snowpack on mt san jacinto

However the track is very useful and it is best to follow that route. At the on Monday 13th February 2023 at 1010 the air temperature was 16.8F (-10C), with a windchill temperature of -1.3F (-19C), 95% relative humidity, and a wintry NNW wind sustained at 7 mph gusting to 13.2 mph. At the Peak on Sunday 15th January 2023 at 0750 the air temperature was 17.8F (-8C), with a windchill temperature of -5.6F (-21C), 100% relative humidity, and a wild SW wind sustained at 19 mph gusting to 30.2 mph. Melting is expected to be steady and start to accelerate into February, but freeze/thaw cycles, compaction, and refreezing overnight may ultimately combine to produce very icy conditions. Thank you so much for your support. Snowshoes are useful in low to moderate angle terrain with adequate snow depth above about 8000 ft, for example the Tahquitz area meadows near Saddle Junction, sections of Deer Springs Trail, and Long Valley/Round Valley. Trails down to 5000 ft elevation currently have patchy shallow snow cover. The State Park boundary is not marked but is near the site of the old Florians Cache, below Flat Rock. All trails above about 5000 ft are currently snow-covered. Although excellent tracks are now in place for some major trails (as outlined below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere for the next few days in particular. South Ridge Road itself is now functionally clear of ice and snow. Above seasonal temperatures will continue until Sunday 27th November. Deer Springs Trail is clear from the Highway 243 trailhead to the Suicide Rock trail junction at 7000 ft, and functionally clear from there to Strawberry Junction (8100 ft), with a few icy snow patches increasing in length and frequency as you ascend. The track on Deer Springs Trail largely follows the existing trail route up to Little Round Valley. I measured an average of about four inches of snow at Old Lookout Flat, although with some deeper drifts in the trail. I ultimately kept my Kahtoola microspikes on until just past the top of Marion Mountain Trail, but could have removed them somewhat sooner. Spikes tend to be especially useful for descending trails. South Ridge Road remains closed now with only about 35% icy snow cover. WEATHER UPDATE 23rd December: forecasts have been shifting dramatically in recent days. Slushy in places in the afternoon. My track largely followed the established route of the trail, especially below the Fuller Ridge junction, but higher up the track is much more direct in places. Snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. Although the snow is not currently particularly deep (10-12 inches) it is heavily drifted and has at least one ice layer underneath the fresh powder. These icy slopes are notoriously treacherous and have been an area of multiple hiker fatalities in winter conditions in recent decades. Spikes are currently recommended throughout the trail system above about 6500 ft. Dutch Flat, at about 5600 ft elevation between Idyllwild and Pine Cove, recorded 0.86 inch of rain by 1300. Spikes are not essential but will be useful for most hikers, especially for descending. In Idyllwild (at 5550 ft) additional light rain this morning has added up to 0.1 inch. This is one of the largest gains in elevation over such a small horizontal distance in the contiguous United States . They are now invaluable on heavily traveled, compacted, icy tracks (before they clear of snow in the coming weeks) such as Devils Slide, Ernie Maxwell, and Deer Springs trails, at least, especially mornings when conditions tend to be most icy, and for descending. Since the depths given in the previous Report, there has been some melting at higher elevations which have been above the cloud at times, and below 7000 ft where temperatures have remained above freezing for several days. If there are Road Closed signs further down often the case at weekends and holidays when snow is present then those nine spaces are also unavailable for legal parking. Conditions prior to this storm had been unsettled for several days, with a minor storm overnight on 27th-28th December. Potentially dangerous cold is currently forecast for the highest peaks for 14th-23rd January at least. This makes for less than perfect snowshoeing conditions, but still preferable to postholing. Your contribution keeps the Report available to all, free from advertising or paywalls, and independent from agencies. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through increasingly patchy, very thin, icy snow above about 7000 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). This will change later this week. Every year seems to have its unique challenges and 2022 has been no exception. Areas here at 6500-7000 ft had had much less snow than a few miles further north, only 0.5-1.0 inch depth. My blogging throughout the storms gave more day-to-day detail and is available here. Rapid melting of snow on sun-exposed slopes and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. Spikes are not required for ascending, but some hikers will find them useful for descending. They tend to be especially useful for descending trails. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. Snow cover is shallow up to about 7000 ft, but relatively heavy above 8000 ft. South Ridge Road (5S11) is also currently closed to vehicle traffic. On the morning of Monday 12th a further 2.5 inches of snow settled in Idyllwild. There is already a moderately traveled posthole track on Devils Slide Trail, and I was surprised to find that below 7000 ft some of the trail was already slushy simply due to relatively warm air temperatures as there was no direct sun. Devils Slide Trail has a relatively well-traveled and compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. The first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in parentheses where known by the maximum depth so far this winter immediately following the latest storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023. In summary there are good tracks in place through the very shallow snow, and spikes are not required (but may be useful for some hikers depending on their experience in thin icy snow). Cold clouds in the high country produced thick rime on the trees above about 10,200 ft elevation on 1st December (photo from 2nd below) but otherwise no meaningful precipitation. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing. California , United States , 33.81N 116.68W, 3047m asl. Devils Slide Trail has a traveled and largely compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. Schwartz said she and a friend were driving west to Palm Springs on Interstate 10 at about 9 a.m. local time when the friend saw the snow start to move. Three periods of cold, cloudy days are now expected over the next ten days, but little if any precipitation.]. Snowfall in the high country has been somewhat below expectations, with nine inches at San Jacinto Peak (for a current total depth of about 16-18 inches), and 5-6 inches in Long Valley (8600ft, total c.6 inches). On Thursday 15th I ascended San Jacinto Peak via the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, and Peak trails) and descended the west side via Deer Springs Trail, while on Monday 19th we hiked to the Peak up and down the east side trails. The high winds forecast did not materialize, although gusts up to 35 mph have been enough to cause very heavy drifting. It has stopped snowing both in Idyllwild (current storm total 0.75 inch snow plus 1.14 inches of rain) and at San Jacinto Peak (9 inches snow). It is starting to turn to light sleet now as temperatures drop to near freezing. Prior to that Idyllwild (at 5550 ft) had received 1.04 inches of rain, with a little hail and sleet mixed in. New treefall hazards on Devils Slide Trail, South Ridge Trail, and Spitler Peak Trail, have all been reported. Heavy snow also possible in the Upper Midwest from a clipper system, and in the Northeast from a system moving through the area. Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 3.0 inches (storm total 3.0 inches). Spikes are expected to remain extremely useful over the next few weeks given the unpredictable weather. Live Streams. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 10 inches (was 12 inches on 9th), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 7-8 inches (photo above), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 3 inches (was 4 inches on 9th), Round Valley (9100 ft): was 4 inches on 9th, Annies Junction/approx. The highest probability of precipitation is early morning on Friday 2nd. Although good tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere. Spikes are recommended, especially for descending, as snow is icy and compacted. The snow continues unabated, although the pace has slowed somewhat in the past hour. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): 0-1 inch (was 3 inches on 9th). Temperatures will be below seasonal for December for at least the next week, with many days cloudy or at least partly cloudy. Wednesday. In addition to snowshoes, and as conditions change, spikes are strongly recommended for the foreseeable future everywhere above about 6000ft. Be prepared for trails above about 7500 ft (lower in places) obscured by moderate to deep snow, and even fresh tracks being erased by spindrift snow in places. The first storm overnight on Monday 28th may produce snow above 10,000 ft (forecasts have ranged from 0-16 inches), and very light snow near the elevation of Idyllwild preceded by a little rain. All have been reported to US Forest Service. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 9-10 inches (total 11-12 inches), Long Valley (8600 ft): 8 inches (8-9 inches), Saddle Junction/approx. Hikers who have an ice axe (and know how to use it) may find it useful in places on this short section of trail. In the days since the storm, we have also surveyed trails around Tahquitz Peak, South Ridge, Spitler Peak, and Deer Springs, among others. Currently the USFS gate at Humber Park remains open and the parking area has been largely plowed. This is a summary of conditions following the tenth and eleventh Pacific storms of winter 2022/23 to impact the San Jacinto range, that were basically a double atmospheric river event spread across 14th-17th January. The second system may be more substantial, with precipitation expected most of the day and night of Saturday 31st December into Sunday 1st January. no traction device) to 9000 ft on a lightly traveled and lumpy posthole track through thin icy snow. The Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail has a well-traveled track to follow throughout its length, snow cover is about 80%. A weather system, possibly in two waves across a broad time window between 2nd and 5th December, is currently forecast to produce light precipitation at all elevations, including a possible dusting of snow in the high country [update 1st December: no precipitation is now expected from these storms passing to the north of us]. Personally I would not currently venture above 9000 ft elevation without crampons (always with an ice axe) and snowshoes, due to the current complexity and challenges of the icy snow slopes above that elevation. Spikes will likely become more increasingly useful over the next few days and weeks as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. From near Miller Peak I put in a track up the East Ridge, rather than continuing on the Peak Trail round to Summit Junction. Use this relief map to navigate to mountain peaks in the area of Mount San Jacinto Peak. Currently, and increasingly as snow conditions change, spikes are strongly recommended for the foreseeable future everywhere above about 7000 ft, lower in places. As evident in the video, spikes are currently needed at least, and snowshoes would be ideal especially for sections that have not yet been traveled. From near Miller Peak I put in a track up the East Ridge, rather than continuing on the Peak Trail round to Summit Junction, but this track was being partially erased by spindrift within minutes. It stopped snowing at about 0800. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. Note that temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing are forecast for mid to upper elevations (at least >6000 ft) for the foreseeable future. UPDATE Thursday 29th December: I have uploaded a video from my hike to San Jacinto Peak this morning (available here on YouTube) where I enjoyed a minor snow storm. While many hundreds of hours of time and effort are volunteered every year, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to help cover modest operating costs. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through very thin icy snow above 7000 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). This information will be updated daily over the next week as details are changing significantly with every new forecast. . A few trees were cut by chainsaw at the far (Hidden Divide) end of the Forest Service section recently, presumably by a CCC or State Park crew. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): 0-1 inch (was 3 inches on 9th November), Devils Slide Trail at Humber Park (6550 ft): 0 inch (was 2.5 inches on 9th November), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0 inch (was <1 inch on 9th November). This is the second heaviest rainfall period in the past decade for Idyllwild (behind the almost unbeatable Great Valentines Day flood event of 2019, when we recorded 7.8 inches in just 20 hours!). . My track from last week largely followed the established route of the trail, especially below the Fuller Ridge junction, but higher up the track is much more direct in places. 10 inches on 9th), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 1-2 inches (was 4 inches on 9th), Annies Junction/approx. Temperatures will climb steadily this week and be well above seasonal for at least 21st-28th December. Snow cover is a patchy 20% from Strawberry Junction north for about 1.5 mile (roughly 8600 ft). Only 2.5 inches of snow fell at San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft) decreasing to 0.25 inch in upper Fern Valley (at approximately 6000 ft). San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 10-12 inches (12-14 inches on 12th December), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 9 inches (10-12 inches on 12th December), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 2-4 inches (7 inches on 12th December), Annies Junction/approx. Eventually with compaction of the trails caused by increasing hiker traffic and freeze/thaw cycles snowshoes may steadily become less useful, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel in the high country well into February. The freeze level again started very high at >9000 ft, with light rain falling in Long Valley (8600 ft) all morning. The cloud largely dissipated on my descent, affording some spectacular vistas. The total snow accumulation was ultimately very close to that forecast in the days immediately prior to the storm. The Trail Report has adopted Seven Pines Trail as a priority for maintenance work as the trail has had a disproportionate number of lost hiker rescues in the past decade. The Peak Trail still has about 90% cover of icy snow to San Jacinto Peak. As discussed above, additional light snowfall on 3rd and 5th January will further complicate the trail conditions. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. There was a further 0.5 inch dusting of snow above 8000 ft on Thursday 29th (as I describe in this video). I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent and ultimately kept on my Kahtoola microspikes until about 9000 ft, one mile north of Saddle Junction. Light or moderate rain is currently forecast daily at mid elevations (possibly totaling one inch in Idyllwild), with an uncertain possibility of light snow in the high country (<3 inches above 10,000 ft elevation). Even when the gate is closed there are nine legal parking spaces below the locked gate (which still require an Adventure Pass or equivalent to be displayed). Preview trail Humidity: 89%: Wind Speed: S 14 MPH: Barometer: NA: Dewpoint: 21F (-6C) Visibility: NA: Wind Chill: . Spikes will likely become increasingly useful over the next few days and weeks as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are closed for the season. While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to cover costs. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak has a well-traveled and level track to follow through the slowly melting inch of patchy icy snow (photo below from 30th November). Minor 0.5 inch dusting of snow above 8000 ft on Thursday 29th (, Moderate storm largely in the early hours of 1st January 2023 was the third significant snowfall of winter 2022/23 to impact the San Jacinto mountains. Spikes are recommended but not strictly essential depending upon your comfort level hiking on angled icy snow. The strange rollercoaster ride that has been winter 2022/23 so far will continue for the foreseeable future. Two new trees were down on the upper trail, unsurprising given the huge weight of ice from freezing rain plastered all over the trees. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak [checked 20th January] has no steps to follow through the steeply angled ice with overlying deep snow. Minor snow storm update 11th January 2023, Weather and trail update 27th December 2022, Moderate snow storm 11th-12th December 2022, Moderate snow storm 8th-9th November 2022. An excellent track is easy to follow to Little Round Valley. A photo of an avalanche taken by Joyce Schwartz Sunday and later shared by the Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit showed snow cascading down the north face of the mountains, sending multiple plumes into the air. Snowshoes are not advisable due to the angle of the icy snow. With storms accompanied by strong west winds, the slopes above about 9500 ft on the east flanks of San Jacinto and Jean peaks may develop a snow structure with minor to moderate avalanche risk by the weekend of 25th-26th (as last seen on these slopes in early 2017). The East Ridge Trail (from near Miller Peak to San Jacinto Peak) has a handful of tracks through the continuous snow, though none (including mine) accurately follow the trail route. South Ridge Road is clear of ice and snow. Average snow cover is 60%, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park. Many locations below 9000 ft had actually experienced a net loss of snow depth, as the (relatively) warm rain had melted and compacted the pre-existing snow, and so little new snow fell subsequently. Webcams. While snowfall accompanying the first of those storms may be light, perhaps 2-4 inches in Idyllwild and 4-6 inches in the high country, strong winds at the highest peaks are tentatively forecast to produce extremely cold windchill conditions, similar to 15th February (see below). The Caramba Trail from near Reeds Meadow through Laws Camp and on to Caramba, and the Cedar Trail from Willow Creek Trail to Laws, are described by the Forest Service as not maintained. The lower half of the trail should be largely clear of snow by the weekend. Some hikers may continue to find spikes useful for some of the minor icy patches but they are no longer required. Of those, 27 are in the 0.6 mile section between Willow Creek crossing and the State Park boundary. Long Valley (8600 ft) has added about two inches, where it continues to snow gently this morning. In general most hikers will likely prefer to use spikes at least for descending down to about 10,000 ft (or lower). 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