MJ use is 3 years ago, youthful experimentation, and should not be a factor as it is more than 12 months prior and your age. Marshals Service Hit by Latest Security Breach, Compromising Sensitive Information, PSAB: Labor Foreman/ Escort (Secret Clearance), PSAB: Food Services Lead (Secret Clearance). Was nothing like that at all, he was for all intents and purposes a stalker in my life and we were never in a long/serious relationship to begin with. And yet, there is a 4th door which instills much hope -- specifically, the wording of what Mr. Golden has to say both in FORM & SUBSTANCE. Press J to jump to the feed. Top-secret status is described as having access to information that unauthorized disclosure could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security. My now EX-wife slapped me with one of the damn things back at the end of August in 2012. The agency uses the applicants information to conduct a background investigation. - There has to be a way for the candidate to appeal his case. In either scenario you might be wondering, Do restraining orders impact security clearances and background checks?. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rob V. is the founder of OperationMilitaryKids.org. Accept some type of benefits from another country. At its core, a restraining order prevents the restrained party from communicating, contacting, or coming within a specified distance of a person. Your timeline should contain examples of the other party's unstable behavior, alcohol or drub abuse, violent behavior, or threats of violence. Again, these are examples and may not result in the decline of an interim eligibility if there are factors that mitigate the concerns. You want to reflect that you have good discretion and judgment when it comes to sex. The major steps involved with receiving and maintaining a security clearance are: PRE-INVESTIGATION. Can Flavor Flav Sue The Sanders Campaign For Promoting a Public Enemy Performance? The key descriptor you are aiming for is reasonable.. Foreign Preference. He is the attorney of record for over 3,000 U.S. trademark registrations. Restraining orders can be requested without . (You can also email my office at [emailprotected] . After it is determined you need some form of military clearance, like secret security clearance, the government has you fill out a Security Clearance Background Investigation Questionnaire. Which is particularly awesome, and inspiring, to me. The stay-away provisions of the Civil Protection Order can order the Respondent to stay away from a Petitioner's home, vehicle, work, the children's school or child care, and any other relevant place, and can also require limited or no communication between the Respondent and the Petitioner. Under Mississippi law, "abuse" means the occurrence of one or more of the following acts between spouses, former spouses, persons living as spouses or who formerly lived as spouses, persons having a child in common, other relatives who live together or formerly lived together or between . Interview questions range from what you like to do for fun to job history and family. Possibly you are looking to enter the military, or you are exiting the military and looking for a job that requires a security clearance. These situations could create the potential for foreign influence that could result in the compromise of classified information. Glad to know Ill have the opportunity to explain rather than be removed completely. An email also does not retain my office, but can help you get an appointment set if you prefer not to call). These 12 will automatically disqualify you from obtaining a clearance, which can affect your job prospects. Take the high road with your Ex from now on. Anything where your name may pop up in a court check, I recommend listing. Outside activities. All civil actions in the last 10 years (regardless of age) need to be reported. However, when the person is in your family, you should file a family violence protective order. Below are real-world examples of how restraining orders can affect your traveling rights: Back to Top. 13. A security risk may exist when an individual's immediate family, including cohabitants, and other persons to whom he or she may be bound by affection, influence, or obligation are not citizens of. Absent other issues, I wouldn't see this as something that would keep you from final clearance, but it would make it harder to get interim and depending on other behavior could be used to establish a pattern. My security clearance was still intact but I was kicked off anyway. Are Negligence and Recklessness the Same Thing? Can a Restraining Order Affect Your Security Clearance? Have foreign citizenship to protect financial or business interests in another land. 2- The stupidity of some of the people making the decision of granting you a clearance. The DOD may also study those who you share living quarters with along with relatives or associates with connections to any foreign government. If a person has a permanent restraining order against them that is related to domestic violence, that person will not be able to own, possess, or control a firearm, gun or rifle. According to a Washington Post article, some of these clearance holders have used their special access as a security clearance holder to intimidate, control, or prevent their spouses from reporting domestic violence issues to authorities, or from seeking outside help. 10,701 satisfied customers. Eche is based in Brooklyn in New York City. The San Diego Restraining Order Attorney has prepared this guide discussing instances that warrant a permanent restraining order and the process of getting one. Speak to the past restraining order with the BI and include a paragraph in reference to him if he was a past cohabitant. Phone calls. I wont belabor the details of these (yes, real) cases other than to simply say this: context matters. Conduct involving questionable judgment, untrustworthiness, unreliability, lack of candor, dishonesty or unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations could indicate that the person may not properly safeguard classified information. If your husband currently maintains a Top Secret/SCI clearance he may in fact loose it. Great lesson