milwaukee jewish chronicle obits

Loving brother of Natalie (the late Albert) Borenstein. Cherished father of Lisa (Marshall Kay) Gelman. Beloved husband of Eileen Moses (nee Federshneider). Fond sister-in-law of Bella (Michael) Perelshtein. Cherished mother of Sandra (Roger) Dubester, Wendy Biermat and the late Ronald (Shelly Schwadron) Kaplan. Proud grandmother of Lincoln Friedman, Anna and Seth Huttner, Daniel Levy and Charlene Samuelson, Noah Brehmer, Rae Friedman and Joseph Friedman and great-grandmother of Sydney, Jack and Ajna. Loving grandfather , Passed away May 9, 2009 at the age of 83. Of Bayside, WI, passed away January 25th, 2019 at the age of 71. Cherished mother of John (Melissa) Wolfson, Susan Campbell, Jody (Allen) Washatko and Elizabeth Wolfson. Beloved husband of Estelle Katz (nee Zoghlin). Loving sister of Yefin Shapsis. Loving grandmother of Nathan, Jonathan, Alex and Emily Bard and great-grandmother of Shea. Cherished mother of Mark (Bob Hostettler), Shirlee, Larry (Maureen) and Barb (Henry Mauer) Sherkow. He served with great pride in the Korean War and died peacefully surrounded by family on Friday, October 19th, 2018. Loving aunt of Dennis (Sandy) Samenfeld, Gary (Debbi) Samenfeld, Connie Levings and Laura (Tim) Levingwood. Beloved wife of the late Jack. 2023 Milwaukee Funeral Services, LLC dba Goodman-Bensman Whitefish Bay Funeral Home 4750 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Whitefish Bay, WI 53211 moc.n 1677303027 amsne 1677303027 bnamd 1677303027 oog@o 1677303027 fni 1677303027 Phone (414) 964-3111 Fax (414) 964-3535 Cherished mother of Leslie (Paul Schwartz) Harris Schwartz and Cynthia (Mark) Holland. Cherished mother of Dorene (Bernard) Westler, Philip (Sandi) and Jeffery (Sonya) Johnson. Cherished grandmother of Yossi Katzin, Aliza (Mordy) Rosenberg, and Ilana Katzin; Benjamin and Jodie Saltzman; Miriam Saltzman, Mutti (Shayna) Saltzman, Aharon (Hadassah) Saltzman, Nechama (Shmuel Mordechai) Goldenberg, Leah (Yair) Degani, Sarah (Mordechai) Rosenblum, Avrami, Dassi and Shabse Saltzman. There is an alphabetic index at the back of each volume as well as a separate three-volume cumulative index. She is survived by her niece, Traci Schwartz, her great-nephew, Tayten Sanderson, her aunt, Bess Schwartz, and numerous cousins and good friends. Loving brother of Debra Nicholson, David (Beth) Draper, Brian (Cindy) Draper, Bob Draper, Jim (Sue) Draper and the late William Skip , Passed away April 17, 2014 at the age of 82. Loving grandfather of Igor (Oksana) Kantor and Ann (Christopher Kloth) Shuk and adoring , Passed away November 29, 2014 at the age of 81. After graduating from high school in 1933 as valedictorian of his class he w , Passed away January 15, 2012 at the age of 89. Passed away December 22, 2017 at the age of 76. Further survived by other dear relatives and friends. Further survived by grandsons and great-grandsons. Cherished mother of Cheryl, Robert (Rachel) and Steven (Sandy Carlson) Rudman. Passed away June 16, 2008, at the age of 78 years. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. Preceded in death by her loving parents, Abraham and Ilomae (nee Kimmel) Berkovits. Beloved wife of the late Harry Rodin for 67 years. Cherished mother of Shari (Jon Nemeth) Matras and Laurie (Bob) Gross. Loving mother of Sandra (Steve) Kuinn and Linda (Michael Defrancisco) Rube. Beloved wife of the late Stanley Agruss. Graves , Passed away October 8, 2014 at the age of 79. Dear brother of the late Carolyn Kagen Hoffman. Beloved wife of the late Ralph Goldstein. Loving mother of Victor and Vladimir (Helena) Kotilevski. Cherished father of Julie (Thomas) Kaye of Greenfield, WI, Dr. Carnot (A , Lee, Bernice Kamesar Of St. Paul, MN, formerly of Milwaukee. Further survived by other dear relatives and friends. Beloved husband of Musya Bordetskaya (nee Shmulovich). Passed away Nov. 24, 2016 at the age of 92. Beloved husband of the late Florence R , (Nee Zamsky) Passed away December 31, 2011 at the age of 100. Sam also enlisted in the Army in 1975, but was discharged due to a medical disability. Beloved husband of Judith Saltzstein (nee Jacobson). . Also survived by loving nephews, nieces, other fond relatives and many dear friends. Further survived by nieces, nephews, other loving relatives and dear friends. Beloved husband of Elaine Friedman (nee Forman). Cherished mother of Susan Borkon and James Wiernick. Treasured cousin to Steven (Craig Sigele) Marton, Mindy (Chris) Grall and Gary (Kim) Marton. Passed away May 25, 2008, at the age of 94. Beloved husband of the late Sophia Tynkov (nee Rubenstein). Beloved husband of Juliet Kahn (nee Guralnick). Beloved wife of the late Morris Liberman. Dear sister of Eugene (Terry) Marcus of Pewaukee and Norman (Doreen) Marcus of Bayside. At the age of 20, she married Harvey S. Miller of Shorewood, to whom she was ma , (Nee Smith) Passed away August 25, 2016 at the age of 89. Loving mother of Glenn (Diane) Nashban, Ross Nashban and Robin Benedon. Cherished father of Amy (Justin Fermenich) Turim. Fond sister-in-law of Eli Gecht and Florence Slavick. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Dear brother of Alan M. (Karen D. Zucker) Posner. Beloved husband of the late Deborah Aronson for 65 years. Cherished father of Leonid Adamskiy. Dear sister of Florence Rudoy. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Beloved husband of Annabelle Loeb (nee Anosov). Survived by nieces: Helane (Harlan Grossman) Morrison, Andrea (Bruce) Saewitz and Margaret (Larry Heuer) Morrison; great-nieces , Passed away January 13, 2009 at the age of 49. Devoted father of Michael (Amy) Zubrensky and Steven Zubrensky. Fond sister-in-law of June (Herb) Gronik. (Nee Schumacher) Passed away August 24th, 2018 at the age of 91. Adoring Zaydee of Rachel (Michael) Kramer , Passed away January 19, 2015 at the age of 90. Loving mother of Debbie (Marc) Siedband and Bob (Jeri) Schuckit. (Nee Fefer) Passed away on November 10th, 2019 at the age of 83. Cherished mother of Gary (Diane) Green, Sherwin Green and Donald (Cheryl) Green. Beloved wife of Karl Perl. Passed away August 13, 2008 at the age of 89. Loving grandmother of Shmuel Kushnir and Chaim Chona (Chaya Mushka) Scherbina. Loving grandmother of Matthe , Passed away September 1, 2014 at the age of 76. Dear father of Mitch (Barb) Goodsitt, Greg (Maura Murphy) Goodsitt, Susan (Jeff) Hamer and the late Jan Goodsitt. Beloved wife of the late Hyman Grande (1971) and the late Bill Strumwasser (1985). Beloved wife of Daniel Goldman. Beloved husband and best friend of Mailen Pankiewicz. A celebration of Jeris life will be held on Sunday, July 1, 2018 at 10:00 AM at 820 West Eula Court, Glendale. Further survived by Harriets children, Danny (Barbara) Esser, Susan (Gary) Greenberg, Karen (Steve) Esser, and Ronnie Esser. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Cherished mother of Chanita Stillerman, Rebecca Witter, Sharona Stillerman and Beverly (David) Gruber. Beloved wife of the late Sol Forman for 66 wonderful years. Cherished mother of Galina (Boris) Bakman. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Cherished grandfather of Samuel, Rafael and Ezekiel Pi , Of Fox Point, passed away May 2, 2013 at the age of 51. Loving grandmother of Maayan (Yaron) Greenberger, Tsuf Serusi, Zachary Tan , (Nee Goldman) passed away January 10, 2016 in Milwaukee. Dear sister of Linda (Warre , (Nee Schwartz) Passed away June 29, 2016 at the age of 88. Cherished father of Joseph (Amy Clearman) Rabinowitz and Eleanor Rabinowitz. Dear step-father of Stephen ( , Passed away peacefully in his sleep on September 18, 2012 at the age of 54. Adored grandfather of He , Rose (nee Aaron) Sklar Goldsmith of Glendale (formerly of Green Bay) passed away June 18, 2012, at the age of 96. Cherished father of Samantha (Jason Berndt) Christensen and loving grandfather of Alexander Berndt. Dear cousin of Rabbi David Bernstein. Loving mother of Asher (Andrea) Rosenberg. Beloved wife of the late David Sorin. Dear sister of th , (Nee Lipton) Passed away Feb. 13, 2010 at the age of 91. Preceded in death by parents Siegfried and Eva Jacobsohn (nee Schocken). Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on facebook. A graveside service will be held on Friday, May 31 at 1:00 PM at Mound Zion Cemetery, 14510 W. North Ave., Brookfield. Eleanor died on May 13, 2014. Preceded in death by her beloved parents David and Ann (nee Bronstein) Shapiro. Brother-in-law of Sidney (Suzy) Herszenson and Sara (Sam) Hanna. Devoted grandmother of Ryan, Keith and Jeremy Musil. Beloved husband of the late Yetta Stern (nee Zbar). Loving father of Lee Anne Keller, Dana (Pradip) Gopal and Scott (Marcy) Keller. Cherished father of Eileen (Lawrence) Rittberg and Robert Hettman. Passed away August 19, 2018 at the age of 84. Further survived by other loving relatives and friends. (Nee Horowitz) Passed away October 11, 2013 at the age of 92. Loving father of Glenn (Sue) Cummins, Marla Cummins and Leslie (Rick) Colten-Cummins. She will be greatly missed by her daughter, Jill Cohen; grandson Dan (Marisa) Nathan; stepgreat-granddaughter Maya Mannella-Weston; great-grandson Julian Nathan; and dear friend and companion Shelley Burchman. Cherished mother of John (Chaya), Gershon (Lori) and David (Janna) Papermaster. Dear great-grandfather of Dean , Passed away December 1, 2013 the age of 46. Fond grandmother of Jacob, Noah, Stacey, Harry, Sarah and David Lesgold. Cherished mother of Susan Sadow. Passed away August 22nd, 2017 at the age of 83. Cherished father of Marla (Thomas) Czechowski, Daniel (Veronika), Richard (Yelena) and Michael Keller. Preceded in death by parents, Frank and Lillian Markovits, and sister, Judy Winkelman. A collection of obituaries of prominent people clipped from these newspapers. Loving brother of Dan (Mitch) Wolf and the late Barbara Wolf. Dear grandfather of Benjamin and Noah Grausz, Joshua, Evan and Rachel Pack. Cherished mother of Nancy L. Beckmann, John W. (the late Linda) Schulz, Robert D. (Ellen) Schulz, Barbara J. (nee Mezeritskiy) Passed away on November 27th at the age of 89. Beloved husband of Joanne Howell. Cherished father of Teri (Terence) Knight and Barry (Pattie) Pittelman. Further survived by many close nieces and nephews and many dear friends. Loving grandfather of Robert, Daniel, and Andrew Newell. Fond brother of Arlin (Daniel) Kaz , Passed away Oct. 13, 2015 at the age of 80. Beloved wife of Feliks Edelshteyn. Beloved wife of the late