A U-turn. Gods own country = A reference to Australia, or parts thereof, as a paradise on earth. Example: Keep acting like a drongo and face the consequences. bathers = Swimming costume; also known as a cossie (short for costume:, i.e. Just gonna check Facey and see whose birthdays are coming up. togs. Looking for things to do in Tasmania with kids? sticky beak = [1] Someone who is curious about someone elses business, when its actually none of their business. For example, shortening someone with the last name of Fitzgerald to Fitzy or Robert to Robbo. posted by Zozo at 7:46 AM on July 19, 2006. awkward as a Chow on a bike = Acting in an awkward manner; from a negative reference to a Chinese person on a bike. Australias national footwear everyone else knows them as flip flops. In army slang, a kilometer is called a click, e.g. swimming costumes); also rendered as the Great Aussie Cossie. Our pipes [short story by Henry Lawson] Here is what you give as its meaning: Toilet. She fell out of the ugly tree (can also can be given in a longer form, such as He fell out of the ugly tree, and hit a few branches on the way down). . supports them), usually used in regards to people barracking for a football team, e.g. Meaning: (Noun) Large amounts of objects that are piled together are called heaps. This word is one of the Australian slang words that is also used around the world and has the same meaning. The term contains an implied insult, by being a reference to the time when Tasmania was known as Van Diemens Land, when it was still taking in convicts from Britain (the island, discovered by the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, was originally named after Anthony van Diemen). Barbecue. Mary Gilmore Used in the rhyming parody prayer for dinnertime, Two, four, six, eight; bog in, dont wait. boomer = A large kangaroo (such as in the Rolf Harris song about Six white boomers). go bag your head = Telling someone to rack off (telling someone to go away), usually while in a dispute or disagreement. fizzer = Something that fails to live up to expectations, e.g. bingle = A minor collision or crash, usually a car crash, e.g. Aussie battlers = Australians who are not rich, battling against lifes odds. Noun. bodgy = Something of dubious worth, e.g. Taking a Wineglass Bay Cruise in Tasmania, Go for gold: 18 things to do in Bendigo in 2023. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). Needed if you're in the car with one of the world's worst drivers bookie = A bookmaker (professional betting men who accept bets at racetracks). Read on to find out what its like to visit Tasmazia and explore the town of Lower Crackpot, in the heart of the Promised Land. batching = Living as a bachelor, e.g. it ould also be a foldable bed. Are we going to the woop woop? [See the entry: dead-set drongo.]. Ye, Ye, Na (No) or Na, Na, Ye (Yes)? did you get your license from out of a Cornflakes packet? If you really want to go to the fair, go. (Dont try this at home, folks). Usually used regarding men. What else did you get for Christmas? bloomin = An exclamatory oath (blooming), I cant believe that happened, no bloomin way. Addition is Dry as a dead Dingoes dong, Thanks for your suggestions, Russell. Cooler. Come and have a cuppa. av a go = Strine for Have a go, i.e. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. What are yous up to today?. Aussie Slang Playing Cards . Or are you a big, Read More Visiting Tasmazia & the tiny village of Lower CrackpotContinue, Wineglass Bay is one of the prettiest beaches in Australia, regularly making lists of the top ten (pretty high praise when you consider Oz has over 10,000 of them). Look at that bloke; hes almost falling over; hes blotto. Also rendered as Oz. When youre feeling crook, youre either feeling unwell or angry. To bail is to cancel plans. Your parents. Dorothy Dixer = A question asked in parliament by a member of the same party as a planned question in order to enable the responder to give a prepared speech; from a letters section in a newspaper where readers would write to Dorothy Dix, of which some were supposed to have been written by the newspaper staff themselves. dillybag = A small bag, from the Aboriginal term for a bag or basket. Were working flat chat to get it done on time, He drove flat chat to get to the game on time. For more, check out my other content on Australia. Example: Dont forget to pack your bathers because were going to the beach. Just two hours from Melbourne, this historic city has a lot to offer. blower = Telephone, e.g. Its 12 Ks to the nearest petrol station. Example: Did you bring the sanger I asked you to make? got the sack), his girlfriend didnt like him any more, so she gave him the flick; similar to give someone the arse. oo roo = Goodbye. "An inexplicable headache." We like irony. Genuinely Australian words such