The country, wedged between between Oman and Saudi Arabia, has rocky desert, wetlands, waterless mountains and coastlines that stretch along the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. California leads the nation with seven of the 25 suburban metro areas where over 40% of residents identify as a person of color. It also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean and two enclaves in North Africa. Its current student statistics show that over 45 . The emirates that currently comprise the UAE were known as the Trucial States in the 19th century as a result of a series of agreements with Great Britain. [48], While most racist abuse in Ireland is verbal or confined to social media, violent hate crimes have occurred. Contemporary Serbia reflects the ambiguities and contradictions of modern Europe culturally rich, comparatively developed economically yet driven by regional rivalries and ethnic tensions. While most of Japan is covered by mountains and heavily wooded areas, the countrys roughly 126 million people lead a distinctly urban lifestyle. [37], The Athens-based Racist Violence Recording Network has documented attacks by organised groups across the country against those perceived to be migrants or Muslims. [10], The term hyggeracisme (hygge + racism) is used by some to describe racist phrases/jokes, where the person saying the phrase may perceive it as being unproblematic and funny. Lets look at some great and diverse cities of Europe. Republic of) - 0.8111 Kenya - 0.8091 Guinea-Bissau - 0.7857 Congo (Republic of) - 0.7764 Ivory Coast - 0.7723 Liberia - 0.7694 By far the most cases concerned age discrimination (219), race discrimination followed (105) and lesser number of sex discrimination cases. "[89], In 1922 Sweden established the Statens institut fr rasbiologi, or state institute for race biology. or speak two different languages. [113], The Swiss Confederation or Confederatio Helvetica is a nation composed of four subcultural groups: German-speaking (63.7%), French-speaking (20.4%), Italian-speaking (6.5%) and Romansh-speaking (0.5%).[114]. London is the most multicultural city in Europe, and the largest city in the United Kingdom. It was the site of Christopher Columbuss arrival in the Americas, as well the first toehold for European settlement. The research, conducted by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), found that many non-Irish nationals living in Ireland are at least as likely to be . Racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism is becoming an increasingly common occurrence in the United States. People in the survey were most likely to embrace a racially diverse neighbor in the United Kingdom and its former colonies like the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and in Latin America. [70][71], According to lawyer Jelle Klaas, the pro-Pete movement is starting to become more radicalized. Early Maori settlers ceded sovereignty to British invaders with the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, and European settlers flooded in. The Republic of the Philippines claimed independence from Japanafter World War II in 1946 with assistance from the United States, which had exercised colonial rule over the nation earlier in the century. The Norwegians developed a maritime culture, and were active throughout the Viking era, establishing settlements in Iceland and Greenland. It is difficult to overstate the influenceFrance has on the world, both in the past and today. one of the most current released. The Nuremberg Race Laws forbade racially mixed sexual relations and marriage between Aryans and at first Jews but was later extended to "Gypsies, Negroes or their bastard offspring". There has been racism in various parts of Austria. Earlier Finnish scientific data reveals that attitudes had been improving continuously for a long time. Perhaps due to the countrys history, the people are among the least religious in the world. The research enlightens that there is not much difference between foreign-born job seekers and job seekers born in Sweden if both don't have a Swedish name; this indicates that ethnic discrimination is the main cause of the variations. Finland and racism? Castles and churches dot its forests and rolling hills. The world is watching as Germany, having admitted a million refugees in 2015, grapples with how best to welcome and assimilate those refugees. Among races, two-thirds of the House are white-only . [109][110][111][112], In 2015, a Swedish man motivated by racism attacked people at a school in Trollhttan with a sword, killing four, including the perpetrator. Most were able to accept family members and friends living in mixed relationships, even if they did not want to do it themselves. Blue shows low levels of racial bias, and red shows high levels - with Europe's. We used multiple studies instead of one because no matter how objective the study may be, it has its inherent biases and limitations. The United Arab Emirates, or UAE, is a federation of seven emirates on the southeast end of the Arabian Peninsula. Hindu-Buddhist and Muslim kingdoms existed before the arrival of the Dutch, who colonized the archipelago but ceded independence to the country after an occasionally violent struggle in 1949. Just over half of the countrys gross domestic product is comprised of manufacturing, construction and financial services, which has helped the country weather the global decline in oil prices in recent years. Americans are mostly multi-ethnic descendants of various immigrant nationalities culturally distinct in their former countries. The Czech Republic may have been born in 1993, but the nations history goes back more than 1,000 years. Negative stereotypes are often linked to the high level of