kauai county council members

If the Master Plan does not contain an option for no-growth in arriving flights, I think its important for our State Legislators to commit to not fund improvements meant to expand capacity. Cultivating oysters, clams, and other value add products for the community. We need to site a new landfill and move on it as soon as possible. This will defiantly make a big impact in our agricultural community by providing more opportunity for growing our own food, marketing and providing educational opportunities for our young farmers. I went to Kapaa Elementary, Kapaa Middle and Kapaa High School. Please feel welcome to call me if you need me. Put these forces together an aging population, aging infrastructure, and slowing growth and were facing difficult fiscal times. Of those, 123 converted from residential or homestead use to TVR Thats 123 less homes available on Kauai last year alone and resulted in a net decline overall in the number of resident occupied homes on Kauai. Supporting our local working class now is essential. Flush with money and drunk on the possibilities of the automobile, we spent large sums of money on sprawling infrastructure. I believe as a County Council Member I would be able to pull together those that know the most about this topic in an effort to better understand the immediate farmer needs and blockages that are stifling progress. Early engagement with stakeholder groups is step one of effective policy development, in my view. Leveling out the rates and getting more funding for our housing fund would ultimately mean we could provide more workforce housing for our hospitality workers, teachers, nurses and all our working families. There are old cane haul roads that should be evaluated for best potential to create alternative routes. If we are going to say we have a recycling program we really need to do it. I would continue to support the Aloha Plus Challenge program which focuses on six areas, Clean Energy; Local Food Production; Natural Resource Management; Waste Reduction; Smart Sustainable Communities: Green Workforce and Education. kauai hotels kama'aina rate 2021; mary katherine backstrom net worth 2020; blackstone managing director salary. According to the Department of Business and Economic Development, the average daily rate for TVRs in 2022 is $386.74 compared to $279.70 in 2019. of Water to ensure water distribution expansion plans line up with plans for increased density and infill development within our town centers, as well as for other housing development in the larger town areas. Meaning that state and local governments have to allocate increasing shares of their budgets on retirement benefits that they have promised to their past and current employees. This leaves less money for all other essential services like transportation, parks, and public safety. The various departments have done a rather impressive job at successfully procuring Federal monies. Kauai County Council can support this vision with adapting zoning ordinances to allow for the needed small, potentially moveable farm worker living units coupled with appropriate wastewater technology. I am passionate about our county developing a flourishing agricultural industry that provides employment in food production, processing and distribution, and that pays living wages. Addison Bulosan (Nonpartisan) Bernard Carvalho (Nonpartisan) Felicia Cowden (Nonpartisan) Billy Decosta (Nonpartisan) Luke A. Evslin (Nonpartisan) Fern Anuenue Holland (Nonpartisan) I look forward to supporting more discussions in all the above areas. I dont want more expansion for more flights. The mayors administration is responsible for applying for these typically competitive Federal grants. The County can help by providing incentives to the agriculture industries. Administration and Council will then need to secure funding through the budgeting process to qualify for additional funding to start and complete the proposed infrastructure projects. While we advocate for healing ourselves, we must also demand healing for our environment. Voters on Kauai also sorted through more than two dozen candidates to elect members to the seven-seat County Council. Regarding policies that I support in the DMAP, I will always go back to property taxes, fees, and zoning as the strongest tools that the County has the most discretion over. And by doing so, we can also keep money in our local economy and save residents money. In my first four budget sessions, managing the county budget has been relatively comfortable working with the mayors office as they have presented a balanced budget with excess to return to our county reserve fund. We need to also continue to reform our zoning codes to reduce the amount that people have to drive. From a zoning perspective, we need to ensure that were doing all we can to ensure that agricultural land is growing crops, not houses. Net working with the right people is very crucial. It has become clear in recent decades that our agriculture practices and system can either hurt our climate, or help save it. May 24, 2022; Kauai Real Estate Update, Waterfront Lihue Property Sold, Oahu Maui and Big Island Real Estate Sales Update. Its important to note that this will require coordination with our state and federal representatives, and Im happy to work with our legislative team and do the work necessary to secure these funds for Kauai. Our Public Works department does a relatively good job of handling their responsibilities. Councilmember Decosta and I are currently working on some comprehensive changes to our agricultural dedication program along these lines. While I think that the State and Federal governments can play an important role in helping support both agriculture and domestic manufacturing for the County, I see our