Raymond Davis. Preceded in death by siblings Doris (the late Ted) Kosoris and Larry Royter. Lee was born in Appleton, WI to Faye and Abe Sigman. (Nee Wlodarski) Passed away in Virginia on July 18th, 2018 at the age of 77. A , Passed away October 20, 2016 at the age of 91. During his over 30 year career, he served as , On the morning of October 24th, 2016 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA at the age of 95, died a Ukrainian patriarch of bibliography, philology, a renowned encyclopedic scholar, Lev Izrayilovych Goldenberg. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Beloved wife of the late Albert Silverman. Further survived by other dear relatives and friends. Beloved wife of the late Bernard Bensman. Proud grandfather of Svetlana (Sheyr) Amety, Ilya Misyuk, Masha Milshteyn and Irina Milshteyn. (Nee Vesokie) Passed away May 13th, 2019 at the age of 88. Beloved wife of Boris Shuster. Loving mother of David (Therese), Bob (Wendy), the late Laurie and the late Richard Goldman. Loving grandmother of Craig (Cathy) Lerner, Todd (Stephanie) Lerner, Dionne (Andy) Ryff, Garrett (Kim) Lerner, Sara Lerner, and Andrew Lerner. Beloved wife of the late Irvin. Proud grandmother of Nathan and Noah (Shira) Relles; Hannah (Asaf) Buchner; Evan (Christine) Sanderson; and Maia, Michael, Ariel and Gabriel (fiance Oren Sasson) Jacobs and great-grandmother of Nadav and Aviv Buchner and Elijah Relles. She was preceded in death by beloved husbands, Aaron Goldsmith and Philip Sklar; siblings, Dorothy and Isaac Kianovsky, Abe and Audrey Aar , Passed away June 18, 2012 at the age of 65. Passed away September 23, 2020 at the age of 72. Cherished mother of Izabella (the late Leonid) Shkolnik. Loving grandmother of Scott (Karrie) Hansen, Jason (fianc of Joe Adam) Hansen and adoring great-g . Loving father of Karen (Neil) Pinsky and Linda (Robert) Kulakow. Passed away June 8, 2008 at the age of 94. Dear brother of the late Lawrence (Harriet) Bodner. Loving grandmother of Raphaele (Joshua) Hildebrand, Bryana (Seth) Fishman, Mitchell, Scott, Brian and David Hammes, Noah (Amanda) Solomon and Adam Solomon. Loving father of Rachael (David) Marks and Ellen (Eugene) Mauermann. Beloved husband of the late Shirley Berkowitz (nee Crossot). Loving mother of Shari (Floyd) Keene and Mark Zubrensky. Further survived by nieces, nephews and friends. Beloved wife of the late David Schwartz. Preceded in death by his sister, Dorot , Died Monday May 26, 2008 at the age of 95. Beloved husband of 71 years to Jeannette Holtzman (nee Katz), dear brother of the late Estelle Rudolph, loving father of Robert (Susan) and the late Gary Holtzman. Beloved husband of Raisa (nee Greenberg) for 50 years. Dear friend of Lena (Oleg) Klebanov. Loving father of William (Barbara), Daniel (Robin Haueter) and Jonathan (Lisa) Bodner. (Nee Habush) Passed away November 20, 2011 at the age of 88 years. Cherished mother of Debbi Keno, Lindi (Rod) Seagraves, Sid Fink and loving stepmother of Jackie (Steve) Blumberg and Eliot (Tina) Wasserman. Special thanks to Dr. Jose Franco for many wonderful years of life and care. Beloved wife of the late Hyman Mishlove. Dear brother of Mollie (the late Sol) Sher, Jack Marcus and Seymour Gray. Dear sister-in-law of Judith (Gary Berman) Arbetter aka Lindsey Parker. Cherished mother of John E. Jacobson, Thomas M. (Todd Hill) Jacobson and the late Neil S. Jacobson. Preceded in death by his former wife, Muriel Tannenbaum (nee Temkin) and survived by his former wife, Rachel Foerster with whom he resided. Beloved wife of the late Benjamin Sushman. in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin (1972). She was president of the Harri Hoffmann Company, a manufacturer of shoe and leather products, which her father started in the late 1930s after immigrating from Aurich, Germany. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Cherished mother of Joseph (Debra) Volk, Andrew Volk and Deborah (Oren) Ben-Zeev. Passed away February 12th, 2019 at the age of 68. Browse death notices from one day to one week after individuals date of death, as identified in Vital Records resources. Passed away, June 28, 2020 at his home in Newburgh, NY, at the age of 73. A graveside service will be hel , Passed away October 3, 2010 at the age of 75. Cherished mother of Jack (Barbara) and Alan (Diana) Turner. Devoted father of Robin (Richard) Kramer and Bryan (Marci) Fooden. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Proud grandfather of Elina (Igor) Zaturinski, Diana (Kiril) Shkurko and Karina Perkl as well as 7 great-grandchildren. A veteran who served in the Army of Occupation, he was a clinical psychologist, university professor, and author (of academic articles, political letters to the editor, and goofy family-oriented birthday limericks). Loving grandfather of Spencer Roper; Kimberly, Lindsay and Brandon Stern; Joshua, Sarah and Rebecca Krajnak. Treasured father of Steven (Linda Benfield) Wallace, Jonathan (Ruth) Wallace and , Passed away November 11, 2008 at the age of 82. Cherished mother of Michelle (Charlie Wille) Lane-Wille and Jonathan (Gloria) Lane. Beloved husband of Dorie Sand (Nee Biller) for nearly 63 years. Cherished father of Jason (Sarah) Rakita. Loving father of Jamie (Kris) Maier and Kerri (Mike Culver) Belfor, step-father of Jim and Tabitha Decker, and grandfather of 6 grandchildren. Fond brother of Sheryl Kruckenberg, Eugene Rosenberg and Sandy (Kapil) Dass. Cherished mother of Weston and Noah Waldman. Beloved husband of Manya Spektor (nee Belferman). Loving grandmother of Ian, Mischa and Hannah. Beloved husband of the late Bella Lebedinskaya. Wife of the late Sol. (Nee Shein) Passed away June 8th, 2019 at the age of 99. Proud grandmother of Dr. Ben, Sam, Jake, Rachel and Ari Weisenthal. Loving father of Nathaniel Pick and Sharon (Victor) Pinsker. Passed away May 27th at the age of 76. Wed 1 Mar 7:00pm 9:00pm Dear great-aunt of Jessica (Will) Vaughan. Dear brother of Gertrud Klimowski. (Nee Atlas) Passed away Nov. 27, 2017 at the age of 92. Loving sister-in-law of Faya Kopylova. Cherished mother of Robert Goldstein and Lori (Mark Dolengowski) Goldstein. Beloved wife of the late Abram Belkin. Fu , Passed away August 28, 2012 at the age of 91. Proud grandmother of Aviva (Charles) Hirschberg, Rena (Dwayne) K , Passed away September 28, 2009 at the age of 86. Loving grandfather of Thalia and Abram Forte and Car , (Nee Cohen) Passed away April 16, 2014 at the age of 88 years. (Note: As of December 2015, the PSGA's Kuryer Polski Index online search site is available only to PGSA members. . Beloved daughter of Lynne D. (Al Fiel) Willens-Fiel and the late Lowell Willens. Beloved wife of the late Alfred Jacobs. Adored uncle of Manya and Samara Pachefsky. Caring uncle of numerous nieces and nephews and great friend to many. Cherished mother of Yael (David) Amir of Jerusalem and the late Lauren (Ellen Whitnack) Cagen of Memphis, TN. (Nee Hronopoulos) Passed away July 3, 2015 at the age of 87. Dear