Like the shepherds in Luke 2 when the angel announced a Savior was born. You fall to the ground trembling, your hair standing straight up. At least 9 times that I could find in this Gospel. They are not really tracking all of what Jesus is saying, and so when Jesus speaks openly about his impending death, the disciples sometimes say nothing at all (note what happens after Luke 9:27: we fast-forward 8 whole days with no reported reactions whatsoever of the disciples to what Jesus had said). but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him (v. 32b). And the people should listen to him. ; Cana : Jean 2 :1-11 inclut les Noces de Cana comme le premier miracle accompli par Jsus [21], [22]. In other words, long about the time Jesus could use all the support he could get, the disciples are simply unavailable to him in any meaningful way. Stephen is stoned, lies down and falls asleep. The demon makes a desperate last attempt to control the boy. Henry, Matthew. At the conclusion of his splendid chapter on the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of our bodies, Paul magnificently concludes: 1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 4. that he took with him Peter, John, and James (v. 28b). WebMatthew 17:1-8. Between Jesus birth and his death, this may be the most significant event in the Gospels. He was an eyewitness to the majesty and glory of Christ on that mountain. The longer text tends to diminish the significance of the Transfiguration. But the subject matter of their conversation is clear: They spoke of Jesus departure and what he would accomplish in Jerusalem.. Our Lord Jesus, even in his transfiguration, was willing to speak concerning his death and sufferings. WebLuke 9:28-36. That exodus can only happen in accord with what Jesus himself had predicted when he said, just prior to this story, that he must suffer, be killed, and be raised on the third day (9:22). Behold, a spirit takes him, he suddenly cries out, and it convulses him so that he foams, and it hardly departs from him, bruising him severely (v. 39). WebThe Transfiguration. As Moses led the Israelites in the wilderness, God told him to build booths in which the people would dwell for seven days (Leviticus 23:33-43). They speak of Jesus forthcoming exodus or departure, his forthcoming death and resurrection, which Jesus had spoken of before going up the mountain (9:22). 29 And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was galtered, and hhis clothing became dazzling white. pierce the gloom of sin and grief; as the stars forever and ever (Daniel 12:3). The temple was constructed on Mount Zion. Luke 1:4 that you may have certainty of what you have been taught.. Luke 9:28-36. The father is desperate, but has not given up. And I do not fault them at all. 34 As he was saying these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. Nothing has worked. At this point in Lukes story, Jesus and the disciples are on the way into the abyss of Jesus passion. They were dumbfounded, speechless, awe struck. Maybe this reminds us, as we in this Year C Lectionary cycle are on the cusp of the Season of Lent, that we need to listen really closely to what Jesus says from the cross whenhaving given the last full measure of his own devotion to this broken worldhe cries out, It is accomplished!. What was his response? The word glory is used in the Bible to speak of various wonderful thingsbut it is used especially to speak of Gods gloryan aura associated with Gods appearance that reveals Gods majesty to humans. We can read about that in Luke 22 just hours before the Crucifixion. The moment is over! We dont die and then simply vanish. A resource for the whole church from Luther Seminary. This is my beloved Son. The exodon about which Moses and Elijah are speaking here is Jesus death, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem (v. 31). Jesus is Gods beloved Son. How so? This post is excerpted from The Testimony of Luke, by S. Kent Brown, 472-482. Only the High Priest is allowed to come into Gods presenceand he only on the Day of Atonement (Hebrews 9:7). What he says about discipleship is also to be heeded. 