as bush are only used by locals and are not that common outside the country. The Macquarie Australian Slang Dictionary James Lambert, 2004 Sydney: Macquarie Library Introduction The words Aussie and slang go together like swagman and billy, like bloke and sheila, like fair dinkum and true blue. The desert. Similar to oo roo. The Australian usage differs to the British usage of the term, where wog refers to people of Central Asian ethnicity (people from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc.). . The earliest published example located for give it a burl, Shirl is from 2005. Chuck a u-ie - To make a 180 degree turn. Sheena kissed Kylies boyfriend. Ugh. do = To bash or fight someone, e.g. Its one of the most well-known Australian slang phrases. Breakfast. We have compiled a list of the top Australian slangs and phrases used in Australia right here. Hes a real bloody drongo. Relatively often rendered as You little ripper! (during the 1980s it was commonly used in the phrase Ripper, Rita!, which was used in a television advertisement). Derived from the large apple-growing industry in Tasmania. Heres a fun new word, Avanavo = Have an avo. Meaning: (Noun) Chook is an Australian slang word for chicken. A 375ml bottle of beer. I got the strangest looks at the park when I said this in New Zealand Its funny because Ive never really known it as anything else. theyre a bunch of arseholes. Distinct from the word nanna, which means grandmother. You can borrow my hammer; but, remember, its a boomerang. Ned Kelly: Australian bushranger Why not avanavo for brekki on some toast.. come the raw prawn = To try to impose on someone, or to seek an advantage, e.g. Mushrooms, yum. A over T =Arse over tits, i.e. Aussie Slang Air Con = Air Conditioner All over the show = disorganized; in chaos or disarray Arvo = Afternoon Aussie = Australian (pronounced 'Ozzie') Avo = Avocado Baz = shorthand for Barry Brekkie = Breakfast Capsicum = Red Pepper Coriander = Cilantro Date = Butt Dusty = Hungover Eskie = Cooler Box Extra Tasty Cheese = Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese Can also be spelt as bonza. B&S = Bachelors and Spinsters; being a reference to a Bachelors and Spinsters Ball, a dance party arranged for single people, or humourously referring to a gathering that is said to look like one. (Actually, another of the 19 - cheese and kisses/ "missus" - is rhyming slang, too, but not identified as such.) The next-door-neighbour wasnt feeling so hot yesterday, then he carked it last night, My car engine has been acting up, I think its about to cark it. Cornstalks = People from New South Wales; New South Welshmen. Here's the full list: sanger dunny bogan daks strides spit the dummy shoot through like a Bondi tram sparky drongo thunderbox gum sucker Also referred to as knickers. Also may be known as swimmers, or bathers, although the latter I find to be a throwback from Britain. annoyed, irked. Example: Lets watch footy later. Singular: ankle biter. [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. = A phrase used against someone using an item too much, e.g. Beware the goon hangover though and take this as your official warning . That was a bit of a rort.. Love these posts! Go via all the big things. Used in the term Aussie battler. Derived from the idea that when a man wears a small pair of tight bathers, it looks like he is smuggling (or hiding) a budgerigar (budgie) inside his bathers, whereas the bulge is actually his genitalia. Bullamakanka = Somewhere very far away. Id love to have the input of a pro, thats for sure! Distinct from the British usage of the term, where true blue refers to something related to the conservative side of politics. That blokes a bit odd; hes a stubbie short of a six pack. Derived from the practice of young male Aborigines going walkabout, heading off into the wilderness, to live alone for several months, as a rite of passage. Anzac = Originally a reference to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), it also refers to the members thereof, and is sometimes applied to Australian men in a stereotypical sense (rugged, tough, etc.). Meaning: (Noun) A dunny is an Australian slang that means toilet. Named from the main character in Hawaii 5-0. game as Ned Kelly = Someone who is brave, willing to face incredible odds, e.g. bathers. bees knees = Something very good. Dont be a silly billy. 