brother of Elaine Stein, Joyce (Herb) Root . Cherished father of Ella (Alexander) Wainshtein and Michael (Juliya) Lotman. Cherished mother of Zory (Mary) Abramovich, and Stan (Melissa) Abramovich. Cherished father of Michael (Kamila) Pavlov and Alex (Julia) Gnidin. Survived by numerous grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Marian received her B.A. Proud grandmother of Jenny and Paul Owen Friedler, Annie and Kevin Fishbain, and Emmy Friedler; Benny, Jonny, and Sammy Ginsburg; Aly, Danny, and Jacob Coran; Max, Kate, Charlie, and Eve Sheldon. Passed away June 13th, 2019, at the age of 83. Beloved wife of Arnold Polisky. Fond brother of Ronald Silberg. Further survived by his loving relatives and many dear friends. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Preceded in death by her brothers, Irving (the late Marion), Eugene (the late Lee) and Morris (Elaine) Sweet. Passed away December 5th, 2017 at the age of 84 years. Passed away November 24th at the age of 78. Beloved wife of the late Dr. William J. Katz. Cherished mother of Terri Stevens and Scott (Zoe) Biller. Further survived by many other loving relatives and friends. The son of the late Isaac and the late Vera (nee Weiner) Steiner. Dear sister of Bor , The Atinsky family mourns the loss of Dr. Efrat Gamliel-Atinsky, age 40, Noam Atinsky, age 5, Yaari Atinsky, age 9 months, and Esther Gamliel, Efrats mother, in a tragic automobile accident in Israel. Hartzman, Emma (Nee Borkin) Passed away August 31, 2008 at the age of 94. Loving father of Alexander, Daniel (Erica) and David (Patricia) Jacobs, and devoted gra , (Nee Wiener) of Fox Point. Passed away May 18, 2020 at the age of 73. Cherished father of Igor (the late Edit) Vaynberg. Dear Son-in-law of Ann B. Knell and nephew of Lorraine Mitz, Lila Stern and Flora Abramson. Preceded in death by his wife, Belle (nee: Brejt). Beloved son of Sam (Jill) Gingold and Carol Sue (Edward) Losyev. Passed away on June 7th, 2019 at the age of 90. Beloved sister of Allan Riskin. Beloved husband of Sylvia Bernstein (nee Rakita). Please see service details for more information. Beloved wife of the late Dennis Bartell. Passed away October 31, 2012 at the age of 66, in Wilmington, NC. A graveside service will be held on Friday, September 5th at 1:30 PM at . Adoring grandmother of Ele , Passed away February 14, 2016 at the age of 96. Further survived by other loving relatives and friends. Beloved wife of Ralph Jankins. Cherished son of Syril F. (Dr. Julian) Newman and Frank (Michelle Dloogoff) Berg. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ernst and Inge Florsheim. Fond aunt of Marsha (Dale) Sosinski. Cherished mother of Irene (Chris) Gitzlaff and Dave Michelson. Beloved wife of the late Marlin Weiss and the late Albert Wartchow. In his leisure time he spent many hours on his favorite pastimes, which included art, travel, golf, UW sports and the Green Bay Packers. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Dear sister of Paul Lipton, Sam Lipton, Fran (the l , (Nee Pessin) Passed away Feb. 13, 2010 at the age of 66. Cherished sister of Dr. Caridad Bravo and Lucia (Henry) Bakemeyer. Cherished father of Jennifer Jacobs and the late Natalie Jacobs. Cherished Papa to Samantha, Zachary, Meghan, Mathew and Michah. Beloved husband of the late Alla Komarnitskaya. Dear uncle of Michelle and Sarah Langer and Leah Gardenier. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Cherished sister of Aimee (Dennis) Kahn and Caryn Willens. Fond brother of the late Bella Mermelstein and dear brother-in-law of Joyce Kahn and Irving Kahn. Beloved and devoted wife of Bernard Barney for 59 wonderful years. Beloved husband of Laura Greene (nee Offenhartz). Dear brother of Elaine (Walter) Kleinmann, Robin (David) Yanes and Marc (Michaele) Butlein. Loving mother of Steven (Sara) Kaplan. Beloved husband of Zhanna Sorin (nee Komarnitskiy). Robert was a stockbroker for 35 years and was a , Passed away April 9, 2016 at the age of 84. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. (Nee Baum) Passed away March 14th, 2020, at the age of 86. Marvin was a distinguished general surgeon and an Associate Professor at the Medical College of WI. Beloved husband of the late Betty Greenberg (nee Chizek). Adored grandmother of Larisa (Richard) Alcalde, Daniel Nemirovsky; Joh , Passed away June 27, 2009 at the age of 67. Passed away January 7, 2019 at the age of 94. Deeply cherished aunt to Robert N. Halperin and Scott E. Halperin, as well as wonderfully close cousin of Lee Deichmann, Jenny Ettenheim, Nancy Ettenheim, Tim Ettenheim, Joan Prudhomme, and Marion Wiener and their children, to whom she was always a fondest relative and confidante. (Roselyn) Pieper, Lori Craig and the late Jack Pieper. Gran , Lerner, Alfred M. Passed away Wednesday, April 23, 2008, at the age of 87. Proud grandmother of treasured grandchildren: Ryan, Kimberly and Zachary Foster and Jordan and Hayley Fixler. Loving sister of Karen (Jim) Strom. Beloved father of Alina (Edward) Sokolinsky and Lana (Alex) Avrunina and grandfather of Kirill Sokolinsky, Julia Ann Avrunina and , Passed away August 29, 2016 at the age of 73. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Proud grandmother of 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. A graveside funeral service will be held on Tuesd , Passed away April 21, 2016 at the age of 92. (Nee Beckmann) Passed away September 25th, 2017 at the age of 92. Devoted brother of the , (Nee Paykel) Passed away November 15, 2008, at the age of 95. Further survived by many nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends. Adoring great-grandmother of Emma and Sophie Milner-Gorvine, Micah and Hannah Suesskind, Olivia Hammes, Bryce and Haden Mazur. Dear brother of Martin (Mary) Goldsmith and fond brother-in-la , (Nee Sernovitz) Passed away October 2, 2010, at the age of 93. Devoted grandfather of Alex, Bradley and Sam Eckert. Beloved wife of the late Yosef Lerner. (414) 939-0829. Further , Passed away on July 31st at the age of 89. Passed away Thursday, June 23, 2011, at the age of 94 years. Passed away April 8, 2011 at the age of 60. Preceded in death by her brothers, Burton and Perry Dinkin. One volume per year. From ideation to financing to marketing everything is designed to work together to produce your perfect individualized plan. Burial to follow at Second Home Cemetery, 3705 South 43rd Street, Milwaukee. Cherished mother of DD (Brad) Bayse And Jim (Cindy) Wick. Loving grandmother of Gary (Ellen) Wiviott, Lory (Susan) Wiviott and Cindy (James) Hugg , Dubin, Ben "Papa Ben" Passed away February 3, 2008, at the age of 94. Dear brother of Yoel (the late Yona) Hirschberg, Ed (Faye) Hirschberg, and the late Sally Bazzell. Loving mother to David (Dianne) Angelus, Debbie (Howard) Callif and Esther Grabowsky. Loving grandfather of Jonah Shapiro, Ari Shapiro, Nathan Brill, and , Of Boca Raton, FL formerly of Milwaukee. 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