29. The Greek term translated as departure is exodus (exodus in English). When he returns down the mountain, his face literally shined for a time since he had been in Gods presence. This event was unprecedented. The first is that Luke alone provides the content of the conversation between Jesus, Moses, and Elijah (on which comment is made below). Hope that Jesus is who he claims to be. Though this story in Luke 9 is quite unusual, even strange, it is a story that builds hope in us. All three of the Synoptics place the Transfiguration immediately after Jesus first passion pronouncement, emphasizing that the one who willbe killed, and on the third day be raised up (v. 22) is not a random victim of violence, but is the Son of God carrying out Gods plan (v. 35). Copyright 2007, Philip McLarty. Each of the Synoptic Gospels contains an account of the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9//Mark 9:2-10 //Luke 9:28-36). that he took with him Peter, John, and James, III. Let me offer a few thoughts. Accounts of Moses as having gone to heaven are not in the Old Testament itself, but in Jewish tradition (Josephus, Ant, 4.326). The Exodus from Egypt led Gods people to the Promised Land. May we meditate on the reality of this passage. Either expression, as Stephen Farris points out in The Lectionary Commentary, could be the loose equivalent of saying about a week later. Yet, as Farris also suggests, in Lukes context the eighth day could be a prefigurement of the resurrection as well. So we may speculate a bit about why these two men appeared. Well, Peter as usual is the first one to speak up. But on a different note: its always been a mystery to me how the disciples recognized Moses and Elijah. These were not fables or tall tales. daystar in my heart appear., Visit, then, this soul of mine; 41Jesus answered, Faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and bear with you? An event like this has only a few parallels. Thou that dwellest between the cherubim, shine forth: Show Me a token for good: Father, glorify Thy name.". The wonder of it. 32Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him. Were not told, but it seems that maybe the true image of God, the image of the Son, the spittin image of the Son who was his Father all over againmaybe this is what shone through in a way the disciples managed to miss seeing most days. Peter will also link the Moses prophecy with Jesus in a sermon shortly after Pentecost (Acts 3:22). . Jesus asked the disciples, Who do the multitudes say that I am? They answered, John the Baptizer, but others say, Elijah, and others, that one of the old prophets is risen again. Jesus asked, But who do you say that I am? Peter answered, The Christ of God (vv. Certainly, their faith has waned more often than it has waxed. But, as one particular candidate came into the room, the whole ambiance of the room changed. Scripture says. They enclose a portion of the church year that is now fast coming to an end, just before the period of Lent. A rather literal translation would be that the disciples were weighed down with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory.. The disciples would have heard of them and read about them from the Scriptures. The voice from the cloud speaks only of Jesusnot of Moses or Elijahand does so only after Moses and Elijah depart. 29As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling. And youre hoping youre still alive. But that is horrible, and now for at least a moment it appears that all that can be bypassed. It lit up like a blazing light. Mark 9:2-8. The Bible has a more remarkable story of a metamorphosis. Peter, James, and Johnpartners before in secular business; now sole witnesses of the resurrection of Jairus' daughter (Mr 5:37), the transfiguration, and the agony in the garden (Mr 14:33). Ancient leaders of Israel appearing before their very eyes. Matthews Gospel account says that Jesus was, transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light (Matt 17:2). Talk to someone you trust about this. Click here for more information. As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling (v. 29). The rest of the event seems to have taken place for Jesus edification. And if it seems odd to hear God the Father follow up this visual display with advice that has to do with listening and not looking, maybe thats because we, too, are often overly fixated on outward fame and power and glory as the world defines all those things and maybe that gets in the way of our truly listening to what Jesus says about humility and sacrifice and being servants of the lowest of the low in also our societies yet today. Now, heres Jesus on Mount Herman. It happened about eight days after these sayings, 3. God is transcendent. That scene ends with Jesus teaching on the coming glory of Gods kingdom to be experienced by the disciples (9:26-27). For now, let it suffice that something heavenly is happening. We do not want to face him without having our sins paid for by him. Jesus is in glory already, and they are with him. Though its hard for us to grasp what happened here when Moses and Elijah appeared, to see them would have been sort of a pledge to the disciples of their own immortality. As for the transfiguration of Jesus, it represents a turning point in his life: No longer would he continue his ministry in Galilee, his hour had come. To be glorified here on the mountain, and to talk about his coming suffering in Jerusalem may have given the Lord Jesus strength for his days ahead strength facing this unimaginable human suffering. 