[30], Initially the vision was to create three motorized brigades with three new types of infantry battalion:[31][32], The light attack battalions utilized the Fast Attack Vehicles (FAV - later re-designated the Desert Patrol Vehicle). The formal activation ceremony was held on 26 May 1972. The 2d Brigade MRF killed 1,254 VC and had the largest single contact of the month when companies from the 3d Battalion, 60th Infantry and 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry teamed with supporting helicopter gun ships to kill 102 enemy in Vinh Binh Province. Other advance parties of the Division were deployed to Vietnam by air, with the first group landing Dec. 8. Later, U.S. and ARVN commanders credited the Division with achieving one of the biggest victories of the war. In the pre-dawn hours of March 20. If you ever served with the 25th Infantry Division, please take a look at our membership information. Last date/time page edited 11/07/19 16:10. The haul included four 75mm howitzers, the first artillery pieces taken from the VC by U.S. forces. Although most were, not all of these photos were taken by me personally. There are also a Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company and the 9th Military Police Company. 653 Brave Soldiers Who Gave The Ultimate Sacrifice SP4 Conley R Garland 01/07/1967 SP4 Charles J Feddema 03/05/1967 SP4 Robert E Bethune 01/12/1967 PFC Clyde L Keith 03/06/1967 PFC Jerry W Sprouse 01/15/1967 PFC Richard A Baglio 03/07/1967 . Operating deep within the Viet Cong (VC)controlled Delta, the Division was charged with protecting the area and its population against VC insurgents and ensuring the success of the South Vietnamese government's pacification program. Action in the 3d Brigades area of operation came with fewer, but more sizeable contacts as the Go Devils killed 641 of the enemy. 1987: 9th Aviation Battalion to 1st Battalion, 1987: 268th Attack Helicopter Battalion to 2nd Battalion, 9th Aviation, 16 March 1988: 1st Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery to 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery, 1st Support Battalion (Forward) to 99th Support Battalion, 2nd Support Battalion (Forward) to 109th Support Battalion, 3rd Support Battalion (Forward) to 209th Support Battalion, 4th Support Battalion (Aviation) to 3rd Battalion, 9th Aviation, 5th Support Battalion (Main) to 709th Support Battalion (Main), 6th Battalion, 11th Field Artillery (inactivated 15 September 1988), 3rd Battalion, 161st Infantry (Mechanized), 2nd Battalion, 9th Aviation (30 UH-60A Black Hawk & 16 , 1st Battalion, 9th Aviation (21 AH-1F Cobra & 13 OH-58C Kiowa, a second attack helicopter battalion was scheduled to be activated), 2nd Combined Arms Battalion Heavy, 47th Infantry, 3rd Battalion, 11th Field Artillery (18 M198 155mm towed howitzer). For approximately two months, the Division participated in its first fight against heavy enemy resistance. Concentrating on extremely successful Night Hunter operations, the 1st Recondo Brigade accounted for 1639 enemy dead. This is essentially a MEDCAP except the team moves into the area in the afternoon, treats those in need of attention and then spends the night with the people to win their confidence. The Joint Chief of Staff has the mission of executing this Decision. -Unit Citation Badge in Gallantry Cross Color with Palm for the 9th US Infantry Division and attached Unit soldiers. Div provided 48,256 man powers to help the local people in repairing the destroyed houses, furnished 89 orphanages with construction materials, distributed 1,000 tons of food and 8 tons of clothes to the refugees of the Communist Danger, as well as provided active assistance in repairing 447 bridges, 1107 Km of roads, 27 pagodas and in repairing and defending the 4th Highway. Five battalions of Division infantrymen, closely supported by armored personnel carriers, helicopter gun ships, artillery and Air Force warplanes killed almost 1.000 VC and NVA in eight days of sharp fighting. Arrived Vietnam: 20 Dec 1966 The division's units often served with th. Organized under the ROAD (Reorganization Objective Army Division) concept, the Division includes 10 maneuver battalions (three each assigned to the 39th, 47th and 60th Infantries, plus the 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry), the 3d Squadron, 5th Cavalry, 15th Engineer Battalion and Division Artillery boasting four organic artillery battalions. On 30 January the division jumped off from Monschau in a drive across the Roer and to the Rhine, crossing at Remagen, 7 March. From mid-December through January 1945, the division held defensive positions from Kalterherberg to Elsenborn. 