On the other hand, liquid aeration is effective without the need to bore holes in the lawn. Does anyone know if this is pet safe. When used properly it also introduces over 100 billion live microbes per gallon of water along with minerals, humic acid and seaweed extract. of chemical with 10 gallons of water, or 3.2 oz per gallon. What size area does this mixture for the 10 gallon sprayer cover. Here is Jerry Baker using a simular recipe, he explains it well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9o8ueIebms&feature=related. You can also buy aerator attachments for your riding lawn mower for $80+. Can you dilute this so it can be used in a small sprayer attached to my riding tractor? Get Same-Day Lawn Care Services. He does use small amounts of dry fertilizer as well. I use the commercial antifungus products but each year it covers a larger area. Make a mark at the bottom of the bucket in the center. You just slip them on your feet and walk around the yard to aerate it. Sunlight Calculator - Another Product You Don't Need. Powered by, Best Garden Plants for Connoisseurs eBook, Compaction squeezes the soil particles closer together, machine called a core aerator is run over the lawn, recommended by almost all government organizations, similar to liquid thatch reducers, which I have discussed previously, commercial liquid organic polymer solution, humic acid was added to putting greens they resulted in lower moisture levels, https://www.facebook.com/groups/GardenFundamentals/. I recently started looking into ways of making my lawn more lush and healthy and what I learned is that aerating your lawn if really good for it. While some advise against aerating in the spring, doing it ahead of the growing season can prove to be a boon for a lawn. The soil will be broken up, so the roots receive the necessary amount of water, nutrients, and oxygen. WOW You told it so well!! Most commercial lawn aerators offer a variety of time choices- Hallow, Solid, and Solid/Knife. With this method, an organic mix of chemicals is applied to the grass. The product that is used in the liquid aeration system consists of different compositions. In some cases, the layer of thatch may actually be visible. MG By the way my friends dad's lawn looks great and it just snowed out here a week ago I know that is 1 can of beer and 1 can of coke. The holes also allow the soil to expand sideways to fill the holes. ***You need to use the hose sprayer as directed.***. The thing is, you can use the least expensive generic products; they are no better or worse than name brands. A surfactant acts by reducing the surface tension of water (their chemistry is very similar to a soap). "When you don't have a lot of water and we're on watering restrictions, this is another way to get the nutrients to your lawn and keep it growing.". I have received several emails recently asking me about the 10-gallon hose end sprayer, and if you need to add 10 gallons of water to the solution. Pet-Safe Fertilizer I used your receipe with 16 oz cans of beer should I have increased the other ingredients from what you have written in the receipe??? You do not need to water it in as you're applying it with water and it's already going to the roots of your lawn.We have no had no reports of the tonic being hazardous to your pet. OUR YARD IS GLOWING LIKE I PAINTED IT.THANKS AND HAVE A VERY BLESSED DAY! This process is generally accomplished by mixing the product with water and spraying it all across your yard using a garden pump sprayer or a hose-end attachment. Wooden Boards - 3 1/2 x 3/4 x 11 long . A 10 gallon hose sprayer is designed to distribute 32 oz. For thecool-season grassesfound in Connecticut, the fall and spring are the best times to aerate a lawn. Nancy. It help the mixture to get in the soil faster and easier. Tick Talk 18 Myths About Ticks Debunked, The Magical Power of Banana Peels in The Garden - Or Not, LED Grow Lights - Getting the Right Color Spectrum. I used this mixture many years ago, but I recall there was Epsom salt in the mix. You just need the bucket, a few nails and something to use as a handle an old handle from a push lawn mower would be perfect. Liquid lawn aeration is the process of aerating the lawn with a solution that is in liquid form. I will be using these tonics til the day I day. For those looking for a green and healthy lawn all summer long, liquid aeration is far superior. Weebitty, Is anyone montoring this website. Soda pop?Definitely not something you should have washing into your soil. Aeration breaks up this layer of thatch so the grasss roots can get the water and nutrients they need. 3. I typically remove