psalm 73 sermon illustration

Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Just like Asaph, bring your doubts to the Lord, and let Him show you in His word that although it may not look like it now, it is going to end better if youll hang in there, and learn the lesson of the man who almost gave up his faith. In either case, questioning and doubts are not virtues, as some have suggested.60 Ultimately, the truth is that continuous questioning and doubt destroys human relationships. Charles Haddon . The speaker of Psalm 73 admits that he was envious. Psalm 73:28. Sooner womens coach Sherri Coale was dejected at the press conference after the game. You certainly don't welcome it. Clarke's Commentary. That rich man lived in luxury, and wouldnt even give the crumbs from his table to poor Lazarus; and there was that poor man, covered with sores, starving. The third word we need to see became a private obsession for this worship leader: it was the prosperity these God-rejecters enjoyed. This God-inspired worship leader is ready to walk away. In fact, he was a worship leader. Clear Scripture Filters. Anger/Bitterness (Tie) Materialism You're going about your business, and a whale explodes. They are healthy (vs. 4) and experience no trouble (amal), nor are they plagued (vs. 5). But her sophomore year, she suffered a knee injury that took her out for some time. Self-centeredness But before he relates his personal experience (vv. Still others assert that it is a wisdom psalm, similar to Psalm 49. well researched. 15-16), After this passionate protest the speaker switches audience and addresses God for the first time. Two weeks later, on January 29, authorities decided to truck the dead whale to a laboratory where they could do an autopsy. There is no record that God ever rebuffs Job for being honest. Sermon Central Share a Sermon; Try PRO Free; Help . The envy he had of the wicked was like blinders to his eyes. He says, God showed me that what I am seeing around me NOW, is NOT how this story is going to end: He says in :18-20 Surely You set them in slippery places; You cast them down to destruction. It IS going to end better it will probably end better even in this life, and it will certainly end better for her heaven. Who did something unfair to you at work? *Indicated Required Field See ourPrivacy Policy. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! They make sure the cameras are clicking and the interviewers are there to fawn over them. Psalm 24 Back On The Farm. He says in :16 that all of this WAS troublesome in my sight UNTIL I came into the sanctuary of God. Apparently he ignored the sound advice from Proverbs 23:17 (Do not let your heart envy sinners but always continue in the fear of the Lord). Asaph had let envy in the door, and now it colored everything he saw. Your family. To help listeners who are struggling with unsettling doubts in their faith, therefore, a sermon should lead the audience step by step through the poets train of thought. For all the day long I have been stricken and rebuked every morning" ( Psalms 73:13-14 ). Im sitting on the couchwith my eyes closedattempting to nap. If Asaph had lived our century instead of his own, he might have been looking at the life of Hugh Hefner. He is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. They enjoy their sin for a time, perhaps from a human perspective for a lifetime. Psalm 73 tells the story of a godly man who felt his faith slipping away. God, I was like an animal. That's right, it blew up. o ^Like Psalms 37 and 49, this psalm is a wisdom psalm, designed to instruct the . ", Building Your Life On The Rock (Matthew 7:24-27 sermon), "This Is My Story: The Woman At The Well" (John 4:1-42 sermon), "The Greatest Verse in the Bible?" He was, I believe, a godly man during the time of his personal struggle. Thank you so much for that blessing Peter! "It is good for me to draw near to God.". Its the same thing with our daily Bible reading. He's not thinking about tomorrow. Although the text of verses 4, 7 and 10 is uncertain,20 the general picture is clear. He tells it all in v. 13: Did I purify my heart and wash my hands in innocence for nothing? Why pray, when I pray these same prayer requests day after day, but it doesnt seem like they are being answered? But because there is an eternity, what happens in this life is not even a speck on the timeline of eternity, and we know that things will be different there. WHEN a man is sick, everybody knows what is good for him. So make the visit that Asaph made; put yourself in the place where God can speak to you about the issues of your life: be faithful in your church attendance; be faithful in your daily Bible reading. In v. 12-14, Asaph's envy had so taken his heart that he was fed up with living a godly life. He says, there are wicked people in the world, whom you would THINK God would be punishing, but instead they are not only not being punished, they are succeeding; they are prospering. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. But heres the thing: what if they hadnt been here to hear that word? 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most, In a recent survey in Discipleship Journal Magazine, readers reported that their greatest spiritual challenges came from Psalm 73 moves from radical doubt to a robust reaffirmation of faith. And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. The opening statement that God is good to Israel, for example, recalls Psalm 34:8. What happened to him, and what he saw happening around him, raised questions that caused him to give up his faith. III. He says, Im glad I never said what I was thinking about it not being worth it to serve God. He just couldnt figure it out. For example, the Hebrew word ak, translated as surely in the NIV, begins the poem in verse 1 and is repeated at significant turning points, namely, verses 13 and 18.10 Similarly, the fourfold repetition of the emphatic Hebrew phrase weani (And [or: but] I) in verses 2, 22, 23 and 28 marks important phases in the resolution of the poets haunting problem. I tripping over something that just doesn't make sense! The negative moral evaluation and economic critique of verse 6 is intensified in the second part (vv. According to Psalm 1:6b, the way of the wicked self-destructs. How the Psalms Speak to All of Our Emotions Dane C. Ortlund. 8. It should be noted that the psalmists sobering moment begins, not in isolation, but as a member of a larger community to which he is accountable.26. While CHICKEN LITTLE was hit in the head by a piece The Psalms, maybe more than any other part of the Bible, help us to explore the depths of our hearts. Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! 9. Such a condition is contrary to the basic belief that God rewards the good with good. It is just like Psalm 73 says: You have set them in slippery places How they are destroyed in a moment.. ( Psalm 73:1-3) The contradiction between the goodness of God and the prosperity of the wicked. or why have I looked for sympathy but there was none. (Psalm 69:20) HINT: Since there are such a large number of resources on this page (>10,000 links) you might consider beginning with the more recent commentaries that briefly discuss all 150 Psalms . God, I'm getting a raw deal! He starts out saying, "God is indeed good to Israel, to the pure at heart. It has all turned around, so suddenly. In fact, their existence is as insubstantial as a dreamhere today, gone tomorrow (cf. (This is) a psalm of *Asaph. 3. For I have been stricken all day long, and chastened every morning., Asaph says, look at these wicked people, who mock God, who do wicked things to other people. The closing verses (vv. In the midst of suffering believers often feel cheated and begin to question and doubt God's goodness. This wonderful psalm may be best understood by the . And yet Hugh Hefner lived in a $200 million mansion, and lived to the ripe old age of 91! There are a million of these kinds of questions. Surely You place them on slippery ground; You cast them down to ruin. The affirmation of verse 24a as it has been translated by the NIV has been of great comfort to believers in their suffering. But she had great character; she worked hard and came back, and was an inspiration to many. One of the best known memoirs of the Holocaust is Night by Elie Wiesel. 2-3; vv. Assembly Of God. He could see both God's judgment of sin as well as God's solution offered to sinners. Four promises from God in this passage: 1. Close Filters Scripture . Psalm 145:18 adds that "the Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth." Her senior year she was having a great season, when in the first half of a game, she blew out her knee again, ending her career at OU. Traffic was brought to a halt for hours. However, a bad illustration can distract and confuse if the listener. And they show us that we can be HONEST with God; we dont have to hide in some kind of fake spirituality and hold any of our questions back from Him. 8-Week Series for Lent. What is worse, according to verse 11, the wicked are very cavalier about God. We'll see that they don't necessarily sync up very well. All he could only see their immediate pleasure. See, what we have to remember is that this life is not all there is. He's Where the Joy Is by Tara-Leigh Cobble, Black Church Leadership & Family Conference. Sometimes questioning and doubt is due to sin. This raises a crucial question for the preacher: does the psalmist expect to live with God after death in verse 24b? The connection with Psalm 24:4 suggests that functionally verse 1 is not a proverbial statement,16 nor exactly a brief reiteration of the torah piety of Psalm 1,17 but, instead, an asseveration of Gods justice that is formally similar to Psalms 25:8 and 92:15 (cf. And then it happened. CSB Experiencing God Bible, Hardcover, Jacketed. To begin with, the inverse repetition of the adjective good with God in the opening and closing verses (vv. Why do good people suffering, and wicked people prosper? 