on security clearances, Bill on how to maintain or lose them. In the event an individual is facing foreclosure, repossession of a automobile, collection notices or lawsuits . Salaried and I believe is at will. But always best IMHO to be the one telling the BI person about it. My concern; Will this order cause me to loose my chances at a secret clearance? Noncompliance with rules, procedures, guidelines or regulations pertaining to information technology systems may raise security concerns about an individuals trustworthiness, willingness, and ability to properly protect classified systems, networks, and information. If you initiated the civil action Ed, I would say yes. My initial reaction was that the answer is almost definitely no, but the question managed to spark my curiosity about the idea of the filing of a restraining order impacting a persons security clearance. Excessive alcohol consumption often leads to the exercise of questionable judgment, unreliability, failure to control impulses, and increases the risk of unauthorized disclosure of classified information due to carelessness. Yes, this may affect his security clearance. But, if this is a military protective order, and the command is actively investigating the physical and mental abuse then his career is absolutely in jeopardy. In-Person Contact Out of State I combed through all of these decisions from the past five years to learn how restraining/protective orders are handled. . 7. Foreign influence. Example: information that suggests that an individual has a condition or treatment that may indicate a defect in judgment, reliability or stability. Sometimes even the restraining order holder can appear to be an agitator. If that offense was a felony or resulted in conviction, it must be listed on the SF-86 no matter how old. The most basic (Secret Background Investigation) SBI wi. As a result, military personnel are usually chaptered out of the military because they are not allowed to use a weapon. Or what about a case where the restrained party is a spouse accused of attacking the other spouse after discovering infidelity? Driving under the influence, alcohol-related fights, child or spouse abuse, or criminal incidents related to alcohol use all get studied. The government might ask more questions if: Basically any duties that might serve in the conflict of the interests of the U.S. government may disqualify you from security clearance. Real answers from licensed attorneys. If you have been a victim of physical abuse or threatened abuse, you may be able to get a restraining order under the Oregon Family Abuse Prevention Act. Attorney Sean M. Bigley represents clients worldwide in security clearance denials, revocations, and the security clearance application process. Doctoral Degree. It simply depends on whether the event is firmly in the past and how bad the conduct was. A Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) is a civil court order that is signed by a judge and tells your abuser to stop the abuse or face serious legal consequences. You need to speak with an attorney. Not all of the above examples will result in the decline of an interim eligibility. The difference is the government studies any evidence of dual citizenship which might conflict with your duties of having a security clearance. A sheriff's deputy is generally assigned by the court to serve the opposite party. Be civil or dont correspond at all. Restraining orders that are entered in New Mexico can impact security clearances. This article is intended as general information only and should not be construed as legal advice. Valuing a Trademark: How Much Is A Trademark Worth? I found that every year, there are a handful of cases where restraining orders are mentioned as a factor in the decision. Alcohol-related incidents at work, such as reporting to the place of employment intoxicated or impaired, reflect poorly on a record. You might not see how your financial history ties into serving the military yet the government considers a track record of not meeting financial obligations as irresponsible and untrustworthy. In some states, that could be considered a crime. Injunctions can affect your ability to get a secret or top-secret security clearance for federal government jobs. Many organizations look at filing for bankruptcy as a responsible way to address other troubling financial issues, so it might make it easier for you to qualify. Trademark Renewal Timeline: How Often Do You Have To Renew? Mike. However the order existed I followed it and did NOT violate it in any way. I notified the military of his actions, but I was fearful of what he would do if he found out so I filed for a protective order and for support. An individual who is financially overextended is at risk of having to engage in illegal acts to generate funds. A restraining order or protective order, is an order used by a court to protect a person in a situation involving alleged domestic violence, child abuse, assault, harassment, stalking, or sexual assault.. However, it can have serious implications and negatively impact the security clearance process. Restraining orders can affect your life in many ways you might not have even imagined. Improper or illegal involvement with drugs raises questions regarding an individuals willingness or ability to protect classified information. Unfortunately, it is also a reality that some security clearance holders are forced to confront. A criminal background check will get in the way of some jobs, though. Bill, I am afraid there is much more to it than that. Possibly record threatening or abusive conversations. This does not put you on any promotional mailing list, nor the main JPG Legal mailing list. Confidential security clearance disqualifiers include careful examinations of the following: A periodic reinvestigation (PR) into your character and record is required every 15 years for confidential security clearance. Related Article 20 Health Conditions That May Disqualify You From Military. Just because you have been arrested and charged with DUI does not mean you will lose or fail to obtain your clearance. However, it will be recorded both by the police and in court records, if you fall foul of the law in the future, a past restraining order can be used as evidence against you in court. Included with each guideline is an example of concerns that might prevent an adjudicator from issuing an interim eligibility. While not everyone in the military is required to have a security clearance, it helps to know the process. Before becoming a trademark attorney, he was known for owning ClintonKaine.com and hosting his comics there during the 2016 election, before selling the domain. Michael Tanner, SAPPC, SFPC, ISOC, PSC, LPQ. Does a Restraining Order Affect Your Credit Yes, it will and you'll most likely have trouble applying for a loan or credit. Reasons for Restraining Orders Am I supposed to report this? For the most part, the DOD wants to confirm that you were not dishonest when filling out your security clearance questionnaire. 