32 Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they became fully awake they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. First Reading Commentary on Exodus 34:29-35 Moses countenance glows Web74. Lets make three tents: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah, not knowing what he said. It is not what you would expect. The voice from the cloud interrupts so that Jesus never responds directly to Peters suggestion to build booths. This, however, also seems unlikely.). 37It happened on the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, that a great multitude met him. Peter is an action-man! Dayspring from on high, be near; We listen to so many voices today, all of which seem wise and attractivepundits, columnists, commentators, political analysts, religious gurus, celebrities, tempters, seducers. As we listen for Gods word in the sermon this morning, Id like for us to take a closer look at this second story the transfiguration of Jesus and, in particular, Id like for us to think about the radiance of God: What was it about being in the presence of God that was so apparent to the others the Israelites out in wilderness, the disciples up on Mount Herman? In the Incarnation, the Son of God takes on human form and resides with us mortals on earth. They dont tell anyone what they have seen, and that is all right. Verse 28 links the Transfiguration to the preceding passage in which Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah and Jesus declares that he must suffer and die. And heres a warning: If any of us have not believed in Jesus Christ, we should tremble. Who knows what will happen to them now that they are in Gods presenceperhaps they will die! 2 Now a centurion had a servant 1 who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. It came to pass about eight days after Including the day on which the discourse, recorded in the preceding chapter, was delivered, and that on which the fact, 38Behold, a man from the crowd called out, saying, Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, for he is my only child. First, how in the world did the disciples come close to sleeping through this thing? Its to sing with Charles Wesley, Christ whose glory fills the skies, Some commentators even say that the preacher needs to choose one or the other. Click here to listen to this lesson. Our confidence in Christ is strengthened by this testimony. He considers Peters proposal foolish, but doesnt tell us why: One possibility is that Peter is trying to prolong the mountaintop experienceto keep Jesus safe on the mountain rather than seeing him exposed to suffering, rejection, and death (v. 22). He never panicked nor doubted his heavenly Father. As the "sayings" so definitely connected with the transfiguration scene are those announcing His deathat which Peter and all the Twelve were so startled and scandalizedso this scene was designed to show to the eyes as well as the heart how glorious that death was in the view of Heaven. Sobering. 28. The transfiguration of Jesus offers a glimpse of the Trinity, as well as a wild display of Gods glory and confirmation of who Christ is. Peter will refer to it as the holy mountain (2 Peter 1:18). The event happens on a mountain, a place of special revelation. Perhaps he wants to honor Moses, Elijah and Jesusto offer them a bit of hospitality. Luke does not say that Jesus was actually transfigured (Greek metamorphthē), as in Mark and Matthew, but says only that his face was altered; along with the other two, however, he says that the clothing of Jesus became dazzling white. Since this part of my sermon commentary is about Questions, Ill just ask a few of the ones that come to my mind in this startlingly odd passage. In any case, its clear from the Gospel accounts by Matthew, Mark, and Luke that the disciples were terrified at what was happening. "Hermon, which is indeed the centre of all the Promised Land, from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt; the mount of fruitfulness, from which the springs of Jordan descended to the valleys of Israel. 28-36 Christ's transfiguration was a specimen of that glory in which he will come to judge the world; and was an encouragement to his disciples to suffer for him. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. 