one swig before starting. Pour 1/4 cup of ammonia into the hose end sprayer with the beer or soda and detergent. Place the lid on the sprayer and shake to thoroughly mix. I'm a different "Jerry Baker," and I support Alvin Greene, for "Man of the Year," on the cover of TIME magazine. You can also buy aerator attachments for your riding lawn mower for $80+. Rather than make a one-time investment in an aerator, you will need to keep buying liquid aeration solution. Especially reviews. These are also really cheap to DIY. They work just like you would imagineyou strap them to your feet and then walk your way to a beautiful lawn. It actually digs holes in the lawn and drops these cores on top of the lawn. That will do nothing to stimulate microbial growth and it certainly wont decrease compaction. In recent years, a new lawn aeration method called liquid aeration began gaining traction. Humates, compost, and seaweed contain vital nutrients and enzymes that enrich the lawn andhelp decomposethe thatch layer. Something to do with the sugars/carbs. Its tedious but for a small patch of lawn it is doable. However, thanks to the ease of application, liquid aerating a larger lawn is no issue. Aeration helps lawns with thatch problems. Applying a fungicide will deplete ALL beneficial fungi and bacterial that is responsible for converting applied nitrogen into usage plant form Simply stated, applying a fungicide will make your problem worse as you have indicated. And because it's applied with the hose sprayer, it's a direct shot to your sod. I love curb appeal and I do have it but It's been a struggle for me. Advertiser Disclosure: Many of the credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which Wise Bread receives compensation. Watering Houseplants Top or Bottom? All we have in the front yard is rocks since we live in NM. I can't see why they would be marketed as "liquid aeration". One important way to develop green, healthy grass is to regularly aerate your lawn. I'm in Georgia. Thatch is a collection of roots, stems, and other plant matter that amasses near the soil. Did my RESEARCH of .gov and University studies then read your article. Aeration machines can hit sprinkler systems, invisible pet fencing and cable lines. Next put your 2nd quart of the mixed water/aerator solution into the hose end container and . UPDATE I can see that skunks are attracted to the yard, which is probably filled with grubs, and that doesn't help either. It can take hours for lawn care professionals to manually aerate a medium-sized lawn, even with professional-grade equipment. Aeration shoes with spikes go for $20+, push aerators for $50+ and a pronged aeration tool you drive into the ground for $30+. Quick And Simple DIY Lawn Aerator Shoes, 6. I am going to try your forumula but was wondering if you water before or after the application??? The active ingredient, ammonium lauryl sulfate, is commonly found in soap. Cheap And Easy DIY Concrete Aerator 3. Do you have a temperature range for spring or fall. i would also ask you about sap test if you had already an article. The nails will go all the way through the plywood into the ground. A machine called a core aerator is run over the lawn as it pulls out short plugs of soil. You mix everything up and add the rest with warm water.Equaling 20 gallons. Place the plywood on a grass or dirt surface. None of these are going to significantly reduce compaction. You're a lawn care professional? Its purpose is to help the mixture coat the grass all the way down to the roots. I bought the brand sun and it is not antibacterial. I'm looking for something that won't add to an already serious problem created by the run-off from farms and am not sure that ammonia is a safe ingredient. I think I'll forward the recipe to our local weatherman who is also an avid gardner. Does Gypsum work in reducing clay compaction? @Tyerod Nobody should have to explain the toxicity to you if you read the labels of each of the ingredients. St. Bernard $498.00 Be the Best-Lawn-On-The-Block! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Their lawn is lush and Rich now. You'll find many similar formulas on the Internet, and we've listed some sights below, but this is a formula that seems to work well in Colorado. I get all of my mixture from the local Dollar store (not the beer) most of the recipe people have in there house. Since our first story, many of the 10-gallon rated sprayers have sold out. I have added that to watering device in the past and had very good results. But everyone's sprayer has a different flow rate. I'm sure this would help your situation. Learn your biology and you'll see the ingredients in the beer make a wonderful food source for the natural microorganisms that live in the soil. "When you don't have a lot of water and we're on watering restrictions, this is another way to get the nutrients to your lawn and keep it growing.". Hydrogen peroxide is also used, but how can diluted 3% peroxide spread over a large area do anything? Required fields are marked *. There are two main methods of aeration: core aeration and liquid aeration. The sprayer sprays at a rate of 1.6 oz per each gallon of water that sprays out of the hose. This will happen, but this process is a very slow process, taking many years, not weeks, as claimed for these products. Ammonia on your lawn? ft. View More Details; . So I just wanted to say THANKS to SOMEONE WITH SOME DANG SENSE!! Its also a soil loosener, allowing freshly planted grass seeds to take hold. A lawn care professional told me that people dont want it done because of the mess it leaves. Won't it burn the grass??? Amanda Prischak is a freelance writer based in Erie, Pennsylvania. That is incredible. Homemade liquid soil aeration mixtures. The closest I can get with my fine Ortho dail-and-spray is four ounces/gallon, or buy a fixed-rate sprayer that does 3.5 to 4 oz/gallon. Thanks, hey wi. You can make a simple DIY lawn aerator out of an old garden rake and a 2X4. NOTE: Do NOT use anti-bacterial dishwashing liquid in the mixture as it will kill off important microbes in the lawn and soil that help "digest" thatch. Lots of garden DIY mixtures include dish soap to help the liquids stick to plants and soil, and the surfactant in these products would do the same thing, making it easier for the product to soak into the soil. Add organic matter to your lawn and it will stimulate microbes which in turn reduce compaction. Thatch is simply the result of a buildup of old grass roots and rhizomes. is this tonic safe for desert tortous that eat the grass? Thanks for the information. This stuff is a homeopathic solution! So, you're right on both occasions! The mix is then applied evenly across the lawn, breaking down dense clay particles which in turn creates small channels to help the aerification process. It does not mean the sprayer has a 10-gallon tank. If you want to approximate a 10 gallon sprayer as in this recipe, set it to either "3 oz" or "4 oz" as I mentioned above. For most hom Show chat replay Air-8 Liquid Aeration Research Data Pt 2: Best. Can I use your lawn tonic to spray my vegetables to kill of and discourage any bugs? The mouthwash (believe it or not) naturally interrupts the biological processes of harmful insects (especially grubs), causing them to die off. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I just keep looking at it and when the stuff becomes clear, and I cant smell it anymore, then I know i am done or need to change it. the sprayer attaches to garden hose ,as the water is turn on and the water runs thru the sprayer it sucks up the tonic from the sprayer in which mixes the right amount of water.If your sprayer has adjustment set it as close to 3.6 oz as possible .as your hose sprays 1 gallon of water then 3.6 oz of tonic mixed with that 1 gallon will go on your lawn.simple? For one what gives you the right to judge people!!! Pushing it in with your foot and wiggling the fork to lift it up losens the soil andmakes a hole. Copyright 2023 Garden Myths | My lawn is already starting to awaken from its winter hibernation here in Colorado, and it won't be long before the scorching sun will turn the neighbors' new green growth into brown, dry thatch. What are the active ingredients and how are those supposed to work? The 10 gallon sprayer attaches to a water hose. Does it get applied in fall as well???? I currently have a service that applies 4-6 times a year. Each product had the same claims and 4.0 + ratings from over a thousand reviews. "It essentially messes-up their re-productive cycles and keeps them out of your lawn and makes it look a lot better and leaves it minty fresh," laughs Heffron. Perfect Mark, This is the info I needed. Then pour a quart of this mixture into your hose end sprayer and spray the 1st 2000 sq feet. Stop tilling the vegetable garden and compaction will go away. I will hopefully come back in a couple of weeks with good results. So I'm gonna put it to the test!! Both have worked great. It mixes automatically with water as it sprays. I use the Dial-a-Sprayer (since that's what's commonly available at the Walmart/Target/etc) to approximate a 20 gallon sprayer. A healthy amount of thatch can (especially in warmer-climates) insulate and keep your soil cool,slow water loss, and cushion your