does alaric become headmaster again

Damon and Alaric attempt to find to stake when Alaric realizes that since he was the only one who had access to the stake, and only he knew its location, the culprit must be his alter ego (The Darkness), alarming Alaric and Damon as it could be used to possibly kill Damon's bloodline of vampires though the Original the bloodline originated (later revealed as Klaus') from. The Necromancer believes that it's perfect. Hope, however, corrects him. The girl wants to say goodbye to her father and Lizzie stops the spell. Caroline is visibly distracted by her encounter with Stefan, and Alaric tells her that they can pretend he doesn't exist; she remarks that she is fine, however. The rules of Limbo are funny and the Necromancer questions how they can hold and taste their milkshakes. Alaric suggests to Stefan that the only way to force his alter ego out of hiding is to threaten his life. Alaric is a human, vampire hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires as the Mikaelson Family is, but instead being turned through an altered version of the spell used on the Mikaelson family. Ben wants to find a way to atone for his mistakes, if that's even possible. Alaric questions why he did it, though all Ben can say is, he thinks, for love. After years of memory wipes and dashed football dreams courtesy of the Salvatore School, Ethan finally gets his wish to be special on Legacies. They see the van coming and Alaric waves to stop it. Their attempt fails as Jules could smell the wolfsbane, also confirming she was a werewolf. In The Story of My Life, he, Landon, and the Necromancer are given a new riddle by the sphinx. Ric reached for a dart gun but stopped when he realized it wouldn't do any good and let Rayna leave. In We All Knew This Day Was Coming, he, Dorian, and Kaleb are listening in on a dispatcher call, hoping that the human locals can find the missing students, though there's been no sign of them. He gave up everything, including his life, for it. They are in the woods similar to where Alaric trained Elena how to fight years prior. At the front gates of the school, as he is about to leave, he is confronted by Rafael, who asks what is to be Landon's fate. Stefan then grabs the bear form Damon's hands and kicks it as hard as he could, unveiling a cloaking spell on a house. Tearfully, Jo started to say her vows until she suddenly stops and gasps. At the end of the episode, Alaric gives Damon The Cure. This implies he has decided to take a more active role in Jeremy's and Elena's lives. She berates him, asking why he's even bothering with apologizing if he clearly doesn't think he's done anything wrong. He then called in MG again who compelled Landon to leave without a fuss. Hope recounts that witches lose their abilities to do magic when they complete their transition. Later, Hope and MG take matters with the Necromancer into their own hands. Cleo wants him to free her, but he believes that she's safer inside the cell where she can't be reached by the clown. Although disapproving, they keep going. It makes his job easy but believes him to be pathetic. She was so sick of her emotions controlling her and now she's finally free. Although not making an appearance, Alaric was mentioned multiple times in We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes. Confused and furious in equal measures, Alaric called the group again who informed him about the discovery of an arachne but his words of caution were ignored by the team who hung up on him. Using every opportunity possible, Kaleb and MG consult Alaric over what to do with Sebastian. He remembers what happened, but he believes that his life is flashing before his eyes. Jo sadly said goodbye to Lizzie and Josie, both of whom were inconsolable. When Kai tells Jo that he needs her magic, Alaric grabs his hand and threatens to break some bones and Kai then explains that if the leader of the Gemini Coven dies, the Prison Worlds collapses and Alaric then is shocked that there is more than one. He was also mentioned by Elena in Bring It On. The event was so traumatic that his mind repressed it. (possible) new principal at Mystic Falls High School and replaced by this new headmaster at the Salvatore School, Matt Davis said we may (or may not) reignite the high school rivalry and have another football game. In Since When Do You Speak Japanese?, Alaric has a discussion with Hope over what she revealed to Landon, as he left a post-it note on his desk asking for a meeting. Hope tells him that she will not transfer to the Salvatore school amid fears that Landon may still choose Josie after she tells him how she feels. With a large feeling of remorse, Alaric puts his position at the school to a vote in which the Honor Council will vote him to stay, or leave. Alaric admits that he doesn't remember anything that happened in the last few days. He leaves, grudgingly telling them that he will see them at the next meeting. Alaric deduced that Landon was hiding in an abandoned root cellar and sent Hope and Rafael to scout the area but not to engage Landon while he questioned the woman. Alaric reveals that they are running tests to determine if he is supernatural, and that the council will decide if he is allowed to stay once the results are found. Hope believes she wouldn't have to put them through any of this if she'd just become the tribrid. Alaric is relieved to find out his twins are alright. Struck by inspiration, Alaric then met with Landon and asked him to join in the mission to the human high school, reasoning that Landon would be an effective guide for the others, to which Landon eagerly agreed. Alaric finds himself in a past memory, a fabricated reality within Malivore as opposed to darkness. Dr. Alaric J. Alaric bets his life on Kaleb as his eyes turn orange, but Kaleb takes control, albeit temporarily. When Cassie returns from the dead due to the Necromancer, Alaric questions her along with Rafael over what she remembers. Dr. Alaric J. Saltzman is the main protagonist of Legacies. Marcel was surprised that Alaric was the occult expert that Elijah had told him was bringing the bone. He demands her to bury the dragon and that he'd meet her back at the car. He revealed that he'd been miserable ever since Elena was forced to leave, and told Ric that it was nice knowing him. Later, Hope sees that everyone is acting absurdly merry, and realizes that it is an effect of a monster. Matt tells him that he has 30 stitches in his side and all his friends are killers except him. He had just moved on to dunking it in a beaker of hydrochloric acid when Emma came into his office concerned as to why he continually skipped his therapy sessions with her and his overabundance of roles. She needs Alaric to do something for her. They found Oscar fighting Damon and while Bonnie kept him at bay with magic, Alaric shot