosophies that the work addresses (2) the work's cultural context Words are the most basic tool of the writer; therefore, an author's word choice is worth analyzing. numbers, quote is from paragraph 12 McKibben quotes a 19th century environmentalist who believed that even though human beings believe the planet was made especially for them, the facts do not support this belief. A conventional approach might collapse these goals into a plan to directly challenge specific targets, as when a labor campaign elicits public support to unionize a workplace or an environmental campaign seeks to shut down a specific pipeline. Illustration by John Watson. This is because every product that is manufactured for consumption produces both physical and atmospheric, with atmospheric waste being the greatest contributor to climate change (Park, 2015, p. 189). The novel presents characters who each signify an adaptation to this community, a community divided by class." McKibben's place in the canon is in addressing this new nature. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: The radical flank effect and our findings offer some critical insights for social activists. Which is the better thesis? It is important not to confuse "climate events," such as a flood or a storm from "climate processes," which are steadier shifts in sea-level rise or temperatures, for example. Question 9 Selected Answer: False Response Feedback: The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on the topic big game hunting. The narrator in the second part of the story decides that ________. . We cannot do both. she didn't have time to play with them because she was busy trying to keep them fed and alive. --Kelly Winters, "Critical Essay on Sula," database article with no page numbers The novel presents characters who each signify an adaptation to this community, a community divided by class. In the first part of the story, the father tells the son far too often and always in the same way ________. In each pair of sentences below, one of the sentences adds detail to the other. But this is not the first time nature's meaning has changed. "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. Sula wears a purple and white belt. (2) Relevance: How closely related to your topic is the text and how well does it clarify your topic? While some readers might argue that Sylvia does not realize the importance of being humble and grounded in reality, Sylvia's determination that "ain't nobody gonna beat me at nuthin" is the key that will lead her to achieving her goals. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number The role of mothers in the novel is often underestimated. ., is set in a cemetery where Nel Wright Greene is finally beginning to mourn the death of her friend Sula Peace, twenty-five years after the fact. This is because even if we take a conservative estimate, that is "half a child more than assumed in the U.N.'s medium projection," world population will grow to 10.5 billion by 2050 (Cohen, 2010, p. 173). But the environment alone may not persuade most people to consider having just one child, as eighty percent of Americans have siblings. The penalty is called unsportsmanlike conduct. "Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. The novel presents characters who each signify an adaptation to this community, a community divided by class." Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. His new book, which offers some dark visions of the future and hope for real change, is called. "Toni Morrison's Sula begins and ends with death: The "prologue" to the novel tells of the death of both a neighborhood and its characteristic way of life, and the "epilogue," . McKibben argues that the ethic of many American politicians and business people is based on Ayn Rand s philosophy regarding the virtue of selfishness. In essence, McKibben argues that the futures of both nature and ourselves are delicately yet undeniably interconnected. Pay close attention to punctuation. The most effective way to conclude an essay is by repeating the idea of the thesis. I try to burrow as deeply as I can into characters. Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. Coherence refers to establishing clear connections between ideas in a paragraph and between paragraphs. More radical movements than divestments, such as blaming capitalism for lack of progress on environmental problems, have not been as effective in shaping the climate debate in the U.S. In a coordinated move, the McKibben-founded climate advocacy group 350.org launched its Go Fossil Free: Divest from Fossil Fuels! Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: It was long believed that massive "climate events" such as severe storms pushed people to migrate. By celebrating National Suicide Day, Shadrack had hoped to ward off the shock that death might bring, but after Sula's death, "he began to suspect that all those years of rope hauling and bell ringing were never going to do any good" (Morrison 158). , she felt no compulsion to verify herself -- be consistent within herself and stare out of the planet connected... Another aspect of human survivability on the planet is connected to access to water writers to. Become more influential now it may be underwater be time-consuming because it requires a survey of a work involve. The negative radical flank effects social change indirectly by creating opportunities for moderate... Lesson ) words, several characters change `` Test for Aptitude, not for Speed '' Reprinted Current... She was busy trying to keep them fed and alive new charwoman cleaning! Energy research subsidies, and reduction of power plant emissions should be.... 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