unemployment among Romani people and their reliance on state benefits. Racially and ethnically motivated violent extremist (REMVE)-related terrorism has consequences beyond loss of life: It undermines the sense of safety that targeted groups feel in their country and unravels the social fabrics of trust that are necessary for society to function. With a more general view of race (Asian, white, black, Arab, etc.) It shares land borders with more than a dozen countries, and shares sea borders with Japan and the United States. Despite laws and International intervention, racism is still very much a problem today in many countries. Bordered by Scandinavia, Russia, the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia, Finland and its vast stretches of heavily forested open land acts as a northern gate between West and East. The Central European country borders nine nations, and its landscape varies, from the northern plains that reach to the North and Baltic seas to the Bavarian Alps in the south. As a Muslim, I can only hope that Islamophobia decreases on a global level and everyone simply learns to value humanity above anything else, including religion. Its history is steeped in discovery and exploration, beginning with early leaders that, after ousting Celtic and Moorish settlers in the 12th century, focused on building their kingdom beyond continental borders. In addition, the report said "Official statements and political campaigns that present immigrants from the EU in a favourable light and immigrants from elsewhere in a bad light must stop", according to the Swiss Federal Statistics Office in 2006, 85.5% of the foreign residents in Switzerland are European. [40] In 2008 and 2009 nine attacks took place against Romani in Hungary, resulting in six deaths and multiple injuries. 5 Sweden Sweden, officially the Kingdom of Sweden, is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The only man to stand trial for the murder was acquitted on the direction of the trial Judge.[54]. Colombia is located in the northwest corner of South America and is the continents most populous Spanish-speaking nation. It is the third-largest country in South America, linking Ecuador and Chilealong the west coast and borderingColombia, Brazil and Boliviainland. Uzbekistan is the geographic center of Central Asia, sandwiched between five countries and featuring a mostly desert climate. The only western country to break into the top 20 most diverse is Canada. Isolationist trade policies are fueled by priority access to cheap oil from Russia, a relationship that has been called into question more than once in the last decade. . A bite of the indigenous coca leaf can help to settle altitude sickness for those who climb the majestic Incan citadel of Machu Picchu. health care), employment and lodging.[117][118]. In contrast, the US scored highest among all the countries surveyed, being more welcoming to people of different races and ethnic groups than even the highest-scoring European nation, the UK. It is the largest nation by area in Africa and the Arab world, and most of the country is covered by desert. A more comprehensive table further down adds more countries and also incorporates religious and linguistic fractionalization. In the EU, Eurostat gathers statistics but does not require a census or any other specific information. In 2005, Minister of State for Overseas Development, Conor Lenihan famously advised Socialist politician Joe Higgins to "stick with the kebabs" referring to his campaigning on behalf of Turkish contract workers who had been paid less than the statutory minimum wage. [98] There has been evidence that the Swedish police used "Neger Niggersson" as a nickname for a criminal in a police training; this was published in Swedish media. Under the rule of the Ottoman Empire until 1918 and later a mandate of the United Kingdom, Jordan became an independent kingdom in 1946. Graz, Austria First on this list is the breathtaking city of Graz in Austria. A number of independent kingdoms united in 1492 to form the Kingdom of Spain, a cultural patchwork that continues to shape the modern nations dynamic identity. Located off the northwest corner of Europe, the country includes the island of Great Britain which contains England, Scotland and Wales and the northern portion of the island of Ireland. "[103], Swedish social services have reported on racism in Swedish hospitals as well. While most Europeans may look to be tolerant on the outside, when it comes to people they surround themselves with, well lets just say that things tend to get a little bit murky. Under the Sign of Political Terror. Romani people are the most hated ethnic group in Romania. This thread is archived Tanzania is one of the most racially diverse countries in the world. A nurse at a Stockholm suburb hospital lost his job after complaining on racial attitudes of the hospital staff to patients with immigrant background. Germany, the most populous nation in the European Union, possesses one of the largest economies in the world and has seen its role in the international community grow steadily since reunification. [87], Gitanos are viewed with less sympathy than other groups. ", "Hate Crimes against Foreigners Rise | Yle Uutiset", "Poliisin tietoon tullut viharikollisuus vhentynyt", Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto | | 2009, "Helsingin Sanomat International Edition Home", "Pew Global Attitudes Project: Summary of Findings: A Year After Iraq War", "Pew Global Attitudes Project: III: Opinions of U.S. Policies: U.S. Partitioned by neighboring countries in the late 18th century, Poland briefly regained its independence following World War I. Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union invaded the country in 1939, marking the beginning of World War II. Hence, the questions handled the topic much more delicately, with the most telling question being if a person was okay with their child being in a relationship with a Black or Asian person. This method of expressing fractionalization also lends itself readily to conversion into a probability percentage, which non-statisticians may find easier to parse. One-third of the hate crimes were reportedly aimed at the Kale, and only one in six were members of the native population. Slovakia is a landlocked country in Central Europe with dramatic landscapes dominated by mountains, valleys and caves that form part of the Western Carpathians. Some of the findings: * Anglo and Latin countries most tolerant. Croatia has found itself at the crossroads of major historical movements, both East and West. The People's Republic of Bangladesh is a densely populated South Asian country bordered by India and Myanmar. Know the factors/reasons that account for the United States being a very ethnically and racially diverse nation. These trends followed certain demographic lines, with younger, more liberal, and more educated people favoring increased diversity while older, more conservative, and less educated respondents proved less fond of the idea. The countrys historical cities, world-renowned cuisine and geographic beauty make it a popular destination for more than 40 million tourists each year. Public demands to address racial inequality in the country, expressed in institutions such as the criminal justice system and health care, spurred similar movements in countries around the world. Now rich in oil and natural gas, Qatar is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The Kingdom of Belgium is a small, highly developed and urbanized country in Western Europe bordered by the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France and the North Sea. Racism continues to be a major problem throughout the world. [73], Far-right marches have gathered 60,000 participants. [88], Racist abuse aimed at black footballers has been reported at Spanish football league matches in recent years. Europe is the most ethnically homogenous continent while top 20 most diverse countries are all in Africa . [84], Since 2008, the number of hate crimes in Russia declined significantly.[85]. Brazils history is filled with economic turmoil, veering from boom to bust, and its culture is a melting pot that has traditionally welcomed the world. A 2001 survey found that 51% of Irish people surveyed considered the country inherently racist[46] and 60% of those in the 25 to 34 age-group considered "racism" to be an Irish trait. A poll made in late 2011 revealed that the majority of the Finns viewed Finland as a racist country. Which country is the most racially diverse in the world? Liberia, with a population of only 4.5 million, is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, with 28 different ethnic groups. In 2000, a white man was stabbed and seriously injured when defending his Jamaican-born wife from racist abuse by a group of adult men. While Europe is considered to be the most cultured and accepting continent in the world, the 15 most racist countries in Europe may just change the impression for good. [11][12], In the mid-2010s, NATO soldiers from the U.S. stationed in Estonia as part of Enhanced Forward Presence were subject to racist attacks by local civilians, resulting in condemnations from the Estonian Air Force's commander, Jaak Tarien, and the U.S. embassy's charg d'affaires. The entire country is infested with Russian immigrants of all backgrounds. With a population of more than 5 million, Finland is regarded as one of the happiest places to live on Earth, with the country ranked as such for a fifth year in a row in the 2022 World Happiness Report compiled by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Indigenous people occupied the land for at least 40,000 years before the first British settlements of the 18th century. Likewise, the majority of French respondents revealed negative views on the immigration of Muslims from Africa and Middle East. During the 1800s, Oman profited greatly from the slave trade, cultivating colonies in modern-day Kenya, Tanzania and Pakistan. What defines an ethnicity? Named for its proximity to the Earths equator, the South American nation of Ecuador is home to a more dynamic society than its straightforward name may suggest. It is unrelated to the ecological concept of megadiversity. A series of civil wars and internal strife occupied most of the 19th century. In November 2020 the country elected Joe Biden as its 46th president, removing Donald Trump after one term. Modern European borders dont often include the kind of border security that marks many other parts of the world, but European nations have strong senses of identity and self that form an important part of public life. This en, as one of the most full of life sellers here will certainly be in the course of the best options to review. 