him with vervain darts, successfully taking him prisoner. The reason Alaric helped Damon was because Damon told Alaric that Pearl could help with finding Isobel. Ben explains that Ken would attack Lizzie and she'd die. He has been monitoring all of the school's phones in his absence. Hope refuses to give an answer, just that she's working on it. Hope sends in Kaleb though Ben states that Ken would strike with lightning. When everyone was leaving the house Alaric couldn't because Bonnie put up a barrier so that he couldn't leave. No matter what he founded it for, the Salvatore School is a place for second chances, to not be perfect. The Hunter part of him tells him there's nothing he can do and his students will be wiped out, and he'll die. Kaleb wonders why he didn't tell him before, but Kaleb didn't need to know. Alaric reveals that Sebastian refused to follow the Salvatore School rules and therefore was a danger to society. Alaric and Hope investigate the bus themselves and the bus is littered with charred corpses. Jo's brother Kai appears before them with the dagger, having been disguised by a cloaking spell. Ben states that he'll make him regret all the things he's done today and for all the people that've died because of it. In that moment she loved him. In The New Deal, Alaric is at the Grill, reading his students' papers. She tries to start her own car without keys and Hope confronts her on leaving Landon again. However, Alaric and Caroline later learned that she was indeed pregnant and that the Gemini twins inside of her were just cloaked for protection. Jo and Alaric then talk and she tells him that she has no choice and he tells her she does, as it's her to give or not. Kaleb instructs him to leave, but Alaric refuses. Alaric assures her that they'll work on the god stuff but encourages her to talk to someone, even if it's not him. When they returned home from their trip, Alaric went to the hospital morgue and demanded to see Jo's body. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Damon visits Alaric in the hospital, playing around with all of the hospital equipment, Damon knows that Alaric is sorry for not being unable to uncompel Elena, but there is no way to undo it since Alaric is now a human. Unwilling to chase them for the time being, Alaric returned to the school with Hope, learning about the debacle at the football game and went to chastise his daughters. Elena mentioned Alaric again in Pictures of You. At the annual charity football game, Alaric leads the Timberwolves against the Salvatore Stallions, led by Professor Vardemus. Before he leaves, he tells them that if they die within his consciousness, it will severely damage their mind in the real world. Hope turns to MG, trying to sway him to her cause. She remembers it was the first time she noticed how sexy he was. Alaric is, and he has an old friend stopping by for some advice. He tells Hope that they must have known each other before, which she confirms. This upsets Hope who leaves the room momentarily. Jen denies that she can. The dryad says that she will help Alaric if he brings her love, Oliver, to her. Cleo didn't believe anyone would come for her, but they have. Later Alaric falls asleep and when he awakes his alter ego (referred to by Bonnie as The Darkness) is in complete control. Alaric agrees, and the two visit numerous bars in Mystic Falls. In their final conversation, she apologizes for everything she put him through and tells him that she will always love him just before she was forced to let Maddox kidnap him for Klaus. It's a lot, but he's here to make peace for both of their sakes. After Professor Vardemus is revealed to be a disguise used by Ryan Clarke, Alaric is reinstated in his role as Headmaster in This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent. Elena asks Alaric how he's handling coming back to life and being a vampire. He gets a blanket out and wraps it around Jo, to which she tells him to be careful and he drives his car up the border and gets out. They intend to use the Therapy Box, but Hope has beaten them to it and smashed the box with a hammer. Alaric then sighs and tells Enzo he has weapons in his apartment. When they arrive at a picturesque town, they are met by Triad Industries, who are also attempting to find the urn. The Necromancer makes them leave the crypt, telling them he needs time to concentrate to do the spell. And a rock with a birthdate carved into it that I'm pretty sure is wrong. He walks her back through meeting Damon on the bridge in Mystic Falls and changes it to meeting a stranger. Ben collapses to the floor dead, leaving Wade, MG, and Alaric surprised. After he took Jeremy to the airport, he meets Meredith at the Grill, who states that she has lost a patient. Dorian tells him to use his fingers. He tells her that the worst is when you have regret. Alaric decided to show her the morgue where Jo was kept and told her how he'd been paying them to keep her body longer than regulated. [3] "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries and Legacies. Hope argues with Alaric in his office, believing he's out of his mind. Alaric insists she is wrong, but tells Elena to stop when she cuts herself. Alaric is angry at the whole ordeal and blames Caroline for what has happened. Ric's not too enthused. Kaleb, however, is finished with the simulations. He also tells her that he is taking Elena and that, as her guardian, she can't stop him. In Founder's Day, after John Gilbert turned on the device, Stefan, Damon and Anna along with several other vampires were affected and when Stefan was spotted, Alaric sent a deputy towards another vampire instead of Stefan, saving his life. Before they left, Alaric told them that he studied the Lockwood's records thoroughly and found another pack name, Del Robles. Alaric finds Matt out on the back patio drinking straight from the bottle of liquor he stole. However, as they fight, Elena dies when Rebekah forces Matt to drive off the road and into the river. Alaric and Stefan block one route to Mystic Falls, Elena and Caroline block the other. Alaric told him it was hard to find Stefan since reports were popping up all over of people being attacked. Alaric notes that she wasn't on the board, but it's good that she's awake now. His death turns Lizzie back to their side and she attacks and kills Aurora in a rage. The meal and spell was a stall. He had to do what he did to protect them and bears no hard feelings. I know Alaric has some vendetta aganist the mikaelson family, a reasonable one so I get it.But Cleo tried to kill Hope there is no reason that Alaric hasn't called Hope's Family to tell her some crazy Muse tried to kill their niece even if they got everything sorted out, Hope still could've been murdered on top of that with her losing control of

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