I would say he's just being nice. However what I would do right now is STOP putting the expenses on your credit/debit card ASAP until you have a resolution for this. I hate it so much that at my last job, I kept snacks in my desk so even if I forgot my packed lunch, I didnt need to order out. Because weve changed our communication style at home to accommodate, its spilled over into other areas of life as well. WebProbably not. Take this back and tell them to give me a muffin instead. And he wouldnt give Wakeen the money for a muffin. How people feel isnt up for debate, and acting dismissive about it isnt helping anyone. BabyBoom officially ended in 1964 so no, youve just hidden ten years worth of people. At least she learned her lessonprobably while developing a lifelong distaste for seafood. This was in response to a comment further up and not a sole reaction to the letter. I think he got embarrassed. I mean if theyre gonna do this money back and forth thing they need to make it easy-ish on everyone else. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. That was going to be my suggestion. But sending a request out of the blue weeks or months after the fact? Its not a story, its a likely explanation. If youre still asked to do the group order, do it but insist on using someone elses card since you are not buying any food for yourself. I was becoming aggravated with my companys poor management and the worsening office morale. I would have expensed it just to see what would happen. You can see from all the stories here that the CEO could have a wide variety of motivations and reactions. To be fair, I think you could get a CD/tape deck, but you had to ask for it and it was more $$$. should you bring your lunch on your first day of work? Always pushing the fussy menial work off on people below you just isnt a good look, especially if they have to take on a financial burden. I cant afford to keep using my debit card (im paycheck to paycheck), and that I just cant keep giving Vemno a 1% fee for immediate access to that money. I mostly agree with the commenter below, this is likely deliberate, he probably sees petty bills as beneath him. Seriously, just talk to him. I think in general, it does lead to a happier approach to life and people. It doesn't matter if you didn't ask him to offer to buy you lunch, he's making it Do you bring lunch in lunch boxes during lunch break? How terrible would it be to quit my job, given the poor timing? Or what my old boss did, just hand me $100 for the week and he was kind enough to have that include my lunch too since i was doing the work. the thing is, even if there IS ill intentyour actions would be exactly the same. Your lunch bill is $xx for the Oct-Dec lunches, payable to OPs name. Also, dont ever say cuba or syria as a message for payment. HOWEVER: If you just blithely assume that everyone is a well-meaning person who just happened to not realize, then theres your script. If youre going to steal, make sure youre ready to take the heat. But I agree the term is used loosely, and I (an Xer) dont get why it has become widely acceptable to use an age-related term derogatorily. Its like a little side pocket of available funds in case I need to pay someone else and they only want Venmo. CEO $728 (you owe for the last 5 months) Not everyone gets a company card. Very high poverty rate, one of nations highest suicide rates, early mortality rates, low access to physical and mental health care, low wages, higher taxes, big meth and opioid problem, etc. You need to do what is right for you, your career, and your family and he has been nothing but supportive. Im also of the older millennial generation, and it took me a while before I got comfortable with Venmo, it felt weird to attach my bank info to it. If there is someone in the office who OP trusts to give good advice, I recommended going to that person to ask how people typically approach the CEO for reimbursement. Idk too many guys who will spend money on a girl they had no sexual interest in. "She fulfilled his need to take care of someone, and he knew firing her would put her in a bad situation," said Healy. True though, this was a small company of 10 people! "How Do You Feel About Me?" Mistake #2 is not popping into CEOs office and saying you owe me $15, thanks!. how much should we accommodate employees' dietary restrictions at work events? I mean hell, Im only mid-level and I would be horrified and go to the ATM ASAP to pay it back. If youve never felt uncomfortable speaking up when theres a clear power difference, good for you, but Im having a hard time squaring your display name with the weird Gen Z attack here. Well over 100. Im also a millennial who doesnt use Venmo. So no, it wouldnt be terrible to resign in the middle of your managers maternity leave. I have considered asking colleagues to get lunch with me when I run out for something, but due to the dynamics of our office and people's schedules, it would not be unusual for only one female coworker to be available to come with me. Plus, you cant get paid that way if Boss doesnt use Venmo. This sort of stuff does happen. Always assumed that group lunch orders were being handled by the office manager who had the corporate card. It does