8 Mauritius Mauritius, officially the Republic of Mauritius, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometres off the southeast coast of the African continent. Racial diversity is often used (incorrectly) as a synonym for cultural diversity, a more scientifically sound concept that disregards genetics and focuses instead upon linguistic and ethnic variety. African countries are the most diverse. One of the most comprehensive studies of diversity was created by a team of scholars from Harvard University, World Bank, Stanford, and New York University and published in the Journal of Economic Growth in a paper called "Fractionalization." With an eye on the United States, children of immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean are bringing race into the public discourse, in a . Interestingly, it is also the world's most multilingual country. South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea, is a nation in eastern Asia that occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula and has a long history of conflict. Tremendous culture is packed within a nation a quarter the size of its neighbors, Colombia and Peru. At the bottom were South and East Asians, Africans, and Middle Eastern people. Latvia is among the larger European countries in terms of landmass, but low population density has allowed more than half of the countrys geography to remain as natural ecosystems. Pic: PA. Ireland is one of the most diverse countries in the European Union, with approximately 17% of its resident population born in another country, according to new research. Different countries could make trade deals, which were essential for economic development. Image Up Slightly, But Still Negative", "The end of Golden Dawn: has Greece shown us how to deal with neo-Nazis? Attitude toward interracial marriage Malm University", Immigrants are not called for job interviews, Aftonbladet "Afrosvenskar krver ministerns avgng" 2012-04-16, Swedish minister denies claims of racism over black woman cake stunt, Swedish minister in 'racist cake' controversy, Swedish culture minister in 'racist cake' row, "Police: Trollhttan school attacker "wanted to die" - Radio Sweden", "Schwarze Menschen in der Schweiz. as well as to some relatively secular nations in Europe and developed East Asia. The report and other groups have expressed concern about organizations like Front National (France). Azerbaijan is a small nation located in the Caucasus region, straddling Europe and Asia. The Dominican Republic is a representative democracy, with a multi-party political system and traditional separations of government power falling on executive, legislative and judicial branches. Present day Kazakhstan was part of various empiresthroughout the centuries, including the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries. Nearly half of survey respondents approved of a more racially diverse nation, with only 23% viewing increased diversity as a negative development. Aid from the United Nations helped end the three-year war and support the south on its path to democracy. And the more tense a region becomes in its questions of ethnicity, the more likely its citizens are to lie to protect themselves and their families. DoorDash: 50% off + free delivery on any order with DoorDash promo code. [59][60], The Irish Network Against Racism raises awareness of and records incidents of racism in Ireland. It seems that questions such as why is Europe so racist? and is Europe racist? are not so frequent. France appeared to be one of the least racially tolerant countries on the continent, with 22.7 per cent saying they didn't want a neighbour of another race. In fact, after the Syrian Civil War erupted, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, many fled their country to European countries, with the refugees primarily comprising of Muslims. [2][3][4], In October 2019, Bulgarian supporters shouted racist abuse towards Black English footballers during a match. The countrys history reflects many of the historical challenges that the rest of Latin America has faced: civil disorder, ethnic tensions, authoritarian rule and economic upheaval. Many people believe. The Kingdom of Norway is the westernmost country in the Scandinavian peninsula, made up mostly of mountainous terrain. The conclusion was that the views in general were favorable, but that there was a strong hierarchy based on which groups to live with. The fictional applicants were between 23 and 25 years old, with four years of work experience who applied for real vacancies. There is great geographic diversity within the countrys borders, too, from Ventas Rumba, Europes widest waterfall, to the towering pines of Gauja National Park and the crystalline Baltic waters along the resort town of Jurmala. Jews' official title became "subject of the state". Cambodia is the smallest country by landmass on the Indochina Peninsula. The prime minister is the head of the central government, which is separated along executive, legislative and judicial branches. The country has the largest economy in the region, fueled mostly by its vast natural resources. [101], In 2007, there were a total of 3,536 hate crimes (defined as crimes with an ethnic or religious motive) reported to the police, including 118 cases of anti-Semitic agitation. The Russian Orthodox Church "believes it is vital for Russia to pursue anti-extremist campaign and develop a sustainable strategy." The conclusion was that Dutch people had the most chances of being invited for a job interview. Serbia is a small country in central-southeast Europe whose history is a timeline of European wars dating to the Middle Ages. The most recognised work on ethnic diversity is by Fearon [and Alesina]: Fearon finds that Papua New Guinea is easily the most ethnically diverse country, followed by Tanzania and Congo Kinshasa. Eurostat gathers statistics but does not require a census or any other information.. [ 85 ] table further down adds more countries and featuring a mostly desert.... But does not require a census or any other specific information questions such as why is Europe so?... Europe, and shares Sea borders with more than 1,000 years also lends itself readily to into. British settlements of the findings: * Anglo and Latin countries most tolerant is. And borderingColombia, Brazil and Boliviainland difficult to overstate the influenceFrance has the. Black footballers has been reported at Spanish football league matches in recent.! 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