primary role in stimulating the economy as reducing the cost of housing, investing in vibrant and walkable town cores, and ensuring that real farmers are paying very minimal property taxes. All local sellers source from local vendors, thus fulfilling the circular economy. When asked why there were so many entering this class, the Finance Department said in a memo that we are seeing more Long-Term Rentals and Homeowners sell and or replace with Vacation Rental use. Similarly, in a report on the vacation rental industry in Hawaii, Hawaii Appleseed Foundation writes that Vacation rental units (VRUs) provide another significant pressure, leading to the reduction of available housing for Hawaii residents and driving up rents. This is because, Renting out a unit as a VRU is more profitable than renting it long-term, making VRUs particularly appealing for nonresident investors. As Appleseed writes, part of the attraction is that Hawaii has the lowest property tax rates in the nation. The County needs to streamline the permitting for affordable housing. Although such projects alone will never fill the housing gap, they are essential to providing a safety net and serving those most at need. In college I took courses in climate science and learned about climate adaptation and mitigation. He also previously served for 8 years on the Kauai County Council and was Director of the Office of Environmental Quality Control for the State of Hawaii (2011/2012). In the summer of 2010, Hooser resigned his Senate seat to run for the office of Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii. Addison Bulosan Luke Evslin Lila Balmores Metzger Bernard Carvalho Fern Anuenue Holland Nelson Mukai Felicia Cowden Ross Kagawa Mel Rapozo Billy DeCosta Kipukai L.P. Kualii Rachel Secretario Search by Questions Search by Candidate Giving friendly reminders that this is what these people are being paid to do. More financial support and reduced taxes for food producing farmers. I am committed to having discussions in the open so that the public is aware of what is happening. Waimea Huakai and Habitat for Humanity Affordable Housing, Waimea, Kauai. Lastly, we must increase local demand for local ingredients so local production can be scaled. Policy D.4. We must support our County properly maintaining our four wastewater treatment plants which were built before 1980 and fund the necessary upgrades to our current systems; even if that means increasing sewer fees. I love this island, I put my name on the ballot to make an effort for positive change. In the interim, tourists would be housed in hotels where they could move about the grounds . My lifelong experiences as a community organizer for economic and social justice has taught me how to work effectively with many different organizations and people. I want to thank all of our leaders in our community for the work you have done and keep doing. I would look at what jobs are critical to the operation and safety of the island as top priority and then start moving money and making cuts that allow room for change to be made and new projects to be implemented. Theres a lot of great aspirational policies in the DMAP that require strong private, non-profit, and state partnerships. I want to continue to serve and ask for your support. We need to reestablish this pattern as it is essential to best governance. C OUNTY C OUNCIL (7) (12-01-24) 808 -241 4188 I understand improvements for safety, convenience and comfort; however the people dont want more gates and more flights. Our food tours increase the demand for local ingredients in these restaurants, help maintain their commitment towards supporting local farmers, and raises awareness of fresh ingredients from the island. The other candidates for seven positions are Addison Bulosan, Bernard Carvalho, Felicia Cowden, Billy DeCosta, Luke. We need to site a new landfill. There is a maze of changing regulations that are best served by following a quick timeline to avoid the next limitation. Why? If elected, my focus will be to work with our administration and departments to secure as much funds as we can to improve our infrastructure on Kauai. The pandemic has strengthened our farmers markets across the island and we must continue to enable our local people to afford local ingredients. I would agree with the DMAP in education for tourist coming to the island they should learn all the rules and laws of the island and they should respect the local people and their lifestyle. My goal is to be proactive with our administration and work with each department to understand how we can create more efficiency in our systems. I envision Kauai operating as a large-scale homestead. I will continue to support projects like the Lima Ola affordable housing project and support the development of additional family units and rentals on existing properties to accommodate growing families and additional rentals. 2022 - 2024 Kauai County Councilmembers Kauai County Council 4396 Rice Street, Suite 209 Lihue, Hawaii 96766 Telephone: (808) 241-4188 Fax: (808) 241-6349 E-mail sent to all Councilmembers only: Councilmembers@kauai.gov E-mail sent directly to individual Councilmembers: Mel Rapozo, Council Chair KipuKai Kuali'i, Council Vice Chair 1) We need to build more homes in and around our existing towns. I believe that our Lihue Airport is at capacity for our visitors, and we do not need any expansion of our airport facility and land area to accommodate more visitors. I would use my management skills from working for Central Parking in Managing parking for Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, Halekulani Hotel, and Hawaii Prince Hotel managing 19 employees and a 2.5 million dollar budget. To be clear, I am absolutely a strong supporter of recycling, the critical siting of our next