Also the area should be protected from wind and extreme cold temperatures. The leaves of the Paw Paw are large and drooping with a tropical look to them. Leaves were droopy but they have always been droopy and I've heard that's fine. When everything else has been stung . Keep the area around the mango plant as weed-free as possible. If your plants soil has drainage issues, replace the soil with well-draining soil and be sure any containers have many drainage holes to allow water to run out smoothly after irrigation. Solution No one else gives water to the tree, and the only water source is rain. It is best to consult with a garden center expert when purchasing your fertilizer to determine how often and how much you should apply fertilizer to your young mango saplings. Heavily-affected trees may develop discoloration and premature dropping of leaves. This leads to drooping and wilting of leaves. The halos on young leaves are large and separate, while narrow on old leaves can only be observed against the light. Use a complete fertilizer developed for fruits, with correct ratios of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K). No need to worry about it. Among these, midges, caterpillars, hoppers, thrips, fruit fly, and seed weevil are main contributors. Both these diseases get worse with severe loss and the onset of rain. Solution The early spring applications of sulfur and copper eliminate this fungal pathogen when the panicle is half its full size, and then 10 to 21 days later will help. Grind and add to water with liquid dishwashing soap. That's great advice,I'm looking to buy a mango tree,if u guys know of a cheap place to get them let me know. All posters receive an automod message requesting they supplement their post with basic care details.