not make sense for the CEO at a pay rate of $400 an hr or a Senior teapot maker at $200 an hour to spend an 30-60 mins ordering lunch when it could be done by an entry teapot analyst at $50 an hr. I doubt that he thinks that its on a company card, hes the CEO of a micro sized company, he knows that these arent hitting the books and you dont regularly fill out an expense report the same way youd do in a large company. I find it offputting to unload this on a junior team member. This would never even cross my mind unless I knew other bothersome things about this person. Except that the LW has stated that the exec has been nearby in hearing during multiple conversations about repayment, thus you are going through strange contortions to find an explanation that doesnt involve the exec doing this deliberately. Yeah, thats a good point to keep in mind the bigger the boss, the more likely they are to rely on other people to follow up with them. can I compare attending college to working a full-time job in my cover letter? If OP suddenly starts asking for money when it hasnt been done before, it could come off as a bit awkward. Do guys really like girls with thick thighs? How do you want to handle this?. So very, truly, happy that I dont have to do that anymore. He spent long hours 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. If you would like me to send a bill more often (monthly or per lunch), please let me know. Yes, its crappy that he hasnt realized he owes you money especially when everyone else is discussing repayment all around him. And in my experience, when crummy people turn down such a face-saving offer, theyve got no more room for plausible deniability on the non-crumminess. Good advice! re: Venmo. The only acceptable explanation here, IMO, is if the CEO assumes stuff is being ordered on a company card (and since its a small org, this even sounds unlikely. I wouldnt assume that your coworkers are buying the CEOs lunch. About a third of respondents said their work spouse's appearance is important to them. WebIf I go to lunch with a coworker/colleague, male or female, I wouldn't volunteer this info to husband either unless he specifically asks me what I did for lunch. Well, thats awfully unkind and oblivious to power dynamics. It wont help your career. But chances are, he isnt thinking about it at all. Youre right, that was an assumption on my part, given the dynamics. And while not the HUGEST deal, it is an added burden that shouldnt be placed on an employee, especially the lowest ranking and presumably worst paid member of the team and I dont think its contrived to say she cant do it anymore. You also earn reward points for ordering and for picking things up for people that you can use as discounts towards future purchases. I realize that most of the folks here tend to be left of center, but Im a little disappointed that Alison didnt call this out. While I do agree with Alison that race does matterI think it of course matters in different ways to different people. Theres nothing wrong with directly reminding him! I cant see a good one, even with close friends. I would love to be able to simply Venmo charge him, but alas he has made it clear that he is anti-Venmo (what?). The wife started sensing the connection between her husband and the manager when she'd come into the office and was hearing from friends that they had seen the pair together around town. "Two good friends who don't think they would be attracted can accidentally fall into infatuation. The boss is probably just clueless. Im commenting based on my experience. I would pop into his office and say you are collecting on outstanding lunch tabs, have a list like you are collecting from a few people. But if the company is that small, it can also be easier to raise the issue. month. Depending on OPs relationship to the CEO, this could be an option, especially if lunches are a regular thing. WHAT?! Groceries already cost quite a bit if youre trying to eat healthy. And this is how much you owe. Didnt help my boss pay up. I dont know that I would ask for reimbursement for past meals, but I dont see that its that hard to say hey CEO, your part of the meal was x. If you can enlist the help of someone who sits near you, ask them to call your office phone every time he stops by. And sometimes having a company card is more of a hassle than its worth. Yet another re-run letter where I wish there were an update. Every Single Month. My older millennial ass just learned recently that this boomer nonsense isnt actually targeting the generation itself but the stereotype of the generation thats held across many age groups. Yup sadly possible he is skimming from OP because he f***ing can. OP: Hey, boss, lunch was $17, is this cash or reimbursement or what? Then hand in your resignation. Or just double checking with another coworker that has handled the ordering and find out what theyve done. That way the timing isnt so weird, youre giving him a polite out, and its a good example of why doing it via cash only is a better plan. Its more frequently than others, for example three times just last week. Meh, unless lunch is required for a work meeting, I still think its crappy to make the junior staff order it all the time. I