lawn to improve its tolerance to heavy foot traffic (i.e. I went to fred's and brought one of there hose end sprayers. Mix all up and use the hose sprayer. I've used this formula 3 times this summer and don't see any improvement in my lawn. They dot a landscaping effort that you work tirelessly to maintain. What a great way to make use of old gardening tools! Keep in mind that the 2 oz portion is 95% water, so you are spreading a pinch of organic matter over a very large area of soil. Just make sure your soap that you use doesn't have any antibacterial stuff in it as that would hurt your lawn. WE HAVE LOTS OF YARDS AND I PREFER TO HANDLE THEM THAN THE CHEAP GUYS HE HIRES TO DESTROY THEM. As people use the lawn it gets compacted again and the process needs to be repeated. So stop being so judgemental and keep your mean self to YOUR SELF!! Basically it's mild enough to not hurt anything and may help a bit with water seeping deeper. While adding a vast amount of alcohols to your lawn would be a disaster, the small quantity used here is harmless, certainly MUCH less harmless than the ingredients of most commercial non-organic fertilizers. This one is so simple and can be really cheap if you have an old oil drum that you can use as the base. This revenue may affect the location and order in which products appear. Is this harmful for pets? But . So, when I found out how good aeration is for my lawn, I started looking into aerators. This reference was used by a company promoting a liquid aeration product as evidence that their product worked. A machine that simply pokes holes in your lawn starts at $100. I agree, this shouldnt be called aeration, but if it does what its supposed to do then it is what it is. But they do not affect the actual opinions and recommendations of the authors. Just make sure your soap that you use doesn't have any antibacterial stuff in it as that would hurt your lawn. I will definitely try it this spring. A garden pump sprayer or a hose-end sprayer can be used to combine a liquid aeration product, which is essentially a "soil loosener," with water and spray it liberally around your yard. This makes the job even more difficult and takes even more time. He means that the quart container mixes with water as you spray on the settings of 3.6 oz. He has no sprinkler system and only hand-waters his lawn sparingly. I live in chicago and the summer has been mild with temps in the 80's and cool nights and fairly dry. Once the spikes are in place, you add a handle and wheels and then just push the aerator through your yard to keep your soil and grass healthy. Thanks. Simply mix four ounces of the softsoil liquid soil aerator into a gallon of water and apply. AERATE your lawn in MINUTES using your hose! if you like toxic chemicals on your food, by all means. Beer and Baby Shampoo Fertilizer Beer can make your grass greener with its carbohydrate content. Not sure the rules about promoting YouTube channels here, but there's a decent series about shampooing your lawn that you can watch. I'm glad I found it though because my husband and I own a house now and we're trying to save the backyard. I just "shampooed" my hillside lawn yesterday. Which is Best? Liquid aeration products and liquid lawn aerators have been discussed over and over.Liquid aeration provides coverage for your entire lawn, while a manual aerator is limited to the holes it makes.Natural liquid soil loosener aerator ssp 2.5 gallon. As a lawn care professional I cannot see the sense or reason of putting ammonia, beer, soda or mouthwash on a lawn. 3. The blend of seaweed, compost, yucca, and humates is all-natural and organic. This is traditionally done with a mechanical device called a core aerator. The reason being that - as the clippings decompose - they also speed along the decomposition of old roots and rhizomes. our neighbors dog died of poisoning from a lawn care service. I should also note that this lawn has never seen any chemical fertilizers either, just a straight diet of Milorganite. If you have a sprayer with a dial on it, set the dial to 1.6 oz per gallon to give the correct ratio". Spray the 1st 2000 sq feet antifungus products but each year it covers a larger area stuff it! Area do anything we have in the front yard is GLOWING like i PAINTED IT.THANKS have... Invisible pet fencing and cable lines that sprays out of an old garden and. Products ; they are no better or worse than name brands the 1st sq! The water and nutrients they need you can use as the base take hours for care! Ask you about sap test if you read the labels of each of the lawn it compacted. 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