-For optimal results, yes (a slight surplus). Sets: ~5 sets per day, less than 5 minutes total. But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. They spend their nucleus for the repair of the muscle and in the long run prepare for future damage. Consult your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. original sound - WillIamAndrewRichardson. Train like Vegeta for a month straight, active rest or deload for a solid 12 14 days to de-train your body, then right back to more intense training! With enough Tension, Load or Insensity (doesn't matter how you call it) you get muscledamage which leads to satellite cell activation and the whole process I described earlier. He is one of the only known figures pushing that online. He explains how mTOR and Nucleus Overload work. I have a Bachelor's degree in Corporate Finance, and another Bachelor's in Management Consulting & Analysis. -As long as adding the 5 sets from Nucleus Overload doesn't make you do more than 10 sets per day on that muscle, you're fine. So if you train every day with medium intensity and load, I'll guaranty you, there will no muscle damage happen after 3-4 days of doing this. they did pushups with guys pressing down on their back or sitting on their back, and other crazy shit EVERY DAY multiple times a day. Check out my PROGRAMSand 1 on 1 Coaching! Or to be even more specific, how do you surpass this NATURALLY once you reach your NATURAL LIMIT. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But for most people, I recommend picking only 1-2 muscles at a time. My arms look great now. Theres actually a really interesting talk about myonuclear domain theory and hypertrophy on the StrongerByScience podcast with Greg Nuckols that you can check out HERE. It makes zero sense but it absolutely, completely, and undoubtedly works. Take a look at this image. For a limited time, YouTube subscribers get an additional 40% off (must enter the coupon code at checkout). -Normal training doesn't offer enough weekly volume nor frequency to maximize satellite cell activation and nuclei accumulation. Also, if you can truly build the same amount of muscle utilizing techniques like drops sets, then that means you can get the SAME RESULTS using less weight which equates to less chance of an injury. I had all kinds of family visiting from Brazil for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years and because Im also building a pool, the last 3 weeks have been full of design work, lots of shoveling to redo my irrigation lines and just random other stuff. Well, it kind of looks like Johnathan may have hit the nail on the head back in 2013 and now the science is catching up to his claims. Another thing that I noticed was that when those same athletes or workers would join the bodybuilding scene even years after quitting their sports/fields, the muscle they used to "overtrain" would not only regain its former size quickly (muscle memory), but it would surpass it at an even faster rate. I added the detraining period because I had done a lot of reading on MTOR (key enzyme involved in protein synthesis) and the Androgen receptor, and found out that their responsiveness to training began to decline after several bouts of training. But back to my point, if we refer to the photo from earlier. What I did experience was that my forearms began to get sore around the time that I start training every day. He recommends doing the same exercises every day for at least 30 days and then taking a 7 to 14 day break before starting again. FIRST THINGS FIRST, did my biceps ACTUALLY GROW? Some days were harder than others and the weights varied from 35lb dumbbells to 50lb dumbbells depending on how sore I was. You didnt research your topic at all, let alone try it out. But who knows, maybe that could be a follow-up comparison video in the future. You cant really know who is behind a YouTube comment anyway. I know that there was A LOT in this article. You see, theres quite a bit of research that talks about the effects of de-training your muscles with time off in order to re-sensitize yourself to muscle damage. Regular comfortable fit, not too tight not too loose. So if we were to introduce more myonuclei into a muscle, it can sustain MORE MASS because the amount of cytoplasm within a muscle fiber controlled by a single myonucleus, wont breach its threshold. So cables, machines, some resistance bands, and some body weight exercises (like pushups or bench dips). I was completing 100 reps as fast as I could, usually in 10 sets of 10 reps. Answer (1 of 6): This could be either really good or really bad, depending on how you set things up. You gonna share buddy! Consult your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. Advanced lifters have a hard time to generate enough muscledamage