28 Now about eight days after these sayings Jesus * took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. Luke 9:26 ESV For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. That means there truly is life after the grave. Luke 9:28-36. My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment . Its not like Moses had gotten his face onto the $1 bill or that Elijah had had his visage plastered all over the place in Israel the way we Americans do with Abraham Lincolns face. triumph oer the shades of night; The disciples kept Jesus gave the twelve power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases (9:1). Loud cries and tears. To be confronted by him. In the Bible, mountains are synonymous with the majesty and dominion of God. Should the preacher make use of the short text, relating the Transfiguration alone (9:28-36) or use the long text, telling not only the story of the Transfiguration but also relating the story of an exorcism (Luke 9:28-43)? One you try to capture with a camera. One creature is nothing like the other. This passage is traditionally know as the Transfiguration, from the Greek term used by both Mark and Matthew to describe what happened to Jesus (metemorphotha, Mk 9:2-8, Mt 17:1-8).Since this term as adopted into English often carries connotations of a permanent and radical alteration, as in the What he has said about himself and what is to happen is Gods will. To the few, Jesus was the Son of God. Commentary on Exodus 34:29-35. The appearance of his face was alteredHis clothing became dazzling white.. A SUBSCRIBER SAYS: Dear Dick, I would just like to say how much I appreciate your ministry. To glimpse his majesty and power. His body was glorified. But when we are resurrected, we will be imperishable we will never again have an expiration date! Have you ever known anyone like that? Clearly, he was bathed in the light of Gods presence. Jesus went up the mountain to pray (9:29), perhaps to commune with God concerning his destiny. They have been on mountains to receive revelation; they are expected to appear at the coming of the messianic age (see Deuteronomy 18:15 concerning Moses; Malachi 4:5 concerning Elijah); and both had been taken into heaven and thereby were privileged to know God face-to-face and to know his will. Throughout this chapter, the question has been, Who is this? Now God provides the answer. 30 Suddenly they saw two men, Neither do Peter, John, or James offer an explanation. WebCommentary, explanation and study verse by verse of Luke 9:28-36 by Matthew Henry's Whole Bible Commentary. One example: Moses on Mt. In the Bible, when a story takes us up to a mountaintop, its a fair bet that something dramatic is going to happenindeed, its a fair bet that something deeply revelatory is going to happen. The family lineage depends on this child. It has two features that are of interest for Lukes rendition. They confirm that this is the will of God for him. At this Transfiguration, God confirms that the new Moses-like prophet is Jesus, saying, This is my beloved Son. The Feast of Booths was observed in the fall each year at the completion of the harvest. Peter, James, and John already believed in life after death, but surely this moment dramatically increased their convictions that everything they had been taught about life after death was absolutely true. and they were afraid as they entered into the cloud (v. 34b). My wife and a few friends are reading a book trying to describe the grandness and majesty and transcendence of God. Incarnation and Transfiguration are antiphonal. 30 Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. These three disciples were present at the healing of Jairus daughter (8:51). Only 3 disciples went with him. As inner prayer, you pray a simple, repeated When I was out in Odessa, we decided to call an associate pastor. Jesus was fully divine yet fully human. You shall listen to him (Deuteronomy 18:15). Lets make three tents: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah, not knowing what he said (v. 33). Instead we are told only that they discussed his departure. Thats why they were there. God the Father and his Son and even the angels have a glory about them. This cloud came over them and they heard a voice, God himself, speaking to them. Every second reading for Transfiguration from 2 Corinthians comes after the next. Well, Jesus took Peter, James and John up on the mountain to pray, and as he prayed, his appearance was changed his clothing became white and dazzling (9:29). God the Fathers words point us back to an OT prophecy of the coming Messiah. An experience the disciples never forgot. Then Jesus told the disciples what Peters answer implied. They still exist. In the Incarnation, the divine partakes of the human condition. 