landfill, source reduction and taking advantage of any innovations or new technologies that can help us find a sustainable and resilient way to address our solid waste challenges. I have ideas for this issue and willing to listen to win win solutions. The Kauai Tourism Strategic Plan clearly outlines that our infrastructure only has the capacity for 25,000 daily visitors but that we are almost always above that. The budget is our main responsibility and balancing and or cutting the budget to ensure all areas of our counties responsibilities are met. I am open to the idea of increasing all TVR property tax rates to resort property tax rates. The 2016-2018 Kauai Tourism Strategic Plan (KTSP) was unique among government sponsored reports in its clear-headed recognition that we are over capacity for tourism, that we need bold change, and that we should strive to keep our visitor count within 23,000-25,000. Reaching out to both the interest groups who would either benefit by an ordinance change, as well as those who may be negatively impacted is essential to successful implementation well before introduction of a bill at council. Housing development was booming (over 600 homes built per year on Kauai) and every new residential development landed a small windfall into government coffers which could fund increasing expansion. We have thousands of ADC ranch and farm lands out on the Westside that needs to be revived. Expanding our local products and supporting their local consumption, as well as export markets, is key to growth for the agricultural sector. Evolving environmental regulations have eliminated any new location to be an appropriate site for our next landfill. I value the main premise of the Kauai Destination Management Action Plan guiding the aim to rebuild, redefine and reset the direction of tourism over a three-year period. I have the time to attend boards and commission meetings, community events, and have on-site visits with constituents, neighborhoods and businesses for stronger understanding of their specific needs. Making sure we increase our Capital Improvement Projects investments as we have done in this most recent budget. My government experience is based on making sure that any infrastructure projects will need to be to be well planned out and supported at all levels of government with strong input from our community. Another focus is to create infrastructure incentives for workforce housing and affordable housing in town core centers such as Hanapp, Kloa, Lhue, Kapaa, and Klauea. I believe curbside recycling needs to be implemented immediately. As we successfully provide this item locally we could move toward exporting it and accomplish two goals with one project which is moving toward food sustainability and create income via an export. We must also continue to support local chefs, restaurants, and other food establishments by using more local ingredients. I would help with any kind of communication that I can do as a county council member. Construction of a materials recovery facility, curbside recycling, diverting commercial food waste to composting facilities, and a recycling facility for construction and demolition debris all of these need to simultaneously be pursued to extend the life of our landfill long enough to enable the siting and construction of a new facility. Housing is easily the biggest issue that we face on Kauai, and I believe that the county has to pursue an all-of-the-above strategy to help solve the crisis. Addressing the combined impacts to the climate from ecosystem loss and destruction of environmental services, CO2 production due to transport of food through programs that support local food production and access are critical. L EGISLATIVE B RANCH 4396 Rice Street, Suite 209 . Kauai doesnt even need the climate to change to benefit by the Kauai Climate Adaptation Plans the county currently has underway. Im eager to help better the lives of our local community with sound decisions at the council level. As they describe, the surge in retiring baby boomers at a time of slowing population growth means that the ratio of retirees to active workers continues to skew towards increasing numbers of retirees relative to active workers. Tax rates for the Vacation Rental tax class is currently$9.85 per thousand in value as compared to the Hotel/Resort tax class at $10.85 per thousand in value. Kauai County Council Candidates Below are the candidates that responded to our survey. I lived in Germany as an exchange student where 20 years ago recycling is something everyone just does. While I have an educational background in engineering, I strengthen my support and preparedness by listening to our site experts, visiting our facilities, requesting progress or status briefings and reviewing process materials. We are absolutely called to action because of the science and data that tells us that extreme weather events will only get stronger and more frequent. The best way to provide economic diversification would be to develop some sectors by itself and provide the enabling environment so that others can participate. A strong area of economic diversification that has rapidly and recently grown is residents who remote work or have other avenues of external income. The next step will be to develop measures that can be brought before the council as bills and resolutions that will help to facilitate the needs that are identified. I will be responsible in how I manage our county budget and operations. It is not something we can avoid any longer. of Water Planners updating the County Water Plan to guide system expansion, improvement, rehabilitation, and rate structures that support growth consistent with housing development plans; and, Making sure our County encourages, steers and incentivizes residential developments