19 - United States Army 24th Infantry Division Command Report, May 1951. Previous Station: Fort Riley Learn about the association, Board Members, Officers, and download a membership application form! Infantrymen were air inserted and pressed from two sides while artillery pounded at each end of the enemy position and gun ships sought out individuals and small groups of enemy soldiers. Loudspeakers, both aerial and ground, leaflet dissemination and face to face contact are used extensively. DS17 Item no. Division (February 1969 to February 1970) Donald Donner, 24, SP/4, Combat Engineers, 20th Brigade, 86th Combat Engineers (August 1967 to July 1968) Veterans Testifying: VIETNAM The 3rd Brigade was the first 25th Division element alerted for Vietnam service. [3] It was disbanded on 15 February 1919 at Camp Sherdian. The brigade was comprised of 2d Battalion, 3d . The division support command would field three forward support, one cavalry support and one main support battalion. This is the 9th Infantry Division. Nicknamed "The Old Reliables" during WWII, the 9th Infantry Division served with the Mobile Riverine Force in Vietnam's fertile Mekong Delta, a vast maze of rice paddies broken up by rivers, swamps, narrow canals and dikes. Vietnamsoldier.com: A look at life with A Battery, 7/11 Artillery Records the tour of Chris Woelk through extensive photos with background commentary. No : 198 -D /TTM/CL Its reactivation, planned in 1971, increased the army's size to 13 . -Unit Citation Streamer in Civil Actions Honor Medal Color with Oak Leaf for the 9th US Inf Div Guidon and its Units mentioned in the list enclosed herewith, "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." One significant encounter came when elements of the 2d Battalion, 60th Infantry killed 40 VC near the Bo Bo Canal in the Plain of Reeds. Civil Affairs is many things to many people. The largest contact was made when the 3d Brigade killed 78 enemy northwest of Tan An on Jan. 26. Troop A, 3/5th Cav was attacked by element of the 273d VC Regiment near Bau Bang, about 34 miles north of Saigon. [citation needed], The inactivation of the division began on 28 September 1990 with the inactivation of the 1st Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry,[48] and 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry. . Operating in the desolate Plain of Reeds, the 3d Brigade started off the month by killing 55 enemy on Feb. 1. The U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam by Nick Coffman Mar 10, 2016 As the 9th Infantry Division nears the completion of 51 years of service to the United States, a new chapter is beginning to unfold. Includes photos, guestbook, message board and reunion dates. For five years the Big Red One fought main force Viet Cong (VC) and regular North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces in the jungles northwest of Saigon. The . The OLD RELIABLES, seasoned by their February conquests in urban operations, dashed to the scene and repeatedly smothered enemy jabs at the entrance of Cholon, the Chinese community of Saigon. As this Hellfire version never entered service, the platoons were later also equipped with Humvees with TOW missiles.[30][31][32]. Major, Infantry (USA Ret.) It was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas. OLD RELIABLES of the 9th Infantry Division were presented the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross with Palm, the highest unit valor award, and the Civic Action Honor Medal with Oak Leaf on 5 July 1969. Through the above glorious achievements, the 9th US Inf Div has greatly contributed to the common struggle against Communism, as well as helped the Republic of Viet-Nam in its reconstruction. The largest contact came when elements of the 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry and 1st Battalion, l6th Infantry (later re-designated 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry) killed 138 Viet Cong during fierce fighting 12 miles west of My Phuoc Tay Oct. 4-5. [13][14], Chuck Hagel, former Secretary of Defense, served in the 9th ID from 1967 to 1968. It was also activated as a peacetime readiness unit from 1947 to 1962 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Fort Carson, Colorado, and from 1972 to 1991 as an active-duty infantry division at Fort Lewis, Washington. Operating deep within the Viet Cong-controlled Delta, the 9th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army was charged with protecting the area and its population against Communist insurgents and ensuring the success of the South Vietnamese government's pacification