18-20)and that they will also suffer and die (vv. 28 And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. WebBut Luke is careful to report them, because Luke's emphasis is upon the humanity of Jesus. They are happy to see Jesus glorified. Really carefully. My Name Is _____ stick-on name badges. Mark, the shortest Gospel, gives the most complete account of this exorcism. Second, Moses and Elijah are present. Whatever the potential outcome, they feel unworthy to stand in Gods presenceunprepared to meet their Makervulnerable. In that instance, they will actually fall asleep. Used by permission. (See on [1610]Mt 16:13). Lets make three tents: Powerful. There will be a time to speak, but they are not yet ready for the witness that they will bear a few weeks later in Jerusalem (Acts 1-2). Jesus has told them that he will suffer and die (vv. With a thirst to know God. Peters idea goes nowhere. These convulsions demonstrate graphically the problem that the father has described. Commentators have long pointed out that Moses represented the Sinai Covenant/Law (as well as the Exodus) and that Elijah represented the prophetic voice of the Old Testament as well as Gods covenant faithfulness in sending servants to continue speaking to and ministering to even a wayward Israel. Listen to him! (v. 35). The scripture lessons from the Old and New Testaments this morning are like bookends. Those who are wise shall shine as the brightness of the expanse; But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. He says that Moses and Elijah were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem (9:31). However, these words are directed to the disciples rather than Jesus (as at the baptism). If that is our view, we are badly, badly mistaken. That is a natural reaction. Our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee went to Dallas for a Face to Face conference, where churches looking for ministers and ministers looking for churches get a chance to meet each other. This passage in Hebrews is startling to me. WebBethsade : Marc 8:22-26 [19] inclut le rcit de la gurison de "l'aveugle de Bethsade" [20]. Scripture quotations are from the World English Bible (WEB), a public domain (no copyright) modern English translation of the Holy Bible. His departure. All of that was to happen in and near Jerusalem. Does your face glow with the light of Christ? Here we have Jesus at the top of the mountain being transfigured, receiving the visits of Moses and Elijah and they are talking Continue It goes without saying they had no way to recognize them physically. And it also testifies to us of what Jesus Christ will do soon when he returns. A few verses later, at 9:51, Luke writes that Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem, where all that has been spoken of will take place for him. Listen to him! (v. 35). It increases our motivation to work for Jesus, for everything we do matters. The prophecy of the Old Testament is realized in the presence of Moses and Elijah. Jesus words echo Moses reproach of Israel, and provide one more link between Moses and Jesus (Deuteronomy 32:5see also Numbers 14:27; Isaiah 65:2). from doing this; but my feet. It took a bit, apparently, before they even fully woke up (and then saw something so odd they must have wondered if they were not, in fact, still asleep and seeing a dream). The model for this encounter is Moses at Sinai (Exodus 19-32). Luke says they were afraid when the cloud came upon them (Luke 9:34). Jerusalem will be the place of his death, but it will also be the place of his resurrection and his ascensionevents that will reveal his glory. Hebrews 5:7 ESV In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. Insights on preaching and sermon ideas, straight to your inbox. From some frightening experience, we said or did something and we later wondered, Why did I do that?. They kept silent and in those days told no one of any of the things they had seen. And the story of the transfiguration in todays gospel (Luke 9:28-36) is the story of the sublime, absolute beauty. That word, TRANSFIGURED, is obviously why we call this the Transfiguration. Both Moses and Elijah had received revelation on mountains. Listen to him! (9:35). A cool one. You shall listen to him (Deuteronomy 18:15). Dont doubt him. Perishable means it has an expiration date. The can of beans in our kitchen cabinet has an expiration date on it. Here Peter strikes out. This was a moment they would never forget. It is those two men who appear on the mountain with Jesus and his companions. Christ shares Gods glory. 28 And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. Metamorphosis. However it all happened, Luke alone tells us that these two showed up to encourage Jesus, to remind him that they, too, along with all the hosts of heaven were gearing up for the fulfillment of everything God had been aiming to accomplish ever since sin and evil showed up in this creation to sully Gods good intentions. Bring your son here., All Rights Reserved | 1997-2023 Richard Niell Donovan. This future glory of Christ when he comes again to earth soon is displayed for a short time on this mountaintop experience. A natural body ; it is sown a natural body ; it is a! Only on the coming Messiah the appearance of his departure, which he was saying things. 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