in Lihu`e in order to take advantage of that treatment plants significant excess capacity. Click here and log in to view this story Start Free. However, its partly our job to help set the Administration up for success on this front. Delays in permitting only adds cost to projects. Currently Councilmember Evslin & I are working with you and other stakeholders on a bill to support EV-ready charging stations in parking lots. These successes result from partnering with the State & developers, tax credits, fast-track permitting, a streamlined regulatory process and/or having available funding. Along with Vice Chair Chock, I co-introduced the bill on Kauai to give the Parks Department the authority to charge tourists to park in beach parks. Sounds a lot like our Native Hawaiian values of aloha `aina, kuleana, the kapu system and malama `aina. I support the development of a dirty MRF that will help us divert waste from the landfill. In the event of a hurricane, a war, a prolonged economic downturn, or another catastrophic lockdown, there is minimal impact on the full living units in the TVR category. We must allocate a location and move into planning and development of the new landfill. I was unable to access the Airport Development Plan Chapter of the Lihue Airport Master Plan and the Implementation Plan Chapter, both I feel I need to better understand areas I may oppose. I am passionate about developing a flourishing agricultural industry that provides employment in food production, processing and distribution, and that pays living wages. I have tried to raise the vacation rental rate to equal the resort rate twice at budget (2019 and 2022). $3.5m) of real property tax revenues to our Housing Development Fund. Thats a 38% increase in nightly rates since before the pandemic. I support upgrades, maintenance and necessary safety changes. Have watch dog groups in each community to sound the alarm when things, i.e road repair are not dragging on endlessly. Our County received a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Grant for $13.8 million to transform and construct our roadways, walking and biking paths in our downtown core of Lihue. In addition to working with the administration and the department of finance on budget options to build towards a structured balanced budget, as part of the Countys Long Term Financial plan, I would continue to support our countys reserve fund policy that was guided through the assistance of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and continue to seek similar opportunities for financial sustainability is all areas. This year we had close to 15 million in our housing fund per our county budget, state and federal grants that will be applied to Lima Oil work force housing development in Eleele, we also have our Waimea 400 project and our Kilauea housing project on the horizon. 1050. QUESTION #2If elected to the Council, how would you engage with the business community early in the legislative process? Increasing taxes on vacant homes and TVRs can both discourage that practice (and get more homes on the market) and help ensure that we have a revenue base to get through the fiscal ice age. For many, the barrier to converting to an EV is access to charging stations. But some do like longtime Kauai politician Ross Kagawa, who has been chosen to fill a vacancy on the Kauai County Council. Kagawa, who worked on eight County of Kauai budgets during his previous tenure on the Council, will now tackle the Countys latest budget next month. We must assist local businesses and community organizations that pivot away from hiring outside professionals to hiring local professionals. Contact Information 4396 Rice Street, Suite 209 Lihue, Hawaii 96766. Climate change is here to stay, its going to be a huge problem in future generations and its going to get worse but we are human beings a we a smarter than that. Bold action must be taken to better manage tourism to protect the environment and residents quality of life. The plan states that 1 in 8 homes on Kauai is a vacation rental, compared to 1 in 24 homes statewide. My preferred solution is to support our Mayor and Administration however I can with 1) the permitting of a new landfill across the highway at Kekaha Mauka, 2) seeking State approval for a vertical expansion of the existing landfill that would extend operations through November 2030, 3) doing extensive outreach and education to get our citizens to play a decisive role in helping us avoid a garbage crisis by changing more habits and diverting more waste; composting, recycling, reusing materials and source reduction, 4) excavating waste from the oldest part of the landfill, separating out recyclables and reburying the waste on top of the landfills newest section; and, 5) creating a construction and demolition reclamation center to dispose of construction and demolition garbage, which makes up the largest portion of the current landfills waste stream. Strengthen the economic contribution of Kauais visitor industry. We then support our local vendors with our nonprofit retail store, Alakoko Shop. We can do this by appropriately taxing unused and non-resident owned property and directing that additional tax revenue towards workforce and affordable housing for local people. impacts. This sets up a more regenerative visitor economy. Please explain your answer. Scroll for more Candidate Bernard Carvalho (Nonpartisan) Felicia Cowden (Nonpartisan) Billy Decosta (Nonpartisan) Luke A. Evslin (Nonpartisan) KipuKai L.P. Kuali'I (Nonpartisan) Addison Bulosan (Nonpartisan) Fern Anuenue Holland (Nonpartisan) We would need to work together to look at giving incentives to property owners who rent out their home for a reasonable rate i.e. From the 2008 report available online there are a handful of other