program. Posted on 26 Feb in greenshield pharmacy intervention codes. Later in the month the Go Devil Brigade killed 59 VC when they fought an estimated battalion for two days 10 miles west of Cai Lay, Oct. 18. To the Vietnamese, it may be badly needed medical attention, material to build and improve their facilities, a new market place or a road leading to it. We were positioned about 30 miles south of the DMZ (demilitarized zone) in the province of Quang Tri, South Vietnam. A full archive of past and present "River Currents" newsletters from your friends at MRFA. The Secretary of Defense has announced the redeployment of the Division Headquarters and 1st Recondo Brigade to Hawaii and the inactivation of the 2nd Brigade, while the 3rd brigade Go Devils will continue the mission in Long An to inflict heavy casualties on the Viet Cong. 9TH INFANTRY DIVISION Photo. After breaking out of the Remagen bridgehead, the 9th assisted in the sealing and clearing of the Ruhr Pocket, then moved 150miles(240km) east to Nordhausen (where it assisted in the liberation of the local concentration camp) and attacked in the Harz Mountains, 1420 April. While keeping constant pressure on the enemy, OLD RELIABLES have been very active in civil affairs making friends and helping the people. The OLD RELIABLES have used every opportunity to help the Vietnamese people, making life a little easier in the midst of a war. Strength: 814, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry (Riverine) In addition, the 9th US If! Arrived Vietnam: 20 Dec 1966 9th Infantry Division - Riverine by Tom Hain The Mobile Riverine Force In-Country Training The Boats The Western AO Leeches, Mekong Delta Widow's Village Red Ants Rattle, Are You Working? [11][12], From 1967 on, one of the division's brigades (the 2d Brigade) was the Army contingent of the Mobile Riverine Force (MRF). Often a movie projector is taken on the NIGHTCAP and movies are shown to the people after dark. A few weeks later, another lopsided engagement near Rach Kien in Long A Province produced 207 VC killed. Its units included Division Headquarters; the 17th Infantry Brigade (Headquarters and Headquarters Company; 45th Infantry Regiment; 67th Infantry Regiment; 26th Machine Gun Battalion); the 18th Infantry Brigade (Headquarters and Headquarters Company; 46th Infantry Regiment; 68th Infantry Regiment; 27th Machine Gun Battalion), the 9th Field Artillery Brigade ( 25th Field Artillery (75mm Gun); 26th Field Artillery (75mm Gun); 27th Field Artillery (155mm Howitzer); Ninth Trench Mortar Battery); 25th Machine Gun Battalion; 209th Engineer Regiment; 209th Field Signal Battalion; Division Trains (HQ Train and Military Police Company; 9th Sanitary Train; 9th Motor Supply Train, and Ninth Ammunition Train). Each combined arms battalion also fielded a combat support company equipped with mortars, scouts, and an anti-armor platoon slated to be equipped with Humvees mounting a ground version of the Hellfire missile. The Division's major units departed South Vietnam on 27 August 1969 (HHC & 1st Brigade) to Hawaii; 27 August 1969 (2nd Brigade) to Fort Lewis, Washington; 12 October 1970 (3rd Brigade) to Fort Lewis. Become a member of MRFA! The rest traveled aboard Naval, transport ships and arrived between Dec. 19, 1966- Feb 2, 1967. The six-day mission, designed to open VC-dominated jungle, resulted in 93 enemy killed. This restored the security of the country-side and provided an environment in which a multitude of pacification activities of the Republic ft Vietnam Government were effectively developed and brought fine results. General CAO-V AN-VIEN Chief of JGSIRVNAF (sis), Courtesy of John Sperry, MRFA Vice President. It states, Here am I, Send me. After 32 years of active and reserve time he retired from active duty. 65 series for the 9th Infantry Division Cavalry Unit Records, ca. A search of the Ap Bac battlefield, near Dong Tam, accounted for 195 enemy bodies. The 9th Infantry Division is the only division to receive a second Gallantry Cross with Palm. 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry Killed in Action Casualty File Return to Follow Me page 2nd Battalion 60th Infantry is a member of the Want to join the ring? The official entry of the Division to Vietnam was recorded Dec. 19 when Major General George S. Eckhardt led an increment of 5,000 Old Reliables onto the beaches of Vung Tau, where they were welcomed by General Wiiliam C. Westmoreland, the Commander of Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. The program has aided amputees and persons with cleft palates with the medical and hospital expenses covered by the Government of Vietnam. 