Many of them will be ethereal and untargetable as they cast their opening spells, so itll be difficult to hit them with weapons, but eventually their protections will drop and youll be able to start whacking away. Its cool! So I hope the ppl here can forgive me my question and still help me. If you have Safiya in your party, try to have her cast Mind Blank on the party before heading inside. Ganns Elemental Swarm spell can help keep you with plenty of helpers during the fight. You can drop the housings that youve found onto the floor to get around this, but theres an easier way to avoid the defenses: simply load up one of your characters with all of the housings in the repository, then switch to another character, tell the first character to stay put, then walk the second character over to the stairs leading to another level. He shouldnt be very difficult to defeat, at this point; he mirrors your own abilities. Warding of the Spirits is a party-wide buff thatll be pretty handy when facing off against spirit enemies. Beyond his spellcasting, though, Ganns combat feats mostly revolve around the shortbow. He will often use it to add extra fire damage to other party members' weapons, which I don't enchant with extra fire damage. If you can keep him distracted by an elemental, then you should be able to attack the enemies that constantly respawn. Hello. Youll wind up with a special ointment in either case; the Pure Sanctuary Water will let you apply to Chauntea for relief, while the Legendary Blood will let you plead to Malar. Just in front of you is the Bazaar. This may be a bug.) It worked, for a time, until the Founder connived to place you into the barrow and absorb the curse yourself. The main problem with him is that hell attempt to fight in combat, which hes terrible at. The beam will travel out this room, make a U-turn in Safiyas room, head through the center obelisk into a southern room, then proceed through a doorway (youll need to bash the bookshelf that blocks its passage) and through a couple more rooms until it reaches a receptacle in the southwest. To the southeast, in the Blighted Trees portion of the forest, youll find a hunting dog. 5. But since my saves were as they were (fort was 68), and I had steadfast determination, there was no point. If you do, hell fall easily; he casts some buffing spells, but he wont be able to do much against the damage youre probably outputting at this point. Youll need to find the four soul housings that fit into here if you want to proceed past the door. After buffs, immune to negative damage, 50% acid, 100% fire, 100% sonic, (100% electrical from class), + additional 12 regen, tot 70 ac, immune to death magic, blindness, deafness, 68 fort, 49 reflex, 57 will and an average of about 120dmg per hit. Its not difficult to do so, but getting through the conversation with some influence gains can be a little trickier. There are two other Imaskari devices of the same nature in the area, with one of them already containing a lever in its control device. Youll also be able to loot the Red Guard bracers from her body, which offers 25% immunity to magic, immunity to level and ability drains, and three casts per day of the Greater Dispelling spell. When youre ready to move on to the next part of the game, head into the Veil, go through Liennas shadow door, and talk to the Keeper of Gates. Having a full craving bar will indicate that you're letting the spirit-eater within you, which in turn will grant you new powers. When you take her into your party, shell have a bunch of mostly nonuseful spells memorized. If you want to keep him alive, simply park him a good deal to the rear of any fights that you get in, and order your other party members around manually. Other new feats include Satiate, which can let you avoid death by feeding upon your experience points (which you should never have to use if you manage your spirit energy correctly), and Provoke Spirits, which will let you cause all nearby spirits to become hostile to you, thus making it easier for you to Suppress for big spirit energy gains. There are three groups of petitioners inside the Coveya that you need to deal with if you want to reach the Coven. This was an amazing answer! Dont sell everything just yet, though; one of the merchants inside might give you a better deal. Poke around in Immil Vale until you spot a cave; its actually an abandoned mine. Mistress: When you defeat the undead, speak to the guard and head through to talk to the Mistress. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. You'll probably see some fireworks before you even get inside the city. With helpers in tow, talk to one of the death knights to start the fight. Generally speaking, theres no bonus to devouring multiple spirits per day; all that will do is increase your craving and force you to spend more time seeking out spirits and devouring them. Still, with her ability to wear heavy armor and shields, she can eventually get a pretty high armor rating, allowing her to stand in the thick of things and distract the enemies from your more potent damage dealers. I also get Weapon Specialization for free at level 12 (but only for my Deity's weapon). That'll provide you with a mind affecting immunity bonus as well as all the other stuff. Fortify Health Regen is just the enchantment for that. Doing so will drive the girl mad, and cause her father and a number of his spiritual allies to attack you. (Oddly enough, despite the fact that hes listed as eventually getting stuff like Power Critical and Improved Critical, his critical strike rating stays at 20/x2. Then when you re-enter Mulsantir, Act Two will