When the sheep are hungry or are anxious about food, they cant lie down peacefully. When the psalmist says that God has anointed his head with oil, he means that God has marked him as specialhas set him apart for a significant role. No matter his present environment, David could look to the fact of Gods shepherd-like presence and know, You are with me and I will fear no evil.. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.. (3.) The psalmist genuinely expressed his understanding and experience with God as his shepherd. In the ancient Near East, the shepherd was a royal metaphor. I'm sure you are smart enough to see the analogy between Jesus and His sheep today. Had a very strange dream last night and you were in it. He is the shepherd that provides and His people will lack no good thing. WebThe MacArthur New Testament Commentary is now completethirty-three volumes that take you through the whole New Testament, detail by detail, verse by verse. Rev 21:3-4, 'Forever' is a long time, but this infinitely creative God will never fail to amaze us. Gods presence enables David to feast in perfect security. It is a walk through it; they shall not be lost in this valley, but get safely to the mountain of spices on the other side of it. The word restore implies the notion of a rescued one. The Shepherds Crook. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. Ethan Collins November 17, 2020, Psalm 23 is undoubtedly one of the most well-known passages in Scripture. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. There is some debate among commentators as to whether David had the idea of two separate instruments (the rod and the staff) or one instrument used two ways. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. We are saved by hope, and that hope will not make us ashamed, because it is well grounded. This is a Psalm of David and David was a shepherd. I have called you by your name. If you are truly one of His sheep (evidenced by hearing his voice and following His ways) then this verse is your verse as well! Behold just such a one! Davids song is portrayed in non-religious circles too, making appearances in many secular movies and other entertainment mediums. To be invited to Gods table is the ultimate honor. In the Old Testament, prophets were anointed (1 Kings 19:16). WebGod used both the educational system of Egypt and his exile in Midian to prepare Moses to represent his people before a powerful pharaoh and to guide his people through the wilderness of the Sinai peninsula during his final 40 years ( Acts 7:36 ). 'Is something bad going to happen to me?' The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes for well known creationist. The goodness and care suggested by the prepared table is set right in the midst of the presence of my enemies. With this verse, he begins to use the second person (you and your). The shepherds rod was a sturdy club for use against wild animals that would otherwise prey on the sheep. I. So some take the latter clause: "Goodness and mercy having followed me all the days of my life on this earth, when that is ended I shall remove to a better world, to dwell in the house of the Lord for ever, in our Father's house above, where there are many mansions. Excellent for: 14a (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Varsity Press, 1973), Limburg, James, Westminster Bible Companion: Psalms (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2000, Mays, James Luther, Interpretation: Psalms (Louisville: John Knox, 1994), McCann, J. Clinton, Jr., The New Interpreters Bible: The Book of Psalms, Vol. Other than the president and family, only a handful of people have been invited to make the White House their homeand then only for a few years. In Psalm 23, we are compared to sheep who do not have a sense of direction, are hopeless, and are weak who need a Shepherd. The sheep would experience excruciating pain that they would bash their heads against trees and rocks for relief. Here are three points: 1. They probably are anxious about different things. But whether our fears are irrational or based on very real circumstances, our need to remember the Lord is the same. God is holy, and takes his holy name seriously: Since God is holy, we as Gods people need to insure that we do not tarnish his name by our wrongful words or actions. Though not often recited in its entirety, few are unfamiliar with the famous valley of the shadow of death.. It has sung courage to the army of the disappointed. They can't run all that fast, don't have the greatest eye sight apparently and, being basically defenceless, are timid and fearful. There are stacks of deceptive shepherds around just as there always were. (3.) It becomes more personal in this valley! The wonderful discovery is that the Lord is not just a shepherd who looks after the entire flock, but He is cares for me as well. The Analogy of God and the Shepherd in Psalm 23, The Lord As A Shepherd Who Provides (Verse 1), The Lord As A Shepherd Who Guides (Verses 2-3), The Protection And Comfort From Gods Presence (Verse 4), The Blessings of God Amidst Danger (Verse 5), Faith-Filled Content Delivered To Your Inbox, Best NASB Study Bibles Ranked & Reviewed, The Best Bible for Young Adults: Buyers Guide. You prepare a table (Hebrew: sulhan) before me in the presence of my enemies (v. 5a). The little child out at sea in the storm is not frightened like all the other passengers on board the vessel, it sleeps in its mothers bosom; it is enough for it that its mother is with it; and it should be enough for the believer to know that Christ is with him Thy rod and thy staff, by which you govern and rule your flock, the ensigns of your sovereignty and of your gracious carethey comfort me. WebTHIS psalm is one of those which have been called "composite"; and certainly it falls into two parts which offer the strongest possible contrast the one to the other. Oils and ointments can salve wounds and insect bites. Can you say that about your life? David claimed that the same God who faithfully rescued the Israelites from Egypt and provided guidance and provision in the wilderness is the same faithful God he served. My cup runs over. He was aware of the potential dangers that may befall him. Obviously it means that with the Lord protecting and providing for us then we shall not lack that which He knows we need. He will sustain and provide for all of His peoples needs. If things are tough, remember this verse. God's eternal desire is that He would have many sons and daughters who display His glory and light within them. In the Bible, anointing was used to designate a person for a significant role. What he promises himselfgoodness and mercy, all the streams of mercy flowing from the fountain, pardoning mercy, protecting mercy, sustaining mercy, supplying mercy. 3. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; On other days, she was on the other side. You can also change some of your preferences. Hence he infers that he should want no good (ver 1), that he needed to fear no evil (ver 4), that God would never leave nor forsake him in a way of mercy; and therefore he resolves never to leave nor forsake God in a way of duty, ver 6. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. WebJohn Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American Protestant pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio and television program Grace to You. David knew all about this. He would tend, protect and care for his sheep. You are being chased (but don't fret - it's a good thing! John MacArthur. We need to hear those words as if God intended them for usbecause he did. 'Blessed be the day on which that Psalm was born! He is that interested in each of His sheep! 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. Was it where you thought you would go? Grab your Bible and read this Psalm noting down the times 'I, my, me, he, his, you' etc are used. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death Through a dark and dismal valley, full of terrors and dangers, as this phrase signifies, Job 24:17; Psalm This name is 'Yahweh', the sovereign, almighty, delivering God. It is true that in extreme cases the shepherd would break the leg of the lamb. These instruments (or instrument) of guidance were a comfort to David. Everything will be ok. And David knew that this would carry on all the days of his life. Do you have the confidence to say that the almighty God IS your Shepherd right now? In Psalm 22 He is the foundation; in Psalm 23 He is the manifestation; in Psalm 24 He is the expectation. Do we feel that our spirituality is at its lowest ebb? Nothing is outside of His control. It is a song of gratitude that resonates with the authors heart and trust in God. Then we serve a good Master. [9] These are the paths we should desire and actively seek. God anoints His people with oil just like how shepherds anoint their sheep with oil. The analogy of a king as a shepherd is common in ancient times and is not unusual. Blessed is the man. We do not die, we do but sleep to wake in glory. So many people place their trust and hope is all sorts of things. Here is one word indeed which sounds terrible; it is death, which we must all count upon; there is no discharge in that war. Psalm 23:2-3 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters; he restores my soul. John MacArthur: Worship is our innermost being responding with praise for all that God is, through our attitudes, actions, thoughts, and words, based on the truth of God as He has revealed Himself ( The Ultimate Priority [Moody Press], p. 127). We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. It is a comfort to the saints, when they come to die, that God takes cognizance of them (he knows those that are his), that he will rebuke the enemy, that he will guide them with his rod and sustain them with his staff. [12] Must admit that I have been dealing with a few trials lately and when I read this verse it kind of caught me by surprise! Shepherds feed the flock and herd them to good forage areas. 6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of theLordforever. There are few experiences in life that would be more satisfying. [6]. We can imagine various meanings for the valley of the shadow of death.. Maybe this verse should have read 'though I close my eyes and sprint through the valley of the shadow of death' This verse speaks to us of the trying times in our lives where there is darkness, confusion and fear. They are in need of a good shepherd who will provide, protect, and guide his sheep. Together with goodness it suggests the steady kindness and support that one can count on in the family or between firm friends. (Kidner), ii. Everything in eternity -- for I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. It is great advice but more than likely it is the most highlighted passage because people are in desperate need to remember it! He wants to genuinely bless His people and live in the abundance of His grace. God will authorize him to apply And it is in these times that it starts getting a lot more personal! He is the source of life and a great provider. The rest of the Psalm exhibits the shepherding care of God that is essential to life. Almost 25 years ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. And those only are led by the still waters of comfort that walk in the paths of righteousness. Witamy, zaloguj si. We might say that the shepherds presence did not eliminate the presence of evil, but certainly the fear of evil. Psalm 23 is written by David who grew up as a shepherd. Guidance -- for He leads me in the paths of righteousness. Kansas City, Missouri 64118, 2017 The Spurgeon Center and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dying soldiers have died easier as it was read to them; ghastly hospitals have been illuminated; it has visited the prisoner, and broken his chains, and, like Peter's angel, led him forth in imagination, and sung him back to his home again. It is a valley of the shadow of death, facing what seemed to David as the ultimate defeat and evil. Comfort -- for your rod and Thy staff comfort me. Salem Media Group. And finally we have the small matter of that which occurs after 'the days of my