25th infantry division vietnam roster 25th infantry division vietnam roster. The 3d Brigade was involved in the heaviest fighting in October. Recipient of the award was the First Recondo Brigade, who played havoc with enemy forces in Long An Province during the period June 23, 1968, to November 13, 1968. Authorized Strength: 818, 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry) The focus of action shifted north to Phuoc Tuy Province on July 10, as the 1st Brigade teamed with the 1st Australian Task Force and two battalions of Vietnamese Marines to begin Operation PADDINGTON. Camp Devens, Massachusetts, was designated as the mobilization and training station for the division upon reactivation. The 3d Brigade Go Devils accounted for 502 enemy dead in Long An Province and the infamous Plain of Reeds. The 9th Infantry Division fought in Vietnam from 1967 to the summer of 1969, when the 1st and 2nd Brigades were withdrawn. The camp was located on the main highway, QL-15) 16km southwest of Bin Ha. Using the highly successful tactic of preplanned blocking positions to support airmobile insertions, the battalion surprised and surrounded an estimated main force VC battalion. -The 9th US INFANTRY Division -US Army. [citation needed]. Home. In July of 1965, the 101st was ordered into combat. Linage and Honors: The Return Trip 2000 . Units of the 1st Brigade were summoned from their jungle environment into the Mekong Delta. In the above-said operations, the 9th US Infantry Division, with a decisive intention to engage the enemy and win every battle, has applied new tactics obliging the communists to engage in battle throughout the Operation Area even their safety special area. 5/60 Company A Roster. For weeks after squelching the Tet terrorist outbreak, Allied forces ringed Saigon, sealing off the city to would-be-infiltrators. The teams do what they can to improve the dental health of the people and disseminate facts about dental care. Though it was inactivated, the division was identified as the second highest priority inactive division in the United States Army Center of Military History's lineage scheme due to its numerous accolades and long history. Once the VC and North Vietnamese Army units exposed themselves, they immediately were shoved on the defensive by the Divisions inexorable counterthrust. -In the educational domain, the 9th US Inf Div has reconstructed and equipped 356 schools in Tien-Giang DTA, 1 school in the vicinity of Dong-Tam Base, opened many English courses in 4 high schools in My-Tho City for almost 30,000 students. DS18 Item no. The awards are in recognition of the divisions exceptional valor and extraordinary performance in combat from 1 January to 31 May 1969, and significant accomplishments in civic action since its arrival in Vietnam in December 1966 to 30 June 1969. They may also refer you to the: Unit Diary Section Commandant Marine Corps Records Service Section Armored vehicles from the 3d/5th Cav helped to crush an enemy uprising at Bien Hoa airport, first and last stop for many servicemen in Vietnam. Using material and advice from the Americans, the Vietnamese demonstrate their energy and ingenuity in project after project throughout the Delta. [33][31][32], The combined arms battalions were organized as a mix of assault gun companies and light motorized infantry companies, with the heavy battalions fielding two assault gun companies and one light motorized infantry company, while the ratio was reversed in the light battalions. With headquarters in Sembach, Germany, these Soldiers took control of all policing duties in Vietnam. [34] And the 9th Infantry Division (MTZ) tested motorized infantry doctrine at the Yakima Firing Center in Eastern Washington, at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin California and in Korea during the annual Team Spirit exercise. The 9th Division was reactivated on 1 February 1966, and arrived in South Vietnam on 16 December 1966 from Fort Riley, Kansas. With cleft palates with the first artillery pieces taken from the VC and north Vietnamese units! In Long An Province and the infamous Plain of Reeds, the 101st was ordered into combat to... Division and attached Unit soldiers at camp Sherdian VC-dominated jungle, resulted in 93 enemy killed from! Units of the 1st Recondo Brigade accounted for 195 enemy bodies and present River. The program has aided amputees and persons with cleft palates with the first group landing Dec. 8 inexorable. Was comprised of 2d Battalion, 47th Infantry ( Riverine ) in addition, the Division were deployed to by! 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