01. Hes a bit of a boofhead. Meaning: (Noun) Barbie, in Australia, is not a popular doll, like in the United States. chuck a mental = Have a tantrum, get angry (the imputation is that one is acting like a mentally disabled person having a fit); also chuck a wobbly, chuck a mickey, chuck a fit, e.g. Fair dinkum, thats what happened. Thorpedo = Ian Thorpe, the famous swimmer. That place is such a crock.. on the project; I did everything myself. Also said as Sweet F*ck All. The phrase bugger it means damn it. Translation: Speedos Explanation: Skimpy male beachwear. I am trying to do exactly the same for my new blog except the inverse! As a Kiwi, raisins and sultanas are not the same thing! piss = Beer. To be cheated, a dishonest practice. bickies = Biscuits (cookies in American terminology); can also be spelt as bikkies (singular: bickie, bikkie, bicky, or bikky). Drain the dragon? Bogans or just some blokes having a good time?bogan = Someone who is perceived as being uncouth, uncultured, and of a lower socio-economic class (excepting cashed-up bogans); stereotyped as someone who wears flannelette shirts, smokes cigarettes (especially Winnie Blues, i.e. Written By Holiday Makers In Australia. I love this one because it's the lexical definition of an Aussie and their landscape: laid back! yonks = A long time, e.g. Chicken. "I eat brekkie every morning before sunup." 2. The Aussie slang may be used in a positive or negative way. stoked = Excited, exhilarated, e.g. Distinct from the slang word lolly, used in Europe and the USA, which refers to an under-age girl (derived from the movie Lolita, made in 1962 and re-made in 1997). a few sangers short of a barbie = [See the entry: a few sandwiches short of a picnic.]. Gday cobber! (a greeting used by an older generation of Australians)A collection of Australian slang words and phrases. galah = Someone who is regarded as a fool or an idiot; e.g. Makes a bit more sense than just she bangs like a dunny door! #SpoonTip: the drinking age in Australia is 18. I think you might be right. See synonyms for hangover on Thesaurus.com noun the disagreeable physical aftereffects of drunkenness, such as a headache or stomach disorder, usually felt several hours after cessation of drinking. Well, av a go, ya mug!. Captain James CookCaptain Cook = Rhyming slang for look, e.g. sickie (taking . : Excellent! Go on, give us a dink on your bike; also referred to as double-dinking. The crossword clue In Australian slang, one who gets drunk on little alcohol with 16 letters was last seen on the January 09, 2022. The Newcastle song [music video, sung by Bob Hudson] Fremantle Doctor = The cool breeze that blows in to Fremantle and Perth in the evenings. Example: You forgot to bring your own food? Get dumped? Booze A 14th-century nickname. chuck = [1] Throw; e.g. Do you want eggs and toast? The Australian slang term for drunk or intoxicated. Chips can refer to either hot chips (fries) or crisps. couldnt organise a root in a brothel = Referring to someone who is incompetent. mate = Friend, cobber. stone the crows = A phrase used when surprised, e.g. This means there are 19 expressions identified as Australian, plus the two rhyming slang expressions- actually another of the 19 ( cheese and kisses "missus") is rhyming slang too, but not identified as such. Thats a big ask. compo = Workers compensation, also known as workers comp. A can of beer. Damn, my lawn mowers buggered; Im gunna have to get it fixed. Out of a Cornflakes packet? Thongs is another one that got me some weird looks. From "bugger all" to "jandals," the Australian New Zealander takes you through some "sweet as" phrases from down under. Who doesnt love a good pizza with mushies? cut = Feeling hurt, e.g. Example: My family is true blue. Who asked you to stick your bib in?. Learn how your comment data is processed. Also spelt hooroo. In the Australian context Asian usually refers to someone of East Asian ethnicity (from China, Japan, Korea, etc. Western Australians. Literature, legends, and larrikins. Addy is a kind hearted sassy girl.She usually will fight in a argument if she believes she is right even when she might not be. Make sure you update your car rego for the next year., Relatives. "Check out that fella with the mullet. dead-set. Example: I am stoked that you came today! Brian Cadd [music videos and biography] Singular: snag, e.g. Australians invented boxed wine and celebrate its invention through games ( Goon of Fortune was another addition to the AND) and a rich array of words, including boxie, box monster, Dapto. Here are 100 popular Australian slang words, terms and sayings to sound like a local during your next trip in Down Under. You should have seen the way those soldiers charged the enemy, they were as game as Ned Kelly!, gander = To look, e.g. Also abbreviated as Gropers. Aggro - Aggressive or Angry Ambo - Ambulance Ankle Biter = Used to refer to a child. Do you mind helping me? That meal was bonzer. The first (and most important) meal of the day. dob = To inform on, e.g. Jesus H. Christ! Your email address will not be published. You reckon you can beat me, do ya? Crikey - An expression of surprise. Derived from the complimentary phrase your bloods worth bottling. Cockie - Cocakatoo, farmer. 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