life'. (5) Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day. Note the pronoun change in this verse. I think if we could just grasp this first verse alone our hearts could then rest. God does not eliminate the risks and hazards but will illuminate His presence. See here, 1. For a shepherd, the healing purpose would be significant. and I will dwell in Yahwehs (Hebrew: YHWH) house forever (v. 6b). If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. It's not for the goats. He was afraid and worried to go back into bed on his own. After talking with him, I asked him to read Psalm 23. After he read it, he said, Dad, this is really helpful. Even when I walk in a dark valley God will be with me and protect me. Anyway, we might have been being a tad naughty but the principle can be quite helpful and this is what I will do with this first verse. But, what makes it so compelling? When the end of the Babylonian Exile and Israels salvation was nigh, God told Israel: Dont be afraid, for I have redeemed you. People need comfort and encouragement. d. For You are with me: This emphasizes that it is the presence of the shepherd that eliminated the fear of evil for the sheep. Lets look at the meaning and significance of each verse written in Psalm 23. Not many people receive such an invitation, and even fewer receive more than one. 1. It is a bit difficult to ascertain the exact time Psalm 23 was written. That was a question that was once sent to me. It is as sure as the promise of the God of truth can make it; and we know whom we have believed. It makes sense. Verse 4 has a dark tone that embodies the possibility of traversing through the valley of death even in the presence of the shepherd. What great confidence! 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. We may request cookies to be set on your device. When faced with destitution, famine, pressures, financial difficulty, and depression, its hard to remain calm and tranquil. We read the last clause as David's covenant with God: "I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever (as long as I live), and I will praise him while I have any being." In New Zealand (where I live) all of our farms and fields seem to be 'green pastures' and the sheep tend to munch all day! WebThe MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture. It is by a constancy of the means of grace that the soul is fed. It could also refer to a piece of furniture like the tables that we know today. Gods shepherding care from the previous verse brought restoration to Davids soul. In terms of how it is loved, look at how one old theologian from the 1800's spoke of it. This line is especially suggestive when we read this psalm with an eye toward Jesus, the Great Shepherd. And, then, it is not the valley of death, but the valley of the shadow of death, for death in its substance has been removed, and only the shadow of it remains Nobody is afraid of a shadow, for a shadow cannot stop a mans pathway even for a moment. In describing the Lord as a shepherd, David wrote out of his own experience because he had spent his early years caring for sheep. Forgiveness -- for He restores my soul. To be invited to the Kings table was a great honor. But it is alluded to such as in Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water." Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. So I wrote back and said I had done a thorough check and all was well. How would it be with you if God had filled your cup in proportion to your faith? I have a lady at my work who, after saying something that she felt may tempt fate, said 'touch wood'. 4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. [3.] My cup runs over (Hebrew: rewayah) (v. 5c). His table was not spread with any thing that came next to hand, but prepared, and prepared before him. Is it Messianic? The world is now experiencing a dreadful pandemic. This is a great shame because it is not a psalm of death! For I am Yahweh your God, The Shepherd's rod: The rod which the Shepherd carried was for protecting the sheep from predators. The shepherd certainly did not remove the presence of evil but removed the fear of evil. The idea that the LORD is a shepherd to His people is also prevalent throughout the Bible. And he awaits the day when the great shepherd will become the chief Shepherd and shall come in the skies. [2.] When flies or parasites annoy them, its hard for them to be at rest. On the one hand it is not quoted in the New Testament directly concerning Jesus. Because the saints have God's gracious presence with them in their dying moments; he is then at their right hand, and therefore why should they be moved? As the shepherd led the sheep from oasis to oasis, this sometimes meant passing through narrow valleys that had steep cliff faces on each side. That was his role growing up. Here the second allegory begins. If David penned this psalm before his coming to the crown, though destined to it, he had as much reason to fear wanting as any man. God's ordinances are the green pastures in which food is provided for all believers; the word of life is the nourishment of the new man. See here. A servant abideth not in the house for ever, but the son abideth ever. While I am here I will be a child at home with my God; the whole world shall be his house to me; and when I ascend into the upper chamber, I shall not change my company, nor even change the house; I shall only go to dwell in the upper story of the house of the Lord forever. The book of Psalms is so unique because it focuses on the character of God. He was the son of Jesse and a direct descendant of Abraham. You can check these in your browser security settings. [9] As Jesus Himself said, 'You are the light of the world. Konto i listy Zwroty i zamwienia. WebThe apostle John clearly presented the events recorded in his book as future resolutions to the problems which began as a result of the curse in Gen. 3. I live in New Zealand, and yes, I know, we have more sheep than people! He wrote: Unlike in the west where people get multiple jobs, here the jobs are very rare. 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