1:18-24 sermon), "Following Jesus" (Matthew 4:18-22 sermon), "How To Seek The Lord" (Isaiah 55:6-7 sermon), "The Purpose of God's Blessings" (Psalm 67 sermon), "The Importance of Forgiving Others" (Matthew 6:14-15 sermon), Teacher's Overview of Lifeway's "Explore the Bible" lesson: John 11:32-46, "I AM The Resurrection", "The Disciple's Character" series (Beatitudes Mt. Everything changed. surely in vain I have kept my hands pure like Asaph here in Psalm 73, Our culture in America is uniquely designed to create inevitable comparison and inevitable dissatisfaction. Envy Laziness ", Can you connect with any of these feelings? And that lead him to the fourth word we need to see in v. 3: envy. He didn't pretend everything was okay. Or: I have always tried to do the right thing, and not drink, or smoke, or do drugs, but I have all these health problems; while people I know who dont care, but go and do whatever they want are totally healthy and able-bodied. 24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. read more, Scripture: They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. What caused Asaph to almost lose his faith, and what brought him out of it and how can this help those of us today, who might have some questions like he did? A key step in this process, of course, is to make the audience aware of the presence of Gods hand in their lives. This statement represents his settled conviction after the trouble he recounts in the Psalm. How they are destroyed in a moment! Why do I serve in ministry, week after week, but it doesnt seem like it is doing any good, and no one is responding or changing? They do not deny Gods existence. v2 But (this is what happened) to me. Your Emotions Matter to God Learning from the Bible's Songbook. Arrogant refers to people who make sure people notice them and what they have. Asaph's Envy of the Wicked (vv. v1 I am sure that God is good to (the people of) Israel, to the people whose hearts are clean. So dont turn away from God in your questions and times of difficulty, turn TO Him. Battling the Unbelief of Despondency. So they say: Dont be on the wrong side of history.. To not be senseless and ignorant; like a beast before (God) as Asaph says in :22; To believe that it WILL end better for those who trust in the Lord and do good., You often hear people today say: Dont be on the wrong side of history. We hear that a lot from people today who believe that God and the Bible and fading away into history, and the future holds only the triumph of godless values. He didnt understand what was happening to him: Pedestrians and shop owners poured into the streets to watch the spectacle of a whale carcass driven through the streets of downtown Tainan. But based on its strong affirmations of trust (Psalms 73:1; Psalms 73:17-20; Psalms 73:23-28), it can also be classified as a psalm of trust." [Note: Bullock, p. When I read that story I wrote an article and sent it to the Oklahoma Baptist Messenger, which basically said that because Whitney Hand knows Jesus as her Lord & Savior, that that wasnt the end of the story for her. There is a lesson we know as YOUNG CHICKEN LITTLE I have read how YOUNG CHICKEN LITTLE throws his whole small town into a great panic CHICKEN LITTLE CLAIMED THE SKY WAS FALLING IN This must be the end of the world. heard sermons, made prayers, received sacraments, given alms, avoided sins, resisted temptations, withstood lusts, appeared for Christ and his cause and servants in vain": yea, his heart . Job was a righteous man who lost all his children, his possessions, and his health. We do things that brought regret and heartache because we didn't stop to consider the consequences of our words and choices. Two of the words refer to the people he had been tracking. :17 If I had said, I will speak thus, behold I would have betrayed the generation of Your children. The reference to the phrase pure of heart and the act of washing ones hands in innocence in verse 13 suggests a connection between Psalm 73 and the psalms of temple entry.32 In any case, following the suggestion of Marvin E. Tate, entry into the temple provides