2. These disorders are of security concern because they may indicate a defect in judgment, reliability or stability. Being abusive in the court's eyes means you are a danger to your child and cannot provide a stable environment. This blog post is about restraining orders, also known in some states asorders of protection orprotective orders. My husband recently abandoned our home because he was having an affair. An SSBI investigation checks records held by employers, courts, and rental offices. An incident report is a report submitted to the agency notifying it of a developed circumstance which could affect your continued eligibility to hold a security clearance. The alcohol issues if it required counselings or arrests will come up. The investigation wants to check your paper trail and interview employers, coworkers, neighbors, associates, and acquaintances to make sure you are an upstanding citizen. Living in Los Angeles, the term restraining order is often bandied about in the context of celebrities: Celebrity A Gets Restraining Order Against Stalker or Celebrity B Gets Restraining Order Against Aggressive Paparazzo. The tabloids are only too eager to breathlessly report about the latest court filing. Restraining and personal protection order laws vary from one jurisdiction to another but all establish who can file for an order, what protection or relief a person can get from such an order . Your email address will not be published. In 2019, JPG Legal was ranked the #16 law firm in the United States by number of federal trademark applications filed. Restraining orders are issued by a court and are intended to keep one person, the "restrained party," away from another, the "protected party," due to a threat of harassment or abuse posed by the restrained party. ADJUDICATION. For example, if your job would require you to carry a firearm or get a security clearance, a . Nothing in my answer should be considered as tax-advice. If that offense was a felony or resulted in conviction, it must be listed on the SF-86 - no matter how old. Many many good people, who have served this country with sweat and blood, are today unemployed because of stupid bureaucracy based on fallacies. Not to mention the many people working for the government today and who hate this country! These are rulings made by administrative judges in cases where the background investigators werent sure what to do, and in cases where rejected applicants have appealed their decisions. Your personal record is scrutinized more than confidential clearance yet not as thoroughly as top-secret clearance. A temporary order can contain anything that the judge thinks is necessary to protect you from domestic abuse, including temporary custody or visitation orders. Eche is married to Stephanie Eche, an artist and creative consultant. On the day of your hearing, you have the option of requesting a permanent order. Troops beware: New security clearance rules could bite you. Why? Laws surrounding a restraining order can differ from one jurisdiction to another. There were zero cases where a person was in danger of being denied because they had filed a restraining order. Periodic reinvestigations (PR) are required every 10 years for the secret level. Any applicants with immediate family members or a person to whom the individual has close ties of affection or obligation AND is a resident or present in a foreign country might serve as a national security threat. Drug involvement. Why Are Dead Presidents the Only Dead People with Trademark Protections. During this step, the agency determines if an employee or contractor requires access to classified information to complete his or her duties. Example: multiple security violations. A Department of Defense military security clearance investigation examines your character, conduct, criminal background, financial responsibility, and emotional stability. 9. Handling protected information. This list will only tell you when our guide becomes available. I do security clearance cases. Will this harm his military career or his security clearance? The MOS you select determines what type (if any) military security clearance you need for the specialty. If granted a TRO can issue the same day that it is filed and can be sent to the military member's command within 24-48 hours. #2. By looking at security clearance adjudication decisions at the website of the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). Thanks for the response! He is a former investigator for the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (then-U.S. Office of Personnel Management). 6. Dishonorable discharge from the military. Just the filing of such an order can potentially affect an individual's security clearance. Rather, it is the conduct your conduct that is at issue, as is the company you keep. Answer (1 of 4): It depends on what type of background check and what company or agency or entity of the local, regional, state and federal government. Phone *. When an individual acts in such a way as to indicate a preference for a foreign country over the United States, then he or she may be prone to provide information or make decisions that are harmful to the interests of the United States. Having to engage in illegal acts to generate funds list will only tell you our... An agitator acts to generate funds past five years to learn how restraining/protective are. 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