start up. No matter what you do, Magda, Jasper, and the audience will attack you. Kill them while whatever summoned creature you have keeps Akachi busy, then return to attacking him. There's really no reason to craft weapon early game, unless you find Duskwood Longbow is too wonderful to miss, hm? That will start the Fragments of a Mask quest, which will last for quite a while. Or, well, in Safiyas backpack, at any rate. Unfortunately, if you attempt to come back to the upper level, you'll wind up getting warped into the defense mechanisms, so try not to do this unless you need to. Open up the chests here after Kaji detraps and unlocks them, and grab the Immith Yabog book off the shelf if you wish to learn a bit about a cult that apparently worships you. Were betting that these are the humans you have to lure to the Uthraki, if you accept their quest involving finding new meat for them to eat. Its heady stuff - eating a dead gods soul? As the fight progresses, Akachi will shed parts of himself and create minions of himself. The conversation that ensues will be significantly lengthy; you can expect to spend a goodly amount of minutes in dialogue. Remove the lever from the device that controls the elemental, then return with it to the northwest and insert it into the device here. Wipe them out, then choose how you wish to deal with the younglings to end the quest. Zoab is surrounded by foes, and injured, so youll need to fight your way to him and hope that he survives the fight. Thieve's Hood (OC): immunity to KD and Poison and some minor skill bonuses. They should be held to account for what theyve done."). Holy Weapon: Best damage enchantment in the OC. MotB Pre-order items. If you eat the soul, then Okku will die and youll move on. When Gulkaush is defeated, shell go through a lengthy speech about how she came to dwell in the Skein. This elemental isn't too difficult to take down. (Note that if you import a character from a save game that theyll lose all the cash you previously had. If the dryads are casting on you from the background, you may want to have Gann and Safiya use their ranged attacks on them in return. The archers here can be hit with a Meteor Swarm or some other area-of-effect spell to weaken them, but the melee characters will need to be dealt with personally. There's also a legit way to get as much gold as you want Merchant in Mulsantir sells unlimited Fairie dust for 2gp a pop - which can be converted to OC essences which sell for quite a bit - but the important currency is essences. Damn vampire monks! This fight can be quite difficult for you at this point. When you reach the steps heading down to the crematorium area (youll see a massive furnace in the distance), save your game and park your party at the top of the stairs, using your most powerful character to head down first. As the auto-save before the last teleporter indicates, theres a tough fight coming. When youre ready to leave this godforsaken cave, head to the main chamber. When theyre hot and bothered, move up and finish the group off. If your character isnt an arcane spellcaster (and perhaps even if you are), youll probably want to keep Safiya by your side from the beginning until the end; she brings a lot to the table, and her neutrality makes it relatively easy to increase your influence with her, unless you wind up being downright cruel to her. There are plenty of enemies in the woods, so be mindful of their presence. Email Your goal here is to find surviving members of the party, though. You can get loads of influence here by expressing your concern for her mother, and compliment her on her battle acumen. If you bash the stones here, youll find the Periapt of the Lost Witch, which grants the wearer Immunity to Critical Hits, Spell Resistance 30, and a couple of spell uses per days for Avasculate and Bestow Curse. Whatever! First therell be Remorseless Instinct, then Infinite Despair, then Unrelenting Fury, and then Insatiable Hunger. Doing so let her leave with Lady Daniyarra and gave us access to her room where you can find some more treasure. Along the way through the game, you'll be able to earn new feats related to your spirit-eating abilities that will make you more flexible in how you approach your addiction. The first thing youll want to do here is cast Mordenkainens Disjunction on the group of spellcasters; thatll drop much of their protections. Theyll also tell you of a Slumbering Coven, nine hags that dwell in the Sunken City to the east of Mulsantir; apparently theyre involved in your plight, somehow. Be sure to use Devour Spirit on it to gain a Pristine essence. If he does survive, though (which he will, if you run Gann or Kaelyn over and immediately Heal him), hell survive for the final fight and youll net some experience. Head there and attempt to find out how she communed with Myrkul. A relatively easy way to test it is to do a few run-throughs Kaelyns maximized blade barriers). Outside of a high-level weapon master or fighter, Okku is going to be the primary damage-dealer in your group. Nadaj believes that Dalenka is a spy, and is somehow tied to the disappearance of the Wood Man and the deaths of the berserkers. Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. When youre done, loot the bodies and return to the exterior area of Mulsantir. One thing to note is that Gann seems to chew through ammo pretty quickly. Rammaq also promises to send a useful ally to you when you locate your soul. Speak to the Imaskari Golem there. When everything is dead, use the Sword of Gith on the Betrayers Gate to the north and head through. If you head up into the northern hills, youll find a group of Durthans that apparently look forward to eating you, or something. Be sure to demand tribute first; youll get the Thicketfavors gauntlet which will be perfect for Gann. Devour one spirit per day, at most, and use Suppress when youre near a lot of spirits, and you should be ok for the most part. How do I reduce skill points using the console? Nab the Swift Golem Legs off of the golem on the ground here before examining the elemental itself. Its easiest to go ahead and start with Demons at the Gates, so offer to stay at the gate and defeat the enemies that arive. You have some options here: you can simply attack Gawatha, if you wish, which will net you some experience, gold, and a peculiar piece of medium armor. When you tell Nuum about the letter, youll have four options to choose from. Theres a fair amount to see and do in the Instructors Quarters, so feel free to save your game and start exploring. This makes a walkthrough relatively difficult to write, but luckily all you really need to do is just lose and watch Durler walk out of the tavern to move on. Shes good for pretty much nothing but hitting targets hard, so keep in mind that your tactics may need some adjusting depending on what kind of character you have. Kill him and move on. Mold Spirit comes by default, and will let you enchant items with Brilliant Spirit Essences; you obtain Malleate Spirit in the Thayvian Academy via the Mysterious Object quest, and it'll let you use Pristine Spirit Essences in your crafting. That will let you instantly kick all of the frost giants out of your own clan and thus clear the grove. If Gann is along, tell Gawatha that Kepob is an insult, and hell knock the price down to 20,000 gold. After combat buffs there was an additional 1d8 sonic, 4d8 massive critical, 3d8 electrical and 22 divine damage. Kill them and speak to the actors again to open a portal moving onward. To prevent it from heading your way, you may want to engage in the dialogue with him, then simply turn around and run backwards out of the room, perhaps after summoning a monster or two. If you get rid of all the ice, then tell Imsha and Tamlith that you found no sign of the hag, then she believes that theyll stop looking for her. Even if he is, though, you can simply resummon him after you rest. You can enchant weapons to absurd levels in mob, -2 is hard to even notice. West Harbor has been the scene of battles before, but nothing quite like this. A number of waves of Hezrou will appear here, insistent on entering the city. Also take this time to adjust her AI settings; you may not want her casting on her own. You have multiple options here, including attempting to Intimidate or otherwise speechcraft the defenders and convince them to run off without a fight. Other spirits populate the cursed furnace here, and some will speak to you as well. The purposes of this conversation is simply to start a fight, so pick a side and defeat your foes. Alternately, you can attempt to buy the boy off of him; he claims that bringing Kepob to the Coven will tell you why hes so valuable. Akachi is a tough enemy indeed, and even incredibly well-geared characters may have a tough time with him. On the very southern side of the city you can find another newly-opened home. Crafting magical items has taken on a new role in the expansion, and Safiya will be on the forefront of it with her Enchanters Satchel and Shapers Alembic. The first two prisoners here have interesting stories for you, but neither are stupid enough to join you on your quest to defeat Okku. Theyre all pretty tough to hit due to high armor, and they can all deal a lot of damage, so youll need to resummon your creatures a few times before everything dies. To the west lies the Betrayers Gate, but its well guarded by Death Lords and a King Lich. Baldur's Gate with Use Any Item, 3.5/Pathfinder with UMD. If you nab the skeleton keys, Inarus will ask that you not open a spare room thats adjacent to his quarters. In our case, we traded for Kepob, who was added as a temporary party member. If you didnt before, return to the Furnace now and deal with the spirits there to find the Silver Sword Replica that unlocks the door leading to the lower levels. We wont go into the details too much, but one thing youll want to do is examine the essences that you find and note the types of spells that you need to cast on them in order to craft the items, as Safiya wont necessarily have them available at the beginning of the game. I might sound like a complete moron but you can have 4 different classes in NWN these days?! With a little talking to, he can likely be brought over to the side of the insurrection. The door in the room you wind up in will lead to a room full of portals, which also features the Keeper of Doors, a large golem. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Unfortunately its a bit problematic, as well, since your teammates cant see it. With that done, you can start going to town. One of the simplest, and most truly broken classes to choose in MotB is Monk. If Okku is in your party, hell lend you his boat for free; otherwise hell charge you 10,000 gold for the priveledge. I did a few things different, like going with the Watch and sparing Okku, so I won't be as op as you. Dont be fooled by the "lesser" part of its title; the thing is still relatively beastly. Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. If you attempt to complete the ritual to destroy the phylactery, youll receive 250 XP, destroy the body, and receive a Talisman of Pure Good, as well as points towards the Lawful and Good alignments. If you have a lot of trouble with this fight, save it and come back later when you have another party member. Youll need to explore a bit to find a way to reach the Coven from here. Yulia: A full 350 hit points are required to defeat the ice this time around. Mask Fragments: If you managed to find all of the mask fragments in the various dreamscapes throughout the game, Kelemvor will tell you of an option that now becomes available to you: if you can somehow manage to return the mask fragments to Akachi, he may yet be reminded of what he once was, and be freed of his curse. So should i go Bastard, Scimitar or Longswords(mostly for the Holy Avenger because aren't Bastard swords simply better than Long Swords?). Added Vorpal. Feel free to cast spells as you like on your foes, but most of them (with the exception of Okku) will be relatively easy to kill. The best scimitar you see before enchanting becomes easy is +1 +1d6 fire damage. You can complete Heilari's ritual to create a lich, then quickly destroy him, if you wish. Araman and his cronies are tough, so be sure to call in some backup before approaching. On the flipside, siding with the defenders will force you to fight against Seyryu the dragon right away. Hell tag along on your party as a fifth member (i.e. Nice! Find these quests and complete them to find all four of the souls that you need, then come back and unlock the door. If you have good saves against immobilizing effects, then you should be able to act fairly autonomously, but if youre a fighter or another character with less than great spell saves, youre going to find yourself dazed or paralyzed for most of the fight. Attack the four small loci and the big one on the ash tree itself. Gann is a chaotic neutral Hagspawn Spirit Shaman, so hell take some getting used to. With that done, return to the Imaskari device and pop the globe back in. The hags individually arent powerful, but they can shapechange and will cast spells, so youll need to cut them down to size quickly. This is a side quest that will tie into the main storyline. When the conversation is over, however, you need to decide whether or not you wish to leave the Coven in peace or attempt to destroy them; Gann urges the latter path, and you can gain more influence with him if you agree to attack the hags. Kaji makes an acceptable lockpicker if your main character is incapable of performing the act. If you offer your services, shell ask that you return to the exterior of the cave and melt all of the ice that she caused to come into being when she entered. One of Many is an interesting follower, but also a problematic one. Gann is probably going to be the second follower you encounter, and if you treat him right, hell be quite valuable to you. My main build would be something like, Now i'm leaning towars the Bastard sword, as a Favored Soul i choose that weapon type for no extra feat. Before going too far, examine Safiyas inventory for a weapon; shell have a shortbow, crossbow, and short sword in the inventory, and a staff equipped. You can use this up to ten times per day, with a five-minute cooldown between uses, but every usage beyond the first will greatly increase your craving. If you head to the docks here, you can head into the sloop. It starts off as a rogue with pretty light damage, but a heck of a sneak attack bonus. So far as single-target spells go, Polar Ray will be a biggie early on, and you can also Empower Disintegrate as a level seven spell, or use Avasculate. On the other hand, he cant cast any spells nor equip any items, save for amulets and rings. If you havent finished the Loves Sweet Torment quest in the Wells of Lurue, now would be a good time to get that done. Kill them quickly, keep Seyryu healed, and you shouldnt have any problems with this errand. Keep your ranged attackers back, summon a couple of creatures to help you out, and go to town. There are also a bunch of dirt mounds in the city, so feel free to loot those as well. This quest sounds like it should be the name of some cheesy 70s paperback fantasy novel. These undead are not in the mood for chitchat. Some of the items you picked up in the cave will be worth the maximum of 25,000 gold, so if youre not using them, go ahead and get some cash for them., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. The only way we were able to advance this plot was to Intimidate her and threaten to eat her spirit friend, which bizarrely caused no evil alignment shift. Theres a relatively good result, one somewhat neutral option, and one particularly evil act. When youre ready to start the fight, walk your main character towards Okku and engage him in dialogue. A thousand years of living has taken its toll on the Founder. You can talk Djafi out of his role in the upcoming battle if you choose correctly in the options, however, which will leave you with six spellcasters. Nadaj waits at the foot of the great ash tree. Golem Fighting Bugfix. Youll get a lot of cash and a decent set of heavy armor for your troubles. The Soul Repository is at the center of this area. As Okku will be a frontline fighter for you, take these equipment slots and try to use them to get him increased AC (preferably through deflection or dodge bonuses; natural armor bonuses from equipment will not stack with Barkskin or Spiderskin spells), increased saving throws, or regeneration. My saves were as they were ( fort was 68 ), and I had steadfast,! Maximum effect on weapon even notice if you head to the actors to... Four small loci and the audience will attack you, Akachi will parts! And convince them to find a way to reach the Coven from here lengthy ; may. 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