refuse to use my phone for banking. But often times certain peoples time is more valuable than the time of a junior team member. :). Well, hes so KIND and AWESOME for giving all of them jobsits the least they can do *rage face*, I offered other employees to start taking turns to show their appreciation. Some places are weird like that and have the highest level executive in the group sign off on the expense reports prior to the finance departments approval. This is not two peers dealing with an issue. This was my advice also- ask your colleagues rather than him directly. However, it can be confusing depending on your relationship with your Knowing better isn't always a deterrent. I dont have a problem with the junior person doing the ordering, but I dont see why they cant say, Im not able to put the entire order on my personal card, what should I do? and leave it at that. This is the nuclear option you use as youre walking out the door to a new job. The talks turned personal, with the husband sharing that he had fallen out of love with his wife. My boyfriend follows random girls on Instagram, should I be worried? My boss is sad and surprised Im leaving and would do whatever necessary to keep me, but he also said multiple time, I get it. I hate being the lunch getter! it wasn't at work when he bought for me. 3) Forcing everyone to place their own orders and pay the restaurant directly online. With places like Panera, McDonalds, Wawa, etc. So the NYMAG letters have always caused me puzzlement and I just realised why: Dear Boss is how Jack the Ripper addressed his letter to the cops. If being too busy for lunch duty doesnt solve the issue, i would bring it up with your team lead. If youre junior in an office or on a team, getting lunch is just something you might have to do, job description or not. I try to avoid using it because Im not that convinced that any app is secure in using my banking information, especially if people are using it on their phones! We paid on one check with separate cards. Dont tell me that Fergus thought that Wakeen was using a company card. But when I asked him to get me a muffin, he refused. (This was back in the day when bosses werent afraid to tell companies that they fired people, and they werent afraid to include the reasons, and if they didnt give the whole story, well, the potential hirers didnt care. I would assume that it was going through some kind of company payment (credit card, account, petty cash) or that the employee was asking for reimbursement. I capped out at an Original Nintendo and had cassette tapes in my car until I wrecked it and only then did I get a car without a tape deck, lol. I guess my larger point is that even if reimbursed, its still on the OP to manage these charges on her personal card, to do the legwork of chasing people down to get paid back, having to worry about how to approach the boss about his share in an office where many coworkers have felt more comfortable simply paying for him in the past, making change for people, etc. Or, at least collaborate with one other employee. I am 56. But there are good reasons to not Venmo that doesnt make one a Luddite. All people older than me = Boomer And if getting the same advice that toddlers get is embarrassing, well, it ought to be. Hes Very Much Interested In Your Personal Life. Please help! My manager is HUGE on saying to assume good intent. Venmo is basically just PayPal in App form, which is to say, they want to hold my hold my money without any of the protections of actually being a bank. Sure, but we all get used to stuff happening automatically in our livesI have to remind my parents to feed the cats breakfast when Im away from home because theyre used to me doing it before they get up and occasionally forget that Im out of town and not just at work. You need to speak to one of them or all of them, and say you simply arent going to order lunch anymore until this has been cleared up. I would bring it up to the boss that hey, Ive been putting all these lunch expenses on my personal credit card and been asking everyone to send me their portion. I originally jumped at the #NotAllBoomers but then found this information along the way. Which do you like better: Popsicles or Ice Cream Bars? If I thought for minute that one of my employees was making assumptions about my technical acumen based on my age, that would be very career-limiting for her indeed. Tell everyone including the boss that you cant use your card any more, give them a weeks notice, have a pile of $50 or so in singles to give people change, and theyre out of excuses. They Bring Each Other Coffee. It just makes it the companies debt (which is likely better than the current situation but CEO may not see it that way). Or is that too much for Gen Z? It would also color my opinion about her general critical thinking abilities. 3. Of like an entire race. Yeah it took years to get cards for our company too, Im told! His Eyes Fill Up With Joy When You Look At Him: If a guy has an interest in I started sending emails to everyone on the lunch order, saying heres what you ordered please confirm its correct. For ordering and find out what theyve done but chances are, he.. 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