a dramatic threefold correction of the poets envy blurred vision.33, 1. Psalm 73:28, Tags: In fact, in rather strong language, he acknowledges that he behaved as a brute beast38 with God. So when Asaph got this revelation from God, he said Oh, Ive been so foolish. He said in :22, I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You, God. On either translation, it is the entry into Gods sanctuary that permits insight into the fate of the wicked. It wasnt right. Then he asked in 13:24 Why do You hide Your face and consider me Your enemy? Asaph might have looked at Hugh Hefner and said, Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure, and washed my hands in innocence. Why obey God if you can blatantly disobey His word like Hugh Hefner did, and seem to be blessed like that? The first correction concerns the fate of the wicked in verses 18-20, which is introduced with the emphatic particle surely. In somber language he describes at length what was already introduced in summary fashion in Psalm 1:6b.34 Unlike Psalm 1:6b, however, God is directly involved in their destruction. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. II. Denomination: Christian Missionary Alliance Thats the message of Psalm 73. We dont know why; its not our place to guess or even speculate. (1 John 2:17) God completely controls their destiny, not them. In v. 4-12, he breaks down what he had observed. Psalm 73. And is there knowledge with the Most High? He says these people are basically spitting at God and getting away with it! As men despise their dreams when they awake from them, so, when God "stirs up himself and awakes to judgment" ( Psalms 35:23 ), he will despise such mere semblances of humanity ( Psalms 39:6) as the wicked are. 3 For I was envious of the . In the midst of suffering believers often feel cheated and begin to question and doubt Gods goodness. Asaph was eaten up with it. Therefore, the speaker claims in verse 10 (the Hebrew text is difficult) that the wicked enjoy popularity and attract a crowd of people. You are an awesome preacher! But on the other hand, HE, who was trying to obey God and do what is right, has been stricken all day long, and chastened every morning.. Asaph, the author, is the choir leader, whose occupation placed him in constant contact with the people of Israel, and with the sanctuary of God, the temple. (616) 526-6088, On the campus of Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, See our related website, Zeteo Preaching and Worship. There may be times when it seems to be going that way and it looks like that a lot in America today but the Bible says it will not end there. Why We Need the Psalms of Lament Dane C. Ortlund. Commentaries, Sermons, Illustrations, Devotionals. They live longer, play more, and get away with everything. Here is where Asaph's perspective is expanded. An important step in this process is the recognition of the psalmists strident critique of the economic underpinnings of society in verses 4-11. Psalms 73:25-26. BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY: "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever," ( Psalm 73:26). He opens it with a truth: Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But then he begins to tell his own personal testimony in :2, But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling. He says God is good; I know that but I came close to stumbling (in the Bible stumbling means to be lost; to give up the faith. Lying Even though these words were written 3000 years ago, they might as well have been written today. In addition to the important connections between Psalm 73 and Psalms 1 and 2, Psalm 73 also shares important themes with Psalm 34. God is NOT insane; it IS worth it to serve Him, literally no matter what the cost. Sometimes it changes suddenly during our lives here on earth like it did for Harvey Weinstein. They are arrogant and wicked, he said. So what good is it to be a believer? Dont give up your faith. The thing about these questions is that they are usually based on our circumstances on what we see happening around us and to us but what we have to learn is that these circumstances dont show us the whole picture. It's remarkable how inefficient these actions are. These subdivisions will be used in our exposition. AOL News (1-29-04); see also BBC News The admission that his feet almost slipped suggests that perhaps the law of God was not in his heart (Ps 37:30). a. 1. In the next stretch of Psalms we only have one attributed to King David and this isn't it. As long as Asaph tried to reason his way out of his troubled perception apart from God, he would hit his head against the wall. 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