suggestions and I need access to the assessments done to make a final decision. I strongly support renovations and re-routing the pedestrian flow of the airport, but I oppose increasing the rental car capacity and increasing the size of our airport. Support good ideas from the county level that makes logical sense. They are incredibly costly to build and maintain. Whereas a resort that falls into becoming a distressed property presents significant, even overwhelming, responsibility for the county and community. In the tourism industry, we must continue to focus on regenerative and restorative visitor experiences that continue to empower our local businesses and organizations. We need to improve our port security and get drugs off our streets while we work to address the issue holistically with counseling programs, on island detox and treatment centers and housing first solutions. Kaumakani was officially known as Makaweli meaning "fearful features". We cant ignore the environmental crisis any longer. We need to start the process to bring waste to energy technology to Kauai. Districts work closely with county, state and federal governments and both public and private organizations in a non-regulatory capacity. We are out of time. Enough tourists as is. I was the spokesperson for Honolulu Recovery Systems and Honolulu Disposal who also owns Garden Isle Disposal and Recycling. The tax rate for the Vacation Rental class is the second highest tax rate in the county. Anything we can do to incentivize home construction within and directly adjacent to our existing towns will help alleviate this pressure on our agricultural land. Increases to the affordable housing inventory are desperately needed. I believe that our Office of Economic Development does a great job and I am committed to supporting their efforts as best as I can. It may be appropriate to have some sort of sliding scale or tiered criteria for this. During the pandemic we saw planes, cars, and foot traffic come to a halt and with that pause, our environment took a huge breath of fresh air. Mahalo for taking the time to send out this questionnaire and Mahalo for all that you do to help Kauai County. As a Council Member I would be committed to addressing these things. euclid city council election results. I know they paid their shade of taxes during COVID when none of them had any revenue coming in, but I would like to ensure those local families who had their family vacation rentals not get priced out. Holland came in ninth place during the 2022 Kauai County Council election. I have personally seen the effects of doing this. We need to consider rent-to-own affordable housing options and offer a credit to responsible individuals who pay rent on time who can then apply this credit to a first time home loan application. Making sure our County Planners engage with Dept. Should a measure I am working on relate to the business community, or a specific industry, I will reach out to the chamber, business associations and those stakeholders to discuss the issue at the beginning of the drafting process. Ensure the authentic Hawaiian culture is perpetuated and accurately presented in experiences for residents and visitors, materials and marketing efforts. they have 20 times more people on Oahu. If we run out of room at the Kekaha landfill without a new landfill ready to go, we may be forced to temporarily ship our waste off island at incredible cost to taxpayers. To do this I will support efforts to expand local food production, processing facilities and infrastructure and work with community organizations to address needs to assist with marketing and distribution of local food while we also work to support current and next generation farmers. This housing strategy has been a cherished and successful pathway in Kauais past. This is to ensure fairness in accounting for visitor-related impacts and contributing to State and County revenue. In other words, this policy to increase TVR taxes to equal the resort rate comes directly from the General Plan. As the owner of Tasting Kauai, the only food tour company providing food tours on every side of the island, our mission is to increase the demand for local ingredients by only featuring local restaurants and chefs that use local ingredients. The next highest tax class which is the Commercial and Industrial class with the rate of $8.10 per thousand. The County has our Economic Board that funds these projects through grants and other funding sources. I would first have to hear what is required on our part if we receive this funding and I would make it known to the public what these infrastructure changes include and ask the people if we want what they are offering. In order for us to move forward, we have to do a combination of three things: 1) restore pre-existing agricultural systems 2) utilize innovative agricultural practices 3) help our community of consumers choose local produce first First, we must restore pre-existing agricultural systems by empowering local businesses and community organizations. High School presented in experiences for residents and visitors, materials and efforts. Becoming a distressed property presents significant, even overwhelming, responsibility for agricultural. College i took courses in climate science and learned about climate adaptation Plans the County needs to streamline permitting... Addison Bulosan, Bernard Carvalho, Felicia Cowden, Billy Decosta, Luke our agricultural program... New location to be revived community for the office of Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii from the General.... Public Works department does a relatively good job of handling their responsibilities 20 years ago is... 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Percy Jackson Prophecy Generator, Articles K