to still take advantage of this pathway. In fact, for my first 9 years on YouTube (from 2011 to 2020), I never sold a SINGLE program, although I had around 40-50K subscribers at a time. You can lift light weights as much as you want, but you wont get stronger by doing so. Remember that building muscle is an adaptative process, thats why we are only doing this for 30 days. It revolves around training a muscle several times a week for 4 weeks, with short rest periods and high repetitions, followed by a 1-2 week break (no more than 5 min total, about 5 sets @ RPE 9 each, using moderate loads in the 15-30 rep range to maximize the pump and minimize injury risk and excessive muscle damage). -There is a difference between overtraining and under recovering. I train them to failure every day and I have no tendinitis issues or pain issues whatsoever. If you are going to overtrain a muscle group like crazy for a month, you will have to lift sub-maximal weights. Does the amount of cytoplasm within a muscle fiber controlled by a single myonucleus, wont breach its threshold. In fact, I noticed about a quarter inch difference when I remeasured from day 1 to 30 days later and still retain that difference even now. Now, I did quite a bit of research on NOT and for the most part a lot of people are saying the same things. In my case, maybe a full body program COMBINED with additional work like the 100 biceps curls a day could help me bring up lagging areas quicker while also focusing on overall growth. Nope not at all! If so should I try regular bench, incline or decline for 30 days? Your email address will not be published. FAQs about Nucleus Overload: Goal: Boost muscle sensitivity to growth by 1) Maximizing satellite cell activation & Nuclei incorporation into muscle 2) Keeping myofibrillar protein synthesis elevated daily WITHOUT excessive muscle damage. -Any exercise that is safe, allows for a maximum pump, and doesn't put excess stress on your connective tissue. How Boxers Gain Muscle Mass To Move Up a Weight Class, 3 Exercises to Build Bigger GLUTES & HAMSTRINGS. 34179 >>34177 Yo, are you migan. Your body just knows that it needs to grow and get stronger to handle a task that keeps repeating week after week and expend less energy while doing it. So if you're using moderate loads (less than 30 reps to failure), you don't need BFR at all. Nucleus training WORKS! The muscle cell becomes more resistent to damage after every training. I need to film a video, RIGHT NOW!! They need so called satellite cells to grow, split and fuse with the actual muscle cells. Do I think nucleus overload works maybe and maybe not, but to just dismiss it as bro science without backing your claim up is no better than trying to preach a new idea. Then take a mandatory 1-2 week break from ALL training. COPYRIGHT TEAM3DALPHA, 2023. Or, maybe I should just focus on HIGH VOLUME techniques in my workouts for all muscle groups. you described many different training styles, which was the crucial one which had the most impact? And number two, I was training A LOT more frequently back then and I really dont want to use that as an excuse, but life happens and a lots changed in my life since then. But be careful, most people can't recover from that sort of brutally heavy training long enough for the repeated bout effect to kick in. An example of this is ballerinas and their calves, gymnasts and their arms and shoulders, swimmers and their lat development, Olympic lifters/Powerlifters/Strongmen competitors and their Trapezius, Track cyclists and speed skaters and their quad development, mechanics and baseball players and their forearms, Basketball players & Boxers and their shoulders, Rowers and their backs & forearms etc. At least the guy from 3D Alpha linked a couple of studies on the topic. This is manageable, and doesnt negatively affect recovery (especially if youre eating and sleeping enough). So the theory is that if you take time OFF, your muscles will be more susceptible to damage and as a result more prone to accumulating new myonuclei, and primed for greater total hypertrophy. If we learned anything today, its that THE NUCLEI DONT LEAVE (muscle memory) and what they call OVERTRAINING, were going to call from now on NUCLEI OVERLOAD TRAINING!!! I can take your training to the NEXT LEVEL! So Olympic weight lifters (its an actual sport) who do heavy squats and deadlifts and shoulder press and olympic lifts every single day must be very weak. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM AND MEAL PLAN Mr. I am not a Doctor or Dietitian. Theres actually a really interesting talk about myonuclear domain theory and hypertrophy on the StrongerByScience podcast with Greg Nuckols that you can check out here: https://sbspod.com/episodes/qa-myonuclei-sodium-bicarbonate-bands-for-hypertrophy-and-more-game-changers?__s=tj2p9tpp2zrkrqr2juxo. The idea would be to train a muscle every day for 4 weeks, followed by a brief period of detraining. But basically myonuclar domain theory states that how large a muscle can get is to some degree constrained by the number of myonuclei it has. Now, I did quite a bit of research on NOT and for the most part a lot of people are saying the same things. Thats the real question and unfortunately I cant give a definitive answer just yet. The official Team3DAlpha Reddit. I look much thicker in my chest, arms and shoulders and its for a few reasons. They dont just train these movements once a week. 50-60% of 1RM or even less have to be used. Video reference: https://youtu.be/Fb5iixQrvWw TL;DW train a muscle group for something like 30 days everyday with high volume, done that cycle that muscle will grow faster than usual with the following training. In my case, maybe a full body program COMBINED with additional work like the 100 biceps curls a day could help me bring up lagging areas quicker while also focusing on overall growth. What it shows is that as a NEW LIFTER you will accrue more myonuclei from surrounding satellite cells because satellite cells activate in response to muscle damage and then donate their myonuclei to help with repairs which increases overall myonuclei in the muscle. READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING. Acceptable_Tune3299. I remember it like it was yesterday, I looked in my mirror after an intense arms workout and said DAMN, I look huge!! I used to call it "overtraining", with the sarcastic quotes, simply because that's the word everyone used to poke fun at the program. Eventually you'll hit your genetic limit of course, but that will take years. This is the facebook fan page for Team3Dalpha. In fact, a really great video for you to check out later is by Jonathan Migan of Team 3D Alpha called The Best Video Ever On How To Build Muscle Naturally where he talks a lot about real life examples of NOT and goes over a lot of recent studies that now prove it does have truth based in science. So if we were to introduce more myonuclei into a muscle, it can sustain MORE MASS because the amount of cytoplasm within a muscle fiber controlled by a single myonucleus, wont breach its threshold. Everything finally made sense. This is simply broscience. Goal: Helping men increase Testosterone, Masculinity, and Muscle mass, using science-backed strategies. -Absolutely. I Did 100 Bicep Curls Every Day For 30 Days - Jed North. Besides, why would I give everyone the link to the study, mention it on all my videos, then proceed to name my program after it and say that I coined the term? Please note, comments need to be approved before they are published. the feeder workout ? You gonna share buddy! About me: CEO of Team3DAlpha, creator of Nucleus Overload, HSP Training, and . But the REAL QUESTION is, why did I wait SO LONG to show you my results as I did this from October 10th through November 10th. Instead of resting between your sets of 10 reps, you just drop the weight and keep going until all 30 reps are complete. Is this something I can attempt to do with chest as well? Unless your life revolves around lifting weights, you cannot allow yourself to overtrain especially if you have a physical job. In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. Also all relevant suggestions and feedback from customers will be grouped together and added to future editions (which again, will be all free), meaning that the E-Book/Program will continue to get better and better each year. The idea behind this is that you overload the muscle cells with more myonuclei, which produces a lot of hypertrophy in the aftermath when you rest. To make things clear, there are different mechanisms to achieve musclegrowth. I saw that another youtuber that I usually watch (Alex from alphadestiny) promoted it in the past. Its super noticeable both visually and physically inside my own body. Why increase satellite cells & nuclei anyway? Nucleus Multiplication, Excessive Nuclei etc. Use all of the information provided at your own risk. 7)Won't I overtrain if I do this? So basically full body splits Vs. bro splits which is something the majority of us already know and accepted to be true: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27102172, But then the information collected was taken one step further in a more recent study in 2019 where two groups of men were given the same amount of TRAINING VOLUME, but one group consisted of traditional SPLIT training where the other did full body workouts. DISCLAIMER